replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240


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BIRTHNAME : Madeline Faith Yang
OTHER NAMES : Yang Chen / 杨辰 :Chinese name.

▸ 小虎/Xiao Hu — Little Tiger; her grandmother called her this because of her zodiac year.

▸ Maddybaby — A nickname based off of her cousin's stage name.

DATE OF BIRTH : October 3rd, 1998 (18)
BIRTHPLACE : Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada / Hong Kong, China.
ETHNICITY : Chinese-Causian

▸ English — fluent ; native language.

▸ Chinese — fluent ; spoken mostly at home with her family.

▸ Korean — semi-fluent ; learned in trainee time, definitely thinks about her translation when speaking.

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Soloist Shannon WIlliams
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 171cm and 48kg

▸ While she's still got some baby fat clinging desperately to her cheeks as she moves forward to 'adulthood', Faith has grown into a very pretty young woman, despite the beauty standards in the world she lives in. She's just a normally pretty 18-year old teenage girl.
▸ Fashion? This girl? Please, if the coordis and stylists could dress her everyday so she didn't have to worry about it, she'd be the happiest little girl ever. She's usually just in oversized shirts, sweaters and hoodies with leggings if she's not forced to dress up.
Example links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Who are you inside?

PERSONALITY TRAITS : Brave, Adventurous, Energetic, Humorous, Independent / The Girl who Lives for Summer / Driven, Outspoken, Progressive / The Largest Smiles hides the Biggest Scars / Blunt, Childish, Mischevious, Insecure, Impressionable.

PERSONALITY : Faith is a summer child, with warmth and smiles just rolling off of her.  She's not afraid of a challenge or of a new opportunity, and pretty much has no fears. Always brave, and never one to walk away because she might be scared, because adventure is out there, and that's another thing she'll never turn down. Adventureous is a trait she inherited from her mother, for sure, and whether it's big or small, she's ready to dive in head first. While it's not unheard of for idols to have a lot of engery and stamina, Faith is energetic on almost a whole other scale. She can go for hours at a time, making her a hard worker in the practice room and on stage, and it shows. She's able to have fun and make a joke, having a very good sense of humor. Faith likes making people smile and laugh, and it shows in her personality and how she approaches people and social situations. Faith's been on her own for a while now, honestly, and can handle things on her own and is quite independent. She may be one of the younger members, but it's said in interviews that she can take care of herself quite well and rarely needs help from the older members. It lets managers and leaders have some peace of mind when they know that for sure she'll be okay and be there, especialyl when they have to worry about everyone else in the group.

Faith's determined nature and natural passion towards what she loves makes her very driven. She also gets hyper focused on what makes her go and stays pretty much focused on that point and that point only. It can be frustrating when it's time to actually go or focus on other things and all Faith wants to do is stay and work on this one thing that she's been wanting to do. When she has an opinion on something, she's not afraid of saying it. She's extremely outspoken and not afraid of the consequences of saying her mind's thoughts, whether they be positive or controversial. It can get her into trouble during radio interviews or more open types of variety. Growing up in Vancouver for most of her life, she has a very progressive mindset. Faith is a very open advocate of LGBTQIA+ rights, feminism, animal rights, and the like. Injustice towards anyone of any kind is unacceptable to her, and her opinions will be voiced and she's not ashamed of it. In Seoul, though, where things are just starting to become more progressive, it can be a little jarring to some members and fans when she's so passionate about it.

Of course, saying what you mean, exactly how you mean it, and with no sugar to ease the burn, can be a little too blunt for people, but that's just Faith's way of communicating. She's not one to dance around her words, or make herself sound eloquent. While it can be funny, sometimes she can really hurt someone's feelings because she doesn't try and think of a better way to put it before speaking. As young as she is, Faith still has a lot of growing up to do and has very childish tendencies. She does have small fits and gets fussy over certain things, which is really unprofessional when on set somewhere, but she doesn't care. Humor is nice and all, and harmless pranks are fine, but her mischeviousness can be a little too much as some point. Pulling pranks, however harmless, after a full eight hours of practice and being critiqued all day, isn't as amusing to everyone as it is to Faith. Despite the smile and happy nature that usually emminates from Faith's being, she's quite insecure of her mixed hertitage and her abilities as an idol and even as a person. She got picked on a lot while a trainee because not only was she mixed, she wasn't even Korean, and stuff like that, especially at the young age that she is, stuck with her and she seeks vaildation in everyone that she's cute, that she's talented, that she basically deserves to exist. This makes her really impressionable and rely on others thoughts of her, and she's the one easily effected by fan's comments and their opinions. Since she's so young, this is really worrying, because she really could make or break her career based on others opinions, when she should be doing it for herself.

