천사 : Cheonsa | Megan | Main Dancer, Vocalist

mello_marshmallow ♦ quinn

Megan Liang


// Shorty  Her friends back in London would call her this but its ok since she is happy with her size
// Dance Princess  Since the name "Dance Queen" has been taken by many other female idols Megan wants to be unquie.


// English  Fluent  Born and raised in USA till 10, moved to England when 10
// Mandarin  Advance  Her parents are fully Chinese so naturally she would learn Mandarin from them
// Korean  Intermediate ♦ She loves watching Korean dramas but it takes agers for the english subtiles to be released.
// Dutch  Very basic  She goes to Belgium every year for the music festival Tomorrowland. She knows enough to get by with the locals  while in Belgium.

ETHNICITY [ ♦ ] Chinese
NATIONALITY [ ♦ ] British
HEIGHT [ ♦ ] in 159cm
WEIGHT [ ♦ ] in 53kg

FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Minah Girl's Day
BACK UP [ ♦ ] IU

APPEARANCE [ ♦ ] Megan is 159 cm and 53 kg. She thin due to her high metabolism. Her hair is long reaching half way down her back and the colour from a far looks black but up close or when the sun is out it looks more of a really dark brown.

180x200NAME [ ♦ ] Megan Liang
D.O.B [ ♦ ] April 16, 1995
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Philadelphia, USA
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] London, England

180x200STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Megan
POSITION [ ♦ ] Main Dancer, Vocalist
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Main Vocalist

PERSONA [ ♦ ] Energetic Dumpling

TRAINEE YEARS [ ♦ ] 2 Years & 6 Months
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] The auditions SM Entertainment were held in London. Megan went into auditions not really expecting much; thinking that if she did it would be great but if she didn't then it would be ok. Her friend Alison was the one who encouraged her to audition for SM. So on the day she went with both her best friends there for support. When she got to SM she kinda kep to herself and tried to blend in. She was to too shy to show her talents which made the other trainees look down on her. She would only practice her signature dance and other dance moves at night when the other trainees have gone home. This is also the time when she would practice her vocals too. One night Amber found Megan practicing her vocals to a Pentatonix song and decided to ask her about it. She found that Megan's method of vocal practice is unquie and interesting so she decided to get to know her a bit more. Slowly Megan and Amber got closer and Amber guided her through the ins and outs of SM and introduced her to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was inpressed with Megan's dancing talents so she decided to mentor her dancing.


// Tried out for X factor UK but didn't get pasted auditions


// Acting


// Information about her father's death rose in the media which made dark memories of her of father return. This made her go on hiatus for a while
// she and actor Park Bo Gum have been spotted "hang out" multiple time which people want answers

// They both announce to the world that they are dating

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] write here a list of qualities and flaws / a minimum of 3 positive and 3 negative

// Megan is the most opened minded person. So she would talk time time to hear people's different opinions and ideas. She finds it important because its gives her a different view and perspective on life. She welcomes critizism because it helps her see where she has made mistakes and helps her grow into a beter person.

// Protective. She is very protective to people who are close to her and this includes her memebers. It can be seen as a good or bad thing but thats the way she is. It might be because of how her best friend is protective of her or it could be because she doesn't want to see anyone close to her get hurt.

// Someone who will listen. When you just need to rant or say something really personal to someone but don't know who. Megan is the person that will listen without judging. She also wouldn't tell anyone what you have told her without your permisson because she believes its not her place to tell other people without your permisson.

// Sarcastic. She is the most sarcastic person in the world and She would make make any situation sarcastic.

// y when needed. When she is being personally attacked verbally or someone is verbally attacking any of her memebers she would be the iest person to the attacker to defend herself or her memebers. Sometimes she would take it too far which would do more harm then good.

// Panic attacks. She would only have these when memories of what happened when she was 9 would start to haunt her mind and the guilty would sink in. She would start hyperventilating and feel like her lungs are closing up. Tears would steam down her face and when would start blabbering in english. Sying stuff like "It's not my fault" or "It was an accident".


