Wish me well for my spm

The major exam is only 2 days away.

Please wish me well.

I hope  that I'll do well in the exam.

*praying to get all As for every subject*

Wish me luck!

And break a leg for all of the spm candidates. 


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You can do it! Though im late huhuhu but sejarah paper 1&2 failed ㅠㅠ
This Monday right?Your exam?
God...SPM huh? It's been almost 6 years since the day I took the paper.. Don't worry...I believe that you can answer all the paper easily....Berusaha pasti berjaya^^
yeahhh fighting! im also gonna sit for the exam this year so all the best and do well okay?
All the best dear
UnluckyGurl #5
Wish U the best :)
Waa.. it's already the time for spm?
good luck to you. Take a good rest.
Well, people always said last minute study is not good but it did helped me somehow.
Memorize all the important facts/ points regarding next day paper on the night before you go to sleep.
I did that and it helped me when I'm stuck on certain questions because our brain still can remember what we read last night, especially before you went to sleep.
All the best to you!
You can do it, good luck! c:
Good luck, fighting ~_^
All the best to you :)