BACKGROUND : Born from a woman who wanted to see the world and a man who just really liked pretty girls, neither of them wanted to be tied down to each other, honestly, but they didn't want to get rid of the baby, either. So they made a compromise: Raise the baby honestly and split the time evenly. While Faith's dad took custody of her for the most part, she would spend some holidays and a majority of her summers in Hong Kong with her mother's side of the family, getting to know half of the culture she had inherited. Hong Kong was a kinder place than most others when it came to her looks and parentage, as was the Yang family. It was nicer than what most kids would experience her age, but she felt like she didn't truly belong in Vancouver, and she didn't belong in China, either. She was too mixed, in her opinion, and just wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere. In Vancouver, she was placed into a Music course because she had an extra slot open and nothing had truly interested her. Faith allowed the school to pick her last course, and it was in the beginners Music course. At first, she was dreading it because while she sang alogn to the radio, singing overtop of a musician and sounding okay and singing by yourself are two completely different sounds, and she was sure that she wouldn't sound decent. To her surprise, she actually did. And there became her outlet. She sang, she danced, she listened to many different types of music genres because it just came naturally to her.

She began following her older cousin, Ying/Angela, around while she was filming for Running Man a lot during high school, and even was able to go with her to South Korea for an episode. While Angelababy was off filming, 16 year old Faith went along to Myeongdong with a crew member to keep an eye on her, and she was approached by a scout for KS Entertainment. While she had never considered going into the idol life, Angelababy encouraged her to at least audition, and she passed. 


▸ Likes:
- Smoothies; She REALLY likes fruit flavoured smoothies... just not raspberries. She's allergic to those.
- Warm Weather; If you lived in a place where it was pretty cold every day, you'd like warm weather too. She doesn't mind the cold, but she just loves soaking up sun.
- Nail Art; The one thing about beauty she DOES like, nail art. She watches videos and frequently tries to mimic them. It either goes really well or really terribly, there's no in between.
- Nightlife; Now that she's not quite a child, but still a young teenager, she likes going out and exploring the Seoul nightlife. It's very different from the Hong Kong nightlife that Angelababy would show her.

▸ Dislikes:
- Crowded Streets; She just doens't like the pushing and shoving. It's uncomfortable and she has to fight the urge to say "excuse me, please" every five seconds.
- Kale; She apparently had a very traumatic experience as a kid and will never eat kale ever again. (Her dad tricked her into drinking a smoothie with kale in it and she got sick because she's actually allergic to raspberries which was in it, but she just avoids all of the ingredients included in it.)
- Korean Dramas; "KISS HIM. NO HE DIDN'T -- THAT WASN'T -- HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT??? GO BACK." Faith is a commentator and gets VERY passionate about the love stories. The guy that usually deserves the girl gets shunned, in her opinion.
- Rain; It's just... drab. and dreary. She also has to stay inside and that's never fun either.

▸ Habbits:
- Tongue and Cheek; She pokes her cheek form the inside with her tongue when she's annoyed.

- Yawning; She yawns very slowly, and if she does it three times in a row, she's actually tired. Any other form and either she's messing with you and trying to get you to yawn, or it's just coincidence.
- Light footed; She's just... very quiet when walking and moving? She hardly makes a sound when in socks or barefoot. Luckily her personality makes her loud in other ways so you hear her coming.
- Braids; She likes braiding her hair when trying to concentrate on something, like talking or listening to someone talk.
▸ Hobbies:
- Taekwondo; Her dad taught at the local studio and so she would tag along and take lessons. It helps a lot when she's stressed or angry. She currently holds a 4th kup (blue belt) and hopes to be able to take her 3rd kup exam before the year is out.

- Cartoon Drawings; So they aren't good, but she finds it a good boredom technique backstage.
- (Musical) Arrangements; She enjoys rearranging songs into different genres, and has a small booklet of ideas and even key change suggestions for certain songs.
- Movies; Faith collects movies thanks to her father. "If you think 'I'd watch that again a few times' when coming out of the theater or the first time watching it, you ought to buy it." 
▸ Other:
- HUGE fangirl of Seventeen. Like, seriously. She buys all their albums and even attended one of their fansigns during their 'Adore U' promotions, when she was just starting out as a trainee.

- Maple scented things are common to find from her ; body spray/perfume, room mist, maple flavoured candies, they remind her of home, humorously enough.
- Probably the last to get up, this girl sleeps like a freaking rock and doesn't like getting up at all.
- Ideal type and love is a question she avoids a lot. Because of her parents, she doesn't have a strong opinion and even has suggested that she doesn't want to get married in the future.
- Also a huge fan of Luhan, and is extremely flustered whenever Angelababy calls her and is like "Luhan is here~ Do you want to say hello?" 
- Probably voted "Most Likely to Still be there the morning after practice ends". She stays there a lot when she's in the zone (which can be very often). Also probably voted Most Unfashionable and completely agrees with that.
- Falls asleep in really weird positions and in really weird places. Like, you'll go into the living room and there's Faith under the coffee table, or in the kitchen and she's curled up under the window sill. 
- Still has her baby blanket and baby toy named BunBun. These two things ALWAYS travel with her, no matter what.