//Up to the age of 6, Megan's family has been a happy family. She had too loving parents that gave her the love and attention she needed dispite their busy jobs. But her father lost his job which sent him into depression. Being rejected from every job sent himdeeper down into depression. It pushed him turning into alcohol making him into a really heavy alcoholic. He soon turned into a selfish abusive . Megan's mother was took most of the abuse and Megan would cry in the corner of her room with the door shut and her hands would cover her ears to try and block her mother's screams and her father yelling to shut up. This would continur till she was about 9 years old. She mustered up the courage to walk out of the room while her tears would continue to fall. in the dining room was her mother lying on the floor beaten while her father came back into the room from the kitchen with a knife. He continued to yell. I was going to stab Megan's mother when Megan pushed her father away with all her might. The knife escaped her father's hand into the air, the handle hit the ceiling. Her father landed on the floor landing face first with the knife landing in his back killing him. She helpped her mother when the front doo openned with police flooding the room since the neighbours called the police because of the screaming. her mother explained to the police what happened and both her and Megan were taken to hospital. A week or two later the court ruled the case as an accident and the Megan was sent to see a therapist for the trauma.

//Megan's mother was offered a new job a year later  in London as an art dealer so they both moved to London leaving the dark memories of Megan's father back in the US. When they got to London Megan saw their neighbour which was a boy around her age but she never really taked to him. It wasn't until she was 13 years old that her and the boy next door were partnered up as lab partners in science class that she found out that his name was Connor. The two really bonded and over the years became really close to the point that Connor was like her older brother and she was like his sister. Since she trusted him enough she told him about what happened to her father. He would hug her tight and comfort her saying that what happened wasn't her fault. When she was 14 her mother married a man named Gregg Parker. He really loved her mother. At first she was cautious of him but after a while accepted him into the family.  During high school they met Alison at a house party and really connected. It was like she was the missing person that they never realised. After that the three of them would hang out a lot together, party hard and just enjoy their teenage years.

//Near the start of senior year SM Entertainment had an audition session in London. Megan was 17 at the time and was thinking of auditioning but was kind of hesitant about it. It took a bit of prep talking from Alison to push her into auditioning. A week later she got accepted and said goodbye to her family and two best friends at the airport. Once she turned 18 her and her best friends started to a tradition of meeting each other at the music festival Tomorrowland in Belgium every year. But recently they added Ultrasound Music Festival Seoul to meet up every year.

FAMILY [ ♦ ] * personality and relationship with your character is optional unless if there's a rival

// Mother, Da Xia Liang  39  alive  Art Dealer  Kind, caring, loving, motherly  both magan and her mother are super close, she would tell her mother everything and supports Megan's decisions.
// Father, Qian Fan Zheng  43 (Died at 31)  dead Fired from an office job  Before: kind, caring father; After: Abusive, selfish, alcoholic
// Step Father, Gregg Parker  42  alive  Chief of Finance (at some well known company in London)  Protective, loving, caring  Megan would avoid him like the plague but after she sees how much he loves her mom and how far he would go to try and get her to accept him. She starts to accept him as her step father.



// BFFL (Best Friends For Life), Alison Taylor  20  Lawyer internship  Loyal, thrill seeker, y(if needs to be), Independent, adventureous  Met Megan and Connor at a house party mid highschool  One of her two best friends from London that she is still in contact with. Alison is a really supportive friend. She was the one that lightly pushed Megan to audition for SM; saying that she might get in and if she didn't then at least she tried. She loved to try new things which kinda rubbed off on Megan. Still contact each other over phone, text anhd skype. As tradition meets Megan and Alison in Belgium for EDM festival Tomorrowland. Recently added EDM festival Ultrasound Seoul to their tradition.

