Do you think that last chapters for a story get rushed a lot?

And if so, what do you think might be a reason for that? Also, have you ever rushed the last chapter for one of your stories/read a chapter that felt rushed?


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I have read some stories where the ending just felt rushed. almost like the writer was ready to be done with the story and wanted to end it quickly. Always leaves me feeling unsatisfied. I don't see it too often though and I try not to do it myself.
Lol, I feel the opposite. I spent too much time/wrote too much for my last ch such that they turned into multiple chs, and the same thing happened to my friend with RUTH.

I like to write my endings near the start of my stories, actually, so I have a defined point I'm working toward and know the fic is worth writing. I can adjust it as I go and am writing the earlier stuff, but even with my one shots (the one posted and the one I'm working on), I have always written the ending scene first.