News/Updates! (Good and bad)

Bad news first.

So my  at recently got bit by a friend's dog. we thought he was fine cos It didn't look like anything major. 

But it got worse so my mom took him ((Yes him)) to he vet anund parent ly the bite was pretty bad and we didn't do suit about it. so he had surgery on his back, and is now in anund cone, with his back shaved, stich in his back, and a tube going thru it to let out the fluids.

Hes ctually lying down at my feet right now it's pretty cute!

But yea, he's woken me up at 3am cos he thought he was his back but he was his cone. it'd be fine  but his cone has liek the lines on it so I makes a noise whenever he picks it, so it woke me up at 3am.

He crashes into all its funny.


But he'll live don't worry.



Good news! 


I'm making more covers! there so much fun! ((No sarcasm)) 

AND me and my friend were roleplay ing over Instagram ND I'm probably gonna post it with her permission.

My phone keeps captivating things I'm sorry.


But yea.... what else.... ummm... I got lice but got rod of it today. 

It was so weird, me being stupid I'm like "I can't just pick on up without even looking never work" So I did and when I looked in bewwtween NY fingers there was a lice bug. look them up there scary as f#%*!! So I screamed and threw it somewhere.


Other than that nothing really happens....



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Aww :( hope your pet recovers all right. Lice! That's awful. If you find another one I would take it and flush it down the toilet. Those things can really cause havoc and they are really hard to get rid of.