Who matters to you?


▸ Father — Benny Conyers (45) / Taekwondo Teacher and Health Teacher / easygoing, creative, protective / 10
Benny lived by the parenting rule "don't lie to your kid about anything" ... except things like you know, Santa, Tooth Fairy, the childlike things that you usually grew up with. That being said, Faith had a very... educating and eyeopening childhood and youth. She knew a lot of things and accepted a lot of things that many people wouldn't have to think about until they were in their teenager years. However, he loves his daughter more than anything, and was pretty much the sole parent of her life. Faith places his opinion above all others, what he thinks is what might make or break her relationships, choices, and career.

▸ Cousin — Yang Ying aka Angelababy (27) / Model and Actress / outgoing, vain, whimiscal / 8
Angelababy sort of, in a way, got her the opportunity to audition and become an idol. While she jokes about it and says "you owe me your career", she's actually really happy that her little cousin is pursuing something that makes her happy. Angelababy, in Faith's eyes, would be considered more of a sister-like figure than a cousin, despite the difference in age. Angelababy does spoil Faith a little, especially whenever she'd actually be in China ("I don't have to pay those ridiculious fees to send you gifts now~") and now that she's in Korea, you can bet that she'll be checking in often. Of course, now Faith wants to go on Running Man China to actually go up against her cousin with QUEEN, and hopes that she'll be able to still interact with Angela a lot.

▸ Bandmates — QUEEN+CHECKMATE (?) / Idols of KS ENT. / ? / depends per applicant.
As apart of the maknae line, Faith is well, babied and doted upon in a way. SHe doesn't mind, but there comes a time when she's like "I AM technically an adult" and they just pay her no mind. She loves these girls like the sisters she never had... and sometimes, when they're REALLY crazy, she never wanted either. Checkmate is a HUGE family to her, and she appreciates every second she gets with them.

▸ Schoolmate — Boo Youngji (17) / SMTOWN Trainee / dedicated, hyper, vibrant. / 7
As a now attendee of SOPA to keep in with her trainee schedule, she meets a lot of people: Including Boo Youngji, a hopeful rapper. With her short hair and fast paced words, she's got a lot of potential, however, her current company SM doesn't seem to want to do much with her, keeping her as a trainee and not even introducing her as apart of the SMRookies lineup. This doens't put a damper on Youngji's spirit though, and she and Faith are seatmates in class. They talk to each other about class, and when Faith as to miss it due to schedules, Youngji's already got the homework around and comes by the dorms a lot to help Faith keep up. She's a very good friend.

▸ Somehow Famous Friend — Kim Yugyeom (18) / GOT7 member / quirky, energetic, quiet / 7.5
Yeah, she doesn't know exactly how this came to pass, honestly. He was a year above her in school when she became a trainee, and he was pretty nice, they talked every so often because of their dance class, but then he debuted and they really didn't talk much. Then when she debuted, they ran into each other on a music show and reconnected. Faith and Yugyeom are sort of at a loss around each other, since they didn't actually believe either of them would actually debut. Now they're like "we do want to reconnect more and talk, but our schedules make it hard" and that kind of stuff.

▸Bandmate — Wangja aka PRINCE (19) / KING member / check their app~ / 6
Wangja and Faith see each other a lot, honestly, but Faith can't really say she's close or especially has strong feelings towards him. She certainly admires his dancing and his determination, but they haven't like... really connected, I guess is the right wording. She'd definitely pick him or one ofthe quieter members as someone that she wouldn't mind talking to more on the team. "It's hard, considering the numbers of our team, for all of us to be like, super close, but I hope that through the years we can make it work!" 

Why do you matter?



▸ Singing Twin: Yeonjung (I.O.I, WJSN) 1 | 2
▸ Dancing Twin: Bomi (APINK) 1 | 2
▸ Rapping Twin: Euaerin (Nine Muses) 1 | 2
▸ (Instrument) Twin: SNSD's Seohyun (piano) 1


▸  KS ENTERTAINMENT 2012 - present.
So, really and truly, Faith's trainee time was really half and half. She had a really hard time at the beginning of her trainee time, being a foreigner (who wasn't even part Korean) and not knowing the language, on top of that, she was also trying to adjust to a new school, a new place, and her new and very hectic schedule. Other fellow trainees would often, because she would place a bit lower than the average for their evaluations, making her seem like a weak link. In Faith's mind, she was just adjusting herself to her new life, and the comments hurt a lot, because she knew she was better than what she was currently doing. So she focused on the school and life, settling in before making a vow to put forth her best. Not because of the mean trainees (even though they were a great motivator) but because she knew what she could do and that she could present the best to the people who had granted her the way she had now. After settling, she began slowly working her way up, soon excelling and making some of the best marks in her evaluations from then on. And after that, the people who made fun of her started leaving her alone. 