// Brother from another mother, Connor Wilson  22  Interior Designer (Just started)  chilled/layed back with work and studies, parties hard, loyal, protective of Megan and Alison  Lived next door to Megan when she first moved to London when she was 10. They started talking to each other when they were paired up as lab partners for science class  Both Connor and Megan are really close like brother and sister. They know everything about each other. He would by calling her "shorty" but she would response by saying "whatever Gandalf" (Lord of the ring reference) He's one of the only people that she told about her father. Still contact each other over phone, text anhd skype. As tradition meets Megan and Alison in Belgium for EDM festival Tomorrowland. Recently added EDM festival Ultrasound Seoul to their tradition.


// The Big Sis, Amber Liu  24  idol - f(x)  funny, tom boy, weird (in a good way)  Amber was interested in Megan's music tastes when Megan just started as trainee and started to talk to her, while helpping her met r3hab during the collaboration on Wave  Amber knows the struggles of what's its like being a foreigner in the kpop industry so she guides Megan around SM and looks out for her like an older sister.

// Dance Sensai, Kim Hyoyeon  27  idol - Girls Generation Opening minded, Kind, strict when she needs to be  They met through Amber  She mentors Megan with her dancing and teaches her different dance style.

OTHERS [ ♦ ]


// Role Model, Ha Ji Won  38  Actor  Very humble person that loves her fans, focused on doing her best with every chacater she plays  Haven't met yet but will soon  Her strong performance in Empress Ki inspired Megan to become a stronger person> Mgean looks up to her a lot.


// Friend Through Youtube, Lilly Singh  28  Youtuber - Superwoman ♦ funny, weird (in a good way), independant, adventureous  Never offically met but Megan still considers her an important part of her life  Watching Superwoman's videos keeps Megan's life moving forward because even though most of her videos are her ranting about life's problems but she makes it so relateable which makes Megan's life interesting.


// FAnother Friend Through Youtube, Mark Edward Fischbach  27  Youtuber - Markiplier  funny, weird (in a good way), immature, humble and caring towards his fans  Never offically met but his videos fill Megan's life with joy and laughter   Even though he makes gaming videos his reactions to the games he plays are so funny. Which fills Megan's life with joy that helps her through hard times

LIKES [ ♦ ] 5+

// Sleeping
// Cooking
// Singinng out loud
// Dancing (epecially sliding her feet move that makes her look like she's gliding)
// EDM music
// future house music
// Discloure (fravourite song are Latch and Afterthought; she would sing these two songs all the time)
// Flume
// Korean and Chinese dramas (mostly historical and wuxia)
// anything sweet
// Kpop music
// coffee
// chocolate and caramel
// Watchs anime (not as much as Korean and Chinese dramas) - Favourite are one punch man,attack on titians
// Big Mavel fan especially the Avengers
// Cookies & Cream ice cream (her wa

DISLIKES [ ♦ ] 5+

// people trying to clean her stuff without asking her (this is how she cant find her and gets really pissed off)
// slugs
// snail
// people talking behind her back (she would walk up to then and tell them to say what they said to her face or shut the up)
// bitter melon
// Wine

HABITS [ ♦ ] 3+

// Sometime mess up her Korean
// when Tomorrowland in Belgium or Ultrasound Seoul are on she would always find a way to be there to see and hang out with her best friends
// Sleeps in a lot
// Naps anywhere

HOBBIES [ ♦ ] 3+

// Singing
// learning new dance moves
// Exploring cities
// Surfing Youtube
// Listening to new dance music

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] unlimited

// To work on her vocals she would listen to Pentatonix and sing along in acapella to find harmonies in her voice 1, 2
// would do everything she can to end up at Tomorrowland in Belgium or Ultrasound Seoul
// While living in London she learnt a bit of parkor to build up her stamina
// The Cutting Shapes Suffle is her signature dance moves (dance examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7 ) Enjoys dancing with these shoes on. x

