✈ Airplanes ✈ | April | Main dancer, vocalist, rapper


nickname, O yong— She goes by her full name all the time
nickname, Yin— Its a play on Yin and yang. Her sister is the yang

birthday — July 6, 1999
birth place — Suwon, South Korea
hometown — Suwon, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

language spoken, Korean Fluent : Mother language

blood type — A 

O Yong

by hyunglovesoppa(amanda)


— mirror, mirror on the wall

face claim — Kim Do Yeon
back up — Kwon Eun Bean

height — 172 cm
weight — 42 kg

Yong has long brown hair and pale skin. Her soft brown eyes are almond shaped. Her legs are longer than her torso and her arms are thin yet muscular. She has a single freckle on her left shoulder. She is very thin and she knows it

fashion style

— dress to impress

Yong is always up on the currant fashion trends. While her sister isnt her biggest fan there is no way Yang would ever let someone in her family dress poorly. Yong ends up wearing a lot of dresses and skirts. One thing she does that she refuses to change is her lips. They are always a ruby red


— the way i function

Traits: (+) Entertaining, curous, open minded, in control
(=) Sentimental, intuitive, honest
(-) Sarcastic, impatient, loud, self doubt

Yong has a special ability to draw attention when every she goes somewhere. She doesnt even have to try, she just hates being bored.She would be the person giving a full performance while listening to music inthe car. She always wants to know more and she has a bad habbit of asking what will happen if... She see everyone as equal to her unless they do something to make her see less of them and she hates when other people look down on someone. 
Yong is slightly over sentimental. She has a frame full of tickets to events she went to, letters and notes. She doesnt like getting rid of something if it could mean something to her later down the road. She is the type to trust her gut feeling and she is good at reading people, usually. She also is usually honest, no matter the situation. Sometimes she needs to work on her finess.
More than half the words out of Yong's mouth are sarcastic comments and it drives her up the wall when people cant see that. Her mind works in a sarastic way and when people get offended by that she cant understand why. She cant understand why people are quiet either. When she does something she usually wants people to hear her. That can be a rather bad thing though. 
Her entire life Yong has struggled with her image and finding a way to like herself. She has always compared herself to her older sister who seemed to be perfect and when she wasnt perfect she thought she just wasnt enough. She is very good at hiding it though. She is usually in control of her emotions and when she gets down on herself she doesnt let other people see it. 


— likes 

one — Fish
two — Autumn
three — Yellow
four — The ocean
five — Vixx

— dislikes 

ONE — Spring
TWO — Birds
THREE — Heights
FOUR — Flying insects
FIVE — Mornings

— habits 

ONE — She has to be woken up more than once in the mornings
TWO — She hums in the shower
THREE — She paces when anxious

— hobbies 

ONE — Listening/watching Vixx
TWO — Reading fanfiction
THREE — dancing

— other facts  

ONE — She has never been on a plane
TWO — She loves spicy food
THREE — She talks in her sleep
FOUR — Ravi is her bias in Vixx
FIVE — She wants to go to Africa
FOUR — She cantfunction without coffee
FIVE — She hates working out
FOUR — New Year is her favorate time of year
FIVE — She plays with her hair all the time.


— how i became me

When she was very young Yong got along great with her sister. They were best friends who spent all their time together. It lasted just long enough for Yong to remember it. Without warning Yang didnt want to spend any time with her and avoided her at all costs. 
Yong's mother saw how upset she was because of her sister abandoning her, so she thought the best thing was to distract Yong. She tried multiple things before settling on ballet. That was one of the few things Yong really was interested in. What little girl doesnt want to be a ballerina? 
As much as she loved it, Yong was terrible at ballet. She was all legs and her turns never landed. Little did she know all the others who were dancing with her made fun of her behind her back. She didnt find out until her sister brought it to her attention. 
Yang said that Yong would never be like her, who had just landed her first modeling job. That Yong was too pudgy and untalented to be a dancer. She should stop now and do what the other loser girls do. 
Yong was destroyed. She stopped eating, going to school or dancing. She didnt do anything. She couldnt believe her sister said that to her. After a few weeks she decided to prove her sister wrong. She started dieting and working extra hard at dance. She lost weight and her dance improved vastly. After almost a year she was close to the top dancer. That wasnt enough though. She needed the attention her sister had to prove she was better than Yang. 
She talked with her instructor about auditioning with an entertainment company and her teacher agreed to help. She started getting ready for it and had everything set up. 
Two days before her 16th birthday she auditioned for Star Emire Entertainment and on her birthday she was notified that she had been accepted to the entertaiment


— ohana means family

Mother — O Min Yong // 55 // Ex model, model coach// Yong and her mother have been steadily growing apart. They just dont have much in common

Father — O Min Yang // 58 // Trophy husband// Yong and her father talk often. They arent incredibly close but cloe enough.

sister — O Yang // 21// Model // Yong has tried her entire life to be like her sister but it seems like Yang will always be better than Yong, a fact Yang brings up often


— friends stick together

Best friend — Lee Taena // 17 // Student // Taena keeps Yong up to date on all the drama at school and Yong keeps Taena up to date on idol information. They have been friends since birth

friend — Kyung Haemi // 15 // trainee // At first Haemi annoyed Yong more than anything but now they get along great. 

the spotlight

— i wanna be a star

stage name — April
persona — Mood maker
position — Main dancer, vocalist, rapper
backup — Main vocalist, dancer

training years — 3 years
trainee life — At first Yong tried to bring more confidence than she had in her entire life but that broke when someone asked if she was O Yang's younger sister. All of her pent up emotions just...exploded. She didnt come back for a few days and apologised to the person she blew up at. 
After her little episode she seemed to be starting from scratch. She had to compltely rebuild her reputation and hope she could be seen as useful. She put in as many hours as possible. She skipped school some days just so she could stay at the building longer. She did get notice, just not from the company. Her school and teachers noticed it. With one year left she was given the choice to continue school or training and she chose training. 
For a while it felt weird, not going to school. She still woke up at the same time but she spent the entire day dancing and singing instead of studying. It paid off though. 
Star Empire Entertainment announced a new girl group and the next week Yong was taken aside and informed that she was going to beone of the members. 
pre-debut experience(s) — optional
scandal(s) — optional


last comment — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. 

scene requests —
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

password — f(x) electric shock



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