▸ KS_TRAINEE_FAITH_GRAVITY | here | So during one of her vocal evaluations, the KS instructors found it truly view-worthy, and decided to gather some of the best performances from this evaluation period and uploaded them onto the KS Entertainment official Youtube page.


▸ December, 2014 - KS TRAINEE FIGHTING WITH LABELMATE SOL? | False | Hilariously Misunderstood
So Sol was teasing Faith on the way into work that day, and Faith's naturally loud, you know -- and so it can be misunderstood, her loud playful fighting with her sunbae. Fans got ahold of videos and photos and completely blew it out of proportion, calling for KS to punish their unruly trainee. When it came out that it was all just nonsense, they still never completely let it go.
▸ March, 2015 - KS TRAINEE FAITH DATING GOT7 MAKNAE YUGYEOM? | False | "How even--???"
Yugyeom and Faith were classmates back in the day, and they happened to bump into each other on the way to school, and decided to walk together, thinking it'd be nice to see someone who understood the pressures of idol life. Dispatch however thought otherwise, and JYP and KS immediately issued statements about how both of them were currently single and used to be classmates, nothing more. Since then, JYP's restricted Yugyeom's interactions with her just ot be safe. Once she's debuted, though, they'd probably let up a little.

Questions from the CEO


▸ She giggles, tucking her hair behind her ears, "You guys chose me, silly! I mean, I was scouted, and then I auditioned and you decided I was worth your time. Which is really nice!" When she's asked about her choice in career, she leans forward to listen carefully, pouting her lips. "Well, I guess I just... really liked music. It's something that just comes naturally to me. My father always told me, 'Whatever is the first thing you wake up thinking about in the morning, that's what you're meant to do.' And I followed through with that, I guess."


▸ "Hmmm~" Faith hummed, "I'd like to be apart of Rook, honestly! I play piano a bit, and it'd be interesting to have a concept so different than Queen's, you know?" 


▸ She sighed, smiling all the while, "Talk about tough competition!" Faith kicked her legs a little, swinging them from the stool she was sitting on, "I can't imagine how he'd do it -- so many talented people, such limited spots... I wish him the best, he obviosuly knows best though. I look forward to seeing Knight's debut~" 


▸ "It's... you know, a bit of a challenge and an honor." Faith sighed, tilting her head. "It's challenging because well, it's the first group. Sure we've got Sol-sunbaenim, but he's made a name by solo work. A group is a whole different story. It's an honor because it means that KS is confident in all of our abilities to work as a team. I'm excited and nervous to go forward."


▸ "I think I'd be best in a variety or mini-unit, honestly. But musicals would be a dream come true if they'd allow me!"


▸ Faith made grabby hands and cute noises, as if she were calling a puppy towards her. "Like this! Spoil them and love them rotten!" She giggled, "I'd want to help them as much as I can, seriously speaking. This life isn't easy, and it's nice to have someone ahead of you saying 'hey, look, I did, I knwo you can too.'"


▸ "Aaaaah~" Faith sing-songed, before grinning and speaking in English, "To International fans! I know there's a lot of us in this group, but please give us a chance in CHECKMATE. There's a lot of diverse styles within our units and I guarntee you'll find one you like. Please look forward to our debut!" She did the 'fighting' sign, and once she smiled brightly before being dismissed, to which she jumped off her stool and zoomed off, thanking everyone as she left.

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : idk maybe kim yugyeom if anything 


▸ start here


▸ start here


ENDING :  here

symphonies : dannie

LAST WORDS : SUP I finished this I hope you like my child, I've been wanting to use SOMI as a good solid faceclaim and I hope that this is it ~
PASSWORD : "Ni hao, Hello, Annyeonghaseyo everyone, and don't worry, I'm your Faith!" | Jeon Somi | Duet | Solo or this, maybe?


▸ Faith doing something like MCing on After School Club and being bros with like Kevin, Eric, Jae, and Jimin or something bc that'd be cool right???? Right.
▸ CHECKMATE meeting SEVENTEEN and just the chaos of the two derpy and outgoing groups being either backstage or on a variety show.
▸ QUEEN doing like a ballad concept or something totally 180 to their usual vibe and it KILLS the charts. (maybe like this, this, or this ?)
▸ Stuff with the BISHOP members -- that seems reALLY interesting!!! :DD 
▸ A surprise birthday party for one of the members --like at a concert or a fansign, even at a music show!!! Surprise the children and let them sob TT^TT


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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Omg, I've like read your app thru so many times but I haven't actually gotten around to typing the review, but know that from what I remember she seems really nice and probably has no mistakes on it!