Sigh. Daily probs

I only got two weeks before the end of my high school life.

Thus, this prob happened.

My boyfriend and I were arguing about college.

being a possessive, clingy n easily jelly type (but still cute n handsome) he is, he doesnt want to apart  from me.

But both of us have diff dream universities.

N im certainly okay to be apart  from him.

I would never ever ditch my dream.

N im sure that we'll break  up after  high school.

After all, he would find lots of pretty women out there. Tho the thought actually sadden  to me, who am I to protest anw once he's bored of me?

So tell me what should I do?



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I think, you should follow your dream and your heart. You're still young, go make yourself proud! Don't live in regret!
how many remaining papers of yours? tomorrow is my last paper yayyyy hehe
I think you should definately go for your dreams . Also I think its not healthy to spent too much time together that you cant do what you want ? If he love you then he should be strong enough to endured long distance relation. Love is love but love shouldnt be in the way for you to achieve your dreams ..