180x200NAME [ ♦ ] Park Bo Gum
BACKUP [ ♦ ] Shin Ho Seok (Wonho from Monsta X)
D.O.B [ ♦ ] June 16, 1993

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] He is really humble person and would check it if the other actors and staff were ok and if they've eaten. Relationship wise he is a hopeless romantic and would be very touchy with the person he like. Even though Megan doesn't really like it he would treat her like she's made of glass because he can't help it.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] There relationship is sweet yet adventureous. They would do corny, romantic couple stuff together. But each date they would go on would be a new adventure. There would be times when the two would see each other for awhile because Megan is busy with schedules and Bo Gum would be busy with upcoming dramas but they would make sure to text each other or skype. One of their biggest adventures was when Megan took Bo Gum to London and showed him around where she grow up and for her mom to meet him.

HISTORY [ ♦ ] The story of how Bo Gum and Megan met started when he finished talking to a few Exo members about being in their next music video and talking to D.O about the drama that they will be in together. He was walking through the halls in the SM building when he sees her dancing/sliding her feet around the hall way. Hes was really really amazed by her dance moves that he just continued to watch her. Megan was just minding her own business wild gliding her feet through the halls as she continued her signature cutting shapes dance with headphones in her ear whild holding her phone in her right hand. As she turned around she saw someone watching her. She screamed and her phone flew out of her hand and she fumbled to catch it. when it was safelyin her hand she let out a sigh and took out her headphones while mumbling "holy " in English. "Sorry for scaring you" Bo Gum told her in Korean. "It's ok. But try not to scare the living daylights out of people" she told him. "Park Bo Gum!" she finally recognised him. "Yeah" he said as he nodded and gave a slight smile. "Oh my god this is so cool" she said in English again. "I actually get to meet you" she switched back to Korean which he could hear a strong britsh accent. By this time she was blushing. He walked closer her and lean against the wall next to her. There was a long period of scilence between them so he asked her "So are you a trainee here?" Megan was deep in thought as her favourite scenes of Moonlight Drawn By Clouds started to play in her mind. So when her asked her if she was a trainee and answered without thinking "Ye, jeonha (Yes, your highness)" "Jeonha?" he asked her as raised his eyebrow. "Oh god, did I say that?? I'm sorry. I don't know why but when I saw you I thought of Moonlight Drawn by Clouds" she started started rambling as her face went red. She stopped rambling when he chuckled and smiled at how adorable the girl infront of him was. "Maybe I should just go" she said out of embarrassment and started walking away. "Wait" he said as he grabbed her arm. "Are you doing anything right now?" he asked her. "Well... no" she told him feeling kind of shy. "How about we grab a coffee?" he asked her. "Alright. Lets go" she said so they headed off to a cafe close to by.

OTHER [ ♦ ] Both Bo Gum and Megan have feelings for each other but Bo Gum's feelings for Megan is much deeper. For the longest time they didn't want to confess to each other because they both are afraid of rejection. Megan confessed first with all the courage she had and expected Bo Gum to reject her but he didn't. Instead he hugged her tight and confessed his feeling to her while also telling her that her wish he had the courage to confess to her before she did.

Later on in the relationship she decided that she didn't want to hid the most darkest memory of her past so she told him about her father and how she always felt guilty about his death even though people say that it isn't her fault.

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] I'm not sure if the character issue is too dark for your story. If it is then just let me know.


// A few days before Megan head to Belgium to meet her friends to head to Tomorowland. Her memebers find out and would scold her and made her take the rest of them along.
// When Park Bo Gum and Connor meet each other there his a lot of heavy tension between them. Bo Gum see Connor as a love rival and is jealous of how close he is to Megan. (But there's nothing going on between Megan and Connor because they are like brother and sister.) Connor is just protective of Megan and Alison like an older brother should and keeps a close eye on Bo Gum since he doesn't want Megan to get hurt.

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] Really dark past



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