its my favorite!!!

I was tagged by the lovely Amalya


1. First fic you ever read on AFF

Honest to goodness I can't remember accurately. I think it was a GTOP one though I read several of those before I made an account! 

2. Favourite AFF author and favourite Korean idol that has inspired you

OH my. Okay well over the past 5 years I have had the pleasure of reading many fantastic authors. I enjoy reading that-dam-aries, starlitskies, DGNA_Forever, faithful-lie, ShimizuTheShizzShota, gaksitalGaksital... just to name a few. And YuYuan always writes these incredibly deep stories that make me question my beliefs and reactions to everyday things. They're really thought provoking!

But I highly look up to Amalya, not only because she has heped me grow so much as an author and she draws me to questions my own writing and deepen it, but also because she writes some of the best high fantasy I've read (published or non). I'd buy her books in a heartbeat if she published.

3. All-time favourite fic

Why would you ASK that?!?! ASDFGHJKL

Well, if you know me, you'll know that fantasy is my bread and butter (and cake and pie and all else good lol). So I'm going to have to select the fantasy piece that left the highest impression on me...

Daehyun:Valkyr of the Gods

It's a bit of an older fic now but it's so enthralling and in depth and twisted about with so many trns, yet such fantastic storytelling. It's really a great read (go! read it!).

4. Who was your ultimate bias when you joined AFF and who is it now? 

My UB when I joined was MBLAQ's Seungho. And tbh he's still tid for second place (and sometimes first when he overtakes my current)... which is DGNA's Karam. <3

5. Is there a friend you have made on AFF through a fic?

Oh gosh yes. Yuan is a close friend whom I feel like I have known forever, she's a blessing. And then Luke has become so close that my automatic reaction to happy or sad news is to talk to him. I also have Naomi and Morgan, you guys are wonderful and I love you all.

6. Two fics that you're currently hooked on? 


Zero Requiem by Sarissa is hilariously fun

Feeling From Fate by Amalya is an enticing thrill

7. Which fic that you have authored is YOUR favourite, and if you're not an author, is there a fic that you are looking forward to being released? 

Twisting Paths. Welsh myth blended with modern time, with danger and twists (no pun intended lol), I really had a blast, Plus it's some of (in my opinion) the deepest characters I have ever pulled off.

8. Favourite AU to read? 

FANTASY without a doubt. Gosh I love fantasy.

9. Are you a commenter or a silent reader?

I ued to (long ago) be a silent reader and now I kick myself for it. I try very hard to comment on everything I read because I know how it feels to see views on your work and yet no feedback. It hurts. As someone once eloquently put it, it's like telling a story to a room full of people and when you finish, there is nothing but silence. So yeah, I always try to comment something positive.

10. in your opinion, should AFF/KPop life be kept separate from your daily life? 

It depends on the person! For me? I don't tell everyone I know but I think they mainly know (and disapprove because writing is a waste of time OTL). But in general writing is a part of your soul, I think. Sharing it to people you know, not just a faceless crowd, that takes guts.




1. Favourite autumn movie 

Ihave an answer! I just have to remember it. Isn't A Walk To Remember a fall time movie? I loved that movie 0.o

2. Favourite autumn scent

Pumpkin. Gosh, lighting candles of spiced pumpkin aroudn the house in fall is one of the best moments.

3. Favourite Thanksgiving/autumn food & autumn food you don't like 

I'm not a fan of yams, to be honest. There's just something about the texture that doesn't appeal to me. But I LOVVVVVVVVVE Pecan Pie, gosh I'd eat it year round if pecans weren't so expensive!!!

4. Favourite Halloween costume you've worn 

Is it weird that I don't remember ever dressing up except one time? So I guess a geisha is it lol.

5. Favourite autumn hobby

Apparently it's taxes, if we look at what I've been doing all autumn. But I think I's most like to read with a hot drink, that's just the best <3

6. Favourite coffee (or just plain drink) you like in the fall 

I enjoy most coffee but I do have a softspot for Hazelnut and Pumpkin Spice.

7. Favourite clothing item to wear in autumn 

Um well I guess my hoodies? I have a large collection of them because I get them from barrel racing, so I like to wear them (and gain more) when it's not too hot. OR if I'm dressing up, scarves and cute boots.

8. Favourite autumn-oriented colour

You know that moment when the red maple leaves are this super dark orange, like they have just lightened from red but haven't hit true orange yet? Yeah. That. I love it.

9. Favourite autumn-oriented weather

Hmmm. I guess the cool mornings, there is justs omething relaxing about going out to work on a cool morning with a hoodie and that crisp mosture scent to the air.

10. Something you want to buy that comes out this year during autumn

PECAN PIE! I mean... lol

But seriously I have no idea. I don't follow things like that so I don't know nor care what comes out when haha.


I am going to tag starlitskies, gaksitalGaksital, and YuYuan!


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Aw! I really liked reading your answers too. And I feel all warm and fuzzy that you think D:VotG is one of your favorites (and because of the other compliments in there too *legitimately blushing*!

Oh Seungho. I should write him in more stuff. haha DLG was quite fun with him. And it might be even better to have him in more of a front row seat role. ^_^ Though Karam is a darling too.

Whoops! Gonna have to go correct that mistake on mine (Welsh mythology!). Got it! lol

That makes me so sad that people around you think writing could ever be a waste of time. T_T *raises epic cry of denial* Never!

Dammit! All this talk of pies in these posts... haha I'm gonna have to try make one again apparently. XD It's so tricky in China though. Making the crusts from scratch is my hardest challenge. I swear!

PS - thank you gaksitalGaksital! You're also making me smile and blush over here. haha
Lol I hope you sort those taxes soon *hugs you* it's becoming more and more apparent that I really need to read twisting paths! Ahhhh
You're answer about the pecan pie made me really, really look forward to Thanksgiving. And the taxes answer! Ugh...