Random rant

I have always felt that I have made contributions to the group, but then now I feel invinsible. I've always felt invinsible. During P.E lessons when people were playing ball games, they would only pass to their friends. Even if I'm the nearest to them, they would still pass to their friends, it's as if they've never seen me. But why, when I tried so hard to fit in, when I tried hard to integrate? Eventually I stopped trying and maybe the teacher got annoyed that I wasn't putting as much effort as I used to. 

And now, with PW, I find myself repeating my words. I repeat because when I bring up the idea the first time, they don't listen. So I bring it up after some time, and then there's some discussion, and it's not explicitly stated but they do not respond to my ideas. It's frustrating and I don't know whether I should bring up anything anymore. It's always like that, but why? Maybe they are closer to each other as friends hence they listen to each other more? But I've never felt alienated and we've worked well. 


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