Finding Keeper

Keeper is now, officially, a fish.

Imma keep swimming...



I know I'm MIA for months but I'll be coming back real soon.

Write. Soon.

(I do check on my notifications.)


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USER AVATARS LOLOLOL. Doesn't support GIF though :(
I missed it boooooooo :(

I'm sorry, K! I would've done something—last minute, even OHOHO. But I had actually picked up a second job, so I've been MIA as well haha. I didn't think a time would come when I'd see you gone for such an extended period of time because you were so active in the AFF community. But you're going through a really exciting (for the first few weeks only— LOL kidding) phase so I don't blame you. Just go at your own pace.

Happy 6th AFF Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary~~~ May this site will be maintain for years and we, AFFers still in touch in many years to come!
Happy six anniversary! I hope you stay on here much longer! I'm curious what a 12 would look like! :D
So cuuute~ Happy 6th Anniversary, Keeper! Have fun being a fish hehehe...
CLAP CLAP CLAP! Happy fishery!
6th!! Worrh celebrating!
Swim, swim, swimming, little fishie
That is so cuteeeee. Magiging fish na din ako