Name - plotline

Name : ( include english name, and real name and how did you get the name. Also, tell us the speciality of the name ) 
Nickname : ( if there is. For example : The Hogwart's - for being a total - also, tell us why did he/she got the name ) 
Gender : ( male / female ) 
Birthdate : ( dd/mm | don't include year. We're all we'll be in the same year ) 
Blood status : ( pure blood wizard / half blood wizard / muggle-born | you can refer it
here )
Hometown : ( anywhere. As long as its on earth ) 
Language (s) : ( state fluency shortly ) 
Personality : ( no maximum paragraph. Make it fun to read and tell me all about her to make it easier as to express her character. I want flaws and specialty added equally. Too much flaws also won't make the character any good. As you can see, this is where the character are actually choosen.) 

Personality traits : ( you in short words ) 

History : ( how he/she was choosen to be a wizard. His/ Her family background, and how he/she was living before. If he/she's pure blood or half blood, tell me how his/her family told him/her about the wizarding school and family. Up to you, aye. Also, detail it about his/her background. Is he/she comes from a wealthy family or not and all. )

Likes : ( in bullets and some simple explanation aye. Nevermind if it's less but make it detail in each bullet point ) 

Dislikes : 
( in bullets and some simple explanation aye. Nevermind if it's less but make it detail in each bullet point ) 

Hobby : ( one only but make it detail )

Habits : ( in bullet points and make it clear and be creative ) 

Trivia : ( fun facts about you ) 


Face claim : ( IOI's Sejeong is taken, sorry. Idols are highly reccommended and please choose the ones that suits the personality ) 
Back-ups : ( two at least. Just in case ) 
Links : ( give me links of the pics that express the character of yours )
Extra (s) : ( Like Harry Potter, who has a scar on his forehead, if you have any, then tell me. If you don't leave this section.) 
Fashion : (state shortly about how he/she would wear in some occassions.) 
Families : Tell me all about them 
( format : Name | relation | age | story behind them ) 

Love interest : ( name and age and house ) 
How did you met? : ( tell me the whole thing. Like seriously and include the personality of theirs.) 

EXTRA ( s ) 
comment : 
suggestion : 
scene request : 
Password : 
give the links on the comment section of this blog post.


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