「 → ❝ CUPID'S LOVEHOLICS ❞ ┊loveholic's lead dancer, main rapper┊Nam Junhee 」



( june )

indubutably | christine

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


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FULL NAME: Nam Junhee
- Heroine - her brother. She's always trying to become the main character of her own life, saving everybody and making everybody happy.
- Princess - Hyungwon's pet name for her. She calls him 'idiot' in return.
- Little Miss Reckless - her mom. Junhee has a habit of doing whatever she pleases without thinking it through.

AGE: 23
BIRTHDAY: March 29th, 1993
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea
HOME TOWN: Busan, South Korea
+ Korean / native tongue
+ English / learnt it during school, so she can have a decent conversation in it.
+ Chinese (mandarin) / learnt it to communicate with this one Chinese trainee who felt left out, though since she learned more Korean before Junhee could even learn more than a few phrases, her knowledge on the language is very basic.

TRAINEE LIFE: At thirteen years old, Junhee knew she wanted to go into music. Being a rebellious kid who liked paving her own path, she went on and decided to audition to Starship Entertainment when she turned fifteen. She juggled school work, training, and staying healthy all at the same time. She frequently skipped meals and hours of sleep just so she could practice a dance she couldn't pick up earlier during practice. She was a perfectionist, and there was no one harder on her than she was on herself. She left Starship when she turned nineteen, determined to continue to follow her own roadmap. She had been a trainee at the company for four years, but she mentions over and over again that it never felt like it was where she belonged. A year later, she auditioned at AM Entertainment and became a trainee there. She is still currently there, after three years. In total, she's been training for seven years; four at Starship and three at AM, with a year gap in between. 

FACE CLAIM: Jung Minhee / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
BACK UP FACE CLAIM: Park Sora / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

HEIGHT: 167 cm
WEIGHT: 48 kg

APPEARANCE: Junhee has never been naturally skinny, so she always has to work her hardest to lose weight. Even then, she does seem a bit chubbier than most of her groupmates. She has long brown hair, that's naturally wavy. She likes to switch between brown and black if given the choice. She usually never goes out without make-up on, even if it's just a bit of eyeliner and a lip gloss. Her typical look is bold eyeliner, red lipstick, and her usual pale complexion. Junhee has a scar on the side of her forehead from when her brother and her were fighting, and he threw a bowl at her head. There's a small mole right below her right eye that most people wouldn't notice. She has a belly button piercing that she got when she was 16. Other than that, she has her ears and her right cartilage pierced. At 18, she got two tattos. She has one on her right forearm and another on her left wrist. She usually covers it up with bracelets, and long sleeves.

STYLE: Junhee's the type of person to stand out no matter what she's doing. Her fashion sense varies from tight fitting clothing to baggy sweaters and comfortable sweatpants. She tends to wear more black and white colors rather than bright, neon colors. If given the choice, she'd rather dress down than dress up. She has her days where she feels like wearing a dress, but most of the time she's seen in a comfortable outfit, one she can move around in without much constricting her.

casual / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
formal or semi-formal / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
training / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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( positive ) confident, playful, loyal, sociable, eccentric
( negative ) shameless, straight-forward, sensitive, emotional, impulsive

Junhee will rarely ever walk with her shoulders slumped and head down unless she's looking at her phone. Anyone that takes a glance at her, can tell that she loves herself, but not to the extent where she's narcissistic. She walks with her back straight while her head is held high, taking in her surroundings. She knows what she's doing, and she thinks well of herself. She knows how to take care of herself, and she knows when she's wrong and when to stop defending herself. She has pride, but it's not overwhelming enough for her to go around boasting enough to everybody. Yet, at the same time, she's not humble either. She knows what she's good at, and she knows how to show it off and display it so that everybody else knows that she's good at it as well. This confident attitude allows her to easily befriend others and get along well with them. She's never been scared of getting rejected, believing that it's better to take the chance than to not bother and cower back. She can easily approach someone in a library, pulling a chair out in front of them and smiling that bright smile of hers before introducing herself. "Hi, I'm Junhee! What're you doing, there?" She's the social butterfly in her group of friends, always introducing them to other people so they can join in as well.

Once Junhee makes a friend, they will most likely be friends for a long time. The moment she gets attached, she latches onto that person that she's attached to and never lets go. She's a bit clingy, but not to the point where the person would get annoyed and want to shake her off. She's always there for her friends, and would stick by their side no matter what. Even if her friends are clearly in the wrong, she'll defend them. "Yeah, they're wrong, so what?" She'd ask the people who would argue with her. And then she'll state the reasons as to why not only her friends, but the people/person who were arguing with them was wrong as well. She's the jokester of the group, always making everybody laugh and smile. She's not very good with comforting, feeling 100% awkward in those situations, so she's the type of friend that will try to make you laugh away the tears. She wraps her arms tightly around you, and tells you an embarrassing story that she hadn't wanted to tell anyone due to how shameful it had been. Most of the time, if the tears weren't for something too serious, her friends will laugh. If they don't stop by the time she's finished with her story telling, she sits them down and hugs them tightly, rubbing their back. She's silent for the rest of the time, just letting them cry on her shoulder. Because everybody, in her opinion, is allowed to cry once in a while.

The problem is, when it comes to her own emotions, she doesn't know what to do. She refuses to cry most of the time, so she coops herself up in her room and hugs her pillow while playing random games on her phone. Due to her talkative nature, it's very obvious the moment she gets upset since suddenly she's quiet and barely hides her frowns. She tries to mask her emotions, but she tends to be very bad at it. The issue with this is the fact that she gets hurt really easily. She's not hurt by the words that strangers would say on the streets, but if her friend or family says something that may be criticizing in some way, her brows will furrow and she'll sulk for the rest of the day. Sure, she'll get over it, but it'll be in the back of her mind for the remainder of the week. At times, she will act on these emotions, and that's never a good thing. If someone irks her more when she's irritated, she'll throw things and scream. If someone asks her why she's upset when she's sad, she'll suddenly start crying. She's the type of person to not think things through when emotions are running through her.

This causes more problems for Junhee and the people that are oh so unfortunate to be there at the time to make sure she doesn't cause a scene. She doesn't worry at all about what others may think of her if she's emotional and venting. Even if she's in public and she's crying her heart out, or yelling at someone else, the thought of people thinking badly of her doesn't even concern her. This could be a good thing occasionally as well. Thanks to her ability to not feel embarrassment, she can approach others easily and ask questions that those close to her may be too shy to ask. She's bold and could care less about what strangers think of her. She tells people directly what's on her mind, sometimes not even thinking of how they may respond. Sometimes she'll stop herself before she can so she doesn't hurt another person's feelings, but most of the time, she goes all out on her opinion. This is a bit hypocritical of her, since she herself is hurt very easily by others. If she finds that something is wrong, she voices it quickly. If someone asks her for her opinion, she won't lie to them and won't sugarcoat her words for them. Overall, Junhee makes more trouble for people than anything. But once that factor of her is gotten used to, she's a good friend. She doesn't put a mask for anyone to see, and she's herself everywhere no matter what.

- candy
- flowers
- fruits/fruity scents
- stuffed animals
- skinship
- astrology

- the cold
- rain
- running
- bugs
- romance movies
- baked goods

- card games
- video games (mostly on PC)
- volleyball

- stealing her friend's, brother's, or boyfriend's clothing and forgetting to return it
- shuffling a deck of cards when her hands become too free. this is usually done when her phone is charging and isn't near another source of entertainment
- her lips
- chewing gum when trying to concentrate
- applying chapstick every opportunity she gets

- is a lightweight
- her favorite food is fried chicken
- her celebrity crush is her brother's friend Kim Jisoo
- has very sensitive skin
- she's cheap. if she can buy something on discount, she certainly will.
- she loves backhugs, but would never verbally admit it
- carries a deck of cards with her at all times because of her habit
- has arachnophobia
- a surprisingly quick learner



A reckless girl was born into the Nam family a year before an "angel" was. Six year old Junhee would run around the building while five year old Joohyuk sat in his mother's arms with a pout. Junhee looked up to her baby brother and flashed him a bright smile, eyes filled with curiosity and childish wonder. Joohyuk huffed and turned his head away from her.


She was ten and Joohyuk was nine. She dragged him away from his friends--or the people who Joohyuk said were his friends. Junee thought otherwise; friends don't snicker and point at each other. Friends don't hurt other friends' feelings. But when she expressed her concerns to her younger brother, his face turned red with rage and he picked up the closest thing he could find. The unwashed bowl from breakfast hit her right in the forehead, and she collapsed onto the kitchen floor and laid there until Joohyuk ran crying to their mother. He sputtered out tearfilled apologies when she woke up with stitches on her forehead, but she only laughed and pulled him onto the hospital bed with her.

"I'm not a baby anymore, I don't need you to protect me."

She hugged her brother to her chest and placed a bandaid over the small injury on his knee. The idiot had tripped. Junhee was twelve, and Joohyuk was eleven. He sniffled and wrapped his arms around her waist, crying into her pink tshirt. Even though she didn't like the damp feeling, she still hugged him tighter and pat his back. Mom wasn't home yet, and dad was always gone. She had to be there for him.

"You can rely on me too, y'know."

She had always been an emotional wreck. And Joohyuk, being her brother, knew this the best. Fourteen year old Junhee hugged her thirteen year old brother tight, and he awkwardly placed his hands on her back the way she did when he was eleven. He was growing taller, growing older, and now it was more like he took care of her. Like most siblings, they argued and fought, but whenever one was upset the other would always be right there for them. And in moments like these, Junhee had never been more grateful for a younger brother like Joohyuk.

"You're leaving?"

Junhee waved goodbye to her brother and her mother--her father was on another business trip. She was fifteen, and Joohyuk was fourteen. She smiled and he pouted, turning his head away but reluctantly raising his hand up to wave back. She was following her dreams, and she had a family that supported her and loved her no matter what.

"I'll miss you."

"What was that?"

"Shut up."


Nam Joohyuk | brother | 22 | living  | sarcastic, straight-forward, affectionate, independent, whiny | model | She bullies him, and he whines about it. She hits him, and he hits her back twice as hard. He's her precious little brother who's practically 20 cm taller than her. She tells all her friends he's a spoiled brat, and rolls her eyes everytime someone tells her that they find him attractive. Since he was the more obedient child, he always got his way with their parents, and to them, he was the angel. Despite her always kicking him and forcing him to do errands for her, she'd go to the ends of the world for him. When they were little, she'd hug him to his chest each time she felt like he was in danger, and always stood in front of him if he ever got bullied. She made sure he was never alone, and he always felt loved. Because of that, he's extremely grateful towards her and now that they're older, he does the same to her. He supports her no matter what she does, and