Fever+preparations+studytips+updates! ♡

this 28th sept, i have my practical exam.. cooking. its a huge exam ok? and i didnt prepare anything. :( i'm having fever now WHICHHHHH it really gets me irritated every single time i do something. theres a pile of tissues on my bedsheet, i sneeze i cough.. my chest hurt omg T.T how am i supposed to do? i try to keep focusing on my work/revision but yet i just cant. & bytheway to those who's goin to sit for O'level or huge exam, wish u luck guys! ^^ && can somebody give me any study tips for science, eng & essay subjects such as history & geo. cuz i really need it. :) I'm opened anyone's tips & appreciate it! ^^ ps do u guys know how to update story by using phone? cuz o really really want to update my story. its been a year tho T.T my lappy is total chicken. thanks! ♡♡♡♡ twitter : @chiimajunghee


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I took my O level last year, so i get you... I personally took triple science so I can't advise on humanities, but for my sciences, I took to making my own notes in such that i wrote down the key words of each topic and then go through the details in my head. If there are some points you can't remember, open your notes and copy it down on a piece of paper and read through before you start studying the next time. This way, you will know a rough idea on what you remember and what you don't, and will be able to memorise those you don't by writing and reading. English I did not do very well so all I can say is memorise all the formats for paper 1 and read carefully for paper 2. I don't personally give out tips, but since you are ill and stuff... and my exam was kind of screwed so I don't want someone to end up very disappointed like me so... yea. Just know that you did your best in studying and when you receive your results, don't be disappointed if it does not come out as you expected, because sometimes life takes things into its own hands and twist it around for you and you will never know, it may be better for you. Good luck and I hope you get well soon. Drink lots of water and sleep well, and make sure you take your medicines on time. P.S. Wondering which sec school you are from...