#SUPREME : Midong is the pretty rapstar

< supreme's pretty rapstar >
BIRTHNAME: Bak Dongmi.
BIRTHDAY: January 9, 1995
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN: Taebaek, South Korea + Seoul, South Korea
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 166 cm and 49 kg
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Bold, Original, Perceptive, Direct, Quick Thinker, Self-Confident, Strong-Willed
Stubborn and Dominant, Intolerant, Impatient, Insensitive

Bold – Dongmi is full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for her than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
Original – Having little attachment to tradition, Dongmi is able to discard existing systems and methods and pull together disparate ideas from her extensive knowledge base, with a little raw creativity to hold her together, to formulate bold new ideas. If presented with chronic, systemic problems and given rein to solve them, she respond with unabashed glee.
Perceptive – This originality is helped by Dongmi's' ability to notice when things change – and when she needs to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to her, and she uses these observations to help create connections with others.
Direct – This perceptive skill isn't used for mind games – Doyeong prefers to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.
Quick Thinker – Doyeong has tremendously flexible minds, and are able to shift from idea to idea without effort, drawing on her accumulated knowledge to prove her points.
Self-Confident – Doyeong couldn't do this if she was plagued by self-doubt – she trusts her abilities, make known her opinions, and believe in her capacities as leaders.
Strong-Willed – Nor does she give up when the going gets tough – Doyeong strives to achieve her goals, but really nothing is quite as satisfying to her as rising to the challenge of each obstacle in her run to the finish line.

Stubborn and Dominant – Sometimes all this confidence and willpower can go too far, and Dongmi is all too capable of digging in her heels, trying to win every single debate and pushing her vision, and hers alone.
Intolerant – "It's my way or the highway" – Dongmi is incredibly unsupportive of any idea that distracts from her primary goals, and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. She won't hesitate a second to make that fact clear to those around her.
Impatient – Some people need more time to think than others, an intolerable delay to quick-thinking Dongmi. She may misinterpret contemplation as stupidity or disinterest in her haste, a terrible mistake to make.
Insensitive – Being so rational, Dongmi often misjudges others feelings and push her debates well past others' tolerance levels. She doesn't really consider emotional points to be valid in such debates either, which magnifies the issue tremendously.

BACKGROUND: Dongmi never liked living in Taebak. She hated it, for as long as she has remembered. Its not like its a bad city, she just hated it. Her entire youth she made plans of getting into a college in Seoul so she could leave. 
When she was young she dreamed of being something big and important like a doctor or lawyer but the more she grew the more her light dimmed. She started seeing the reality and the darkenss in the world. That hope to be something big and important slowly died and she developed a new dream. She was going to be herself no matter what everyone wanted. 
By the age of fifteen Dongmi had made that decsion and set out to find herself. She was the young person that adults would go out of their way to avoid. She had an attitude and would get into peoples faces if she needed to. She wasnt on a good track but she had no way out. Her parents didnt know what to do so they didnt do anything. They just let her do her thing and hope that would be enough. 
Thankfully someone did step in. One of Dongmi's classmates had to do a project with her and while they were working she started playing some of G Dragon's music. Somehow, out of everything that reached Dongmi, G Dragon did. She started finding more and more of his music and it helped. 
Less than a year she decided she wanted rap, like her idol. She started watching countless videos on YouTube and reading books. She practiced all the time, even at school. Many of her teachers were used to her attitude so they just let her do her and not bother her. Her grades started getting better but she wasnt near the top of the class. She didnt care, she was doing something she liked. 
It wasnt until her final year of school that she even thought of being an idol. Her younger sister mentioned that she was good enough to and Dongmi thought why not. 
She was acceted to Dankook University and moved to Seoul for school. The second day she was there she started auditioning for entertainments. She auditioned for seven companies and heard back from three. She really wanted to get into YG but she never heard anything from them. She ended up picking MTM Entertainment. 
LIFESTYLE: Dongmi gets up at five am to go into to train. She gets herself ready and to the train in order to be at MTM by six thirty and ready to work. She spends three hours rapping before leaving for class. She has three classes that takes four hours.
Ten in the morning to to in the afternoon she is on campus in class. Two more hours are dedicated to homework and studying. She usually finishes all her work in that time. She also eats in that time. 
Five at night until nine she is back in the studio rapping. By the end of the night she is tired and ready to head home, however two days a week she spendstwo more hours dancing. Those two days she gets home, takes a shower and falls asleep right away. The other days she spends time just relaxing. 
spring time
going for long walks
the sound of rain on the roof
being in a large crowd
people talking to her when she wants to be left alone
when she gets frustrated with herself she walks away, usually to the river to just be alone
she only drinks tea when she feels terrible
when she has down time she usually sleeps
watching music videos
'I'm not mean, I'm honest'
special skills
she is a good cook
she is right handed
she wants to travel to Spain
she is not flexible
Mom / Bak Naehun / Feburary 21, 1970/ teacher / patient, kind, understanding / Dongmi's mother has tried everything to get close to her. She refuses to stop trying either
Dad / Bak Taekyung / October 19, 1969 / coach / dedicated, passionate / Dongmi and her father have always butted heads. They never quite saw eye to eye
Sister / Bak Eunmi / May 20, 1996 / trainee / personality traits / Dongmi and Eunmi have never felt like friends. They never wanted to be. To Dongmi, Eunmi was that annoying little sister who nver left her alone. 
Sister / Bak Seungmi / November 20, 2000 / trainee / personality traits / Dongmi had a better relationship with Seungmi. Dongmi left when Seungmi was still young and they usually only spent time together at home. Dongmi is protective over Seungmi
POSITION: Main rapper.
PERSONA: pretty rapstar.
TRAINING LIFE: Dongmi only as able to attend one year of school before she stopped classes. She ws just too busy and never had time for her homework. She felt it was in her best interest to just focus on training. 

Early 2015 MTM brought together a group of their rappers and held a small cometition to see who would be a contestant on a new show coming out. Dongmi won and went off to be on Unpretty Rapstar. From the start she was one of the favoarates and as the competiton went on she stayed at the top. She ended up getting fourth over all and collected a large fanbase. When the show was over her fans were demading she debut. MTM didnt say anything official to her fans but some speculated that she would debut. 
Some months later MT announced that there would be a new girl group soon to debut. Dongmi hoped to be one of the members but didnt want to get her hopes up. 
As soon as MTM anounced the members Dongmi's fans blew up social media with her. 
PREDEBUT: Fourth place in the first season of unpretty rapstar
THERE'S RUMORS ABOUT #SUPREME CONTAINING THE MOST TALENTED TRAINEES UNDER MTM. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT BEING ONE OF THEM? Damn straight we do and it feels great to be one of them. I know I'm one of the most talented trainees MTM has, they obviously know too so now the public will know too.
WHAT MADE YOU WANT BECOME AN IDOL? I had a bit of a rough childhood. I never felt like I belonged anywhere wth anyone but once I started listening to music I knew that was where I wanted to be, what I wanted to. I want to be able to reach a young girl like I was reached
HOW DID YOU GET INTO MTM? I auditioned. Honestly I wanted to get into YG but I liked MT a lot
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT FINALLY DEBUTING? *deep sigh* Really great. Finally. I've wanted this for years.
HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO QUIT? *drawn aback look* Quit? Why would I quit? I've gotten this far, why would I quit now? 
IF YOU WEREN'T AN IDOL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? I would be an idol. There is no senario where I dont become an idol
ARE YOU CLOSE WITH ANYONE IN MTM? Mark. When I got here we became friends and often have little rap battles. Hes a good friend 
WHO IN MTM DO YOU LOOK UP TO? Yejin unni. We had nothing in common when we met but she is just so talented. I wanted to get to know her. She is a great person
USERNAME + ALIAS: hyunglovesoppa + Amanda.
ACTIVITY RATE: debut number of snsd.
LAST WORDS: For her persona, she had no idea what to make it and one of the other members yelled it out and the others agreed that they liked it.
PASSWORD: "She is an oxymoron. Her personality is more contradicting than anything. Dont tell her I said this but I dont like her boyfriend. Becuse she is a group member though I'll respect that fact that she likes him until she is done with him then I'll help her kick him to the curb. 
"It doesnt really matter how I feel about her, I have to like her. I am in a group with her so I'll get over any problems I have with her and work with her."


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hello amanda !!
thank you so much for applying ♡

so, i'm gonna start by asking you to change your faceclaim. yuk jidam is not an idol, and if she is, there are almost or even none hd pictures of her so, as someone who really likes to edit pics and stuff, it's impossible for me to have her as facelclaim in the story. you also didn't mention a backup faceclaim which is mandatory.
you didn't fill in the appearance and fashion style sections and you need to.
i also need more information about her appearance on unpretty rapstar like the year, some of the songs she wrote and how she felt through the show.

midong is rejected for now until changes are made :((((