Never Ending Doctor Appointments

I just got discharged from the Day Surgery Unit 5 hours ago and now I'm back home resting. It's funny how I woke up from my sedation right after I was transferred to the recovery unit and couldn't sleep anymore. The nurse was so surprised to see me being awake so soon because all the other patients in the unit were sleeping soundly. xD

The doctor came to see me after I was removed from the monitoring equipment. It was a relief to hear that there weren't any ulcers or bacteria in my gut. Except my sphincter muscle (think of it as a heart valve that prevents backflow of blood except this is to prevent backflow of stomach acid and food into the throat) was loose and my stomach acid was pouring out like a river, causing acid reflux. I'm now on medication to lessen the production of stomach acid and lessen the activeness of the gut. So I think there shouldn't be a problem unless the doc says otherwise next Wednesday.

I met with my electrophysiologist yesterday and he recommended that I do electrophysiology study to see if there are any extra electrical pathways or nodes that caused my arrhythmia and said my cardiologist and it's not entirely the fault on whether I'm active at sports or not. He also said some people are born with an extra node which doesn't cause a problem until later years. My dad is so damn disappointed at me for having so many problems (more or less what he told my mom on the phone). The test is fricking expensive and I have to stay overnight at the hospital to make sure the catheter entry site is no longer bleeding. I'm very terrified of it right now but I still have to pass my urine and echo results to the doctor to verify if my arrhythmia is caused by my adrenaline or my heart has something wrong with the structure.

I also had a blood test today to double check whether I'm thalassemic or not. This is pretty scary because no one in my family has thalassemia and this condition is only passed on through genetics. =_=|||

I still don't understand why my dad is so disappointed because of something I don't have any control over. I know money is an issue but hell, getting disappointed in me because of my bad health/genetics is blantantly ridiculous.


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I think your dad dont mean it that way. Every parents love their children . Also its definately not your fault as well . No one want to get sick .He's just worried about the bills . Medical expenses is not cheap and its really hard to make money .. Once you go out and work for other people you will realized the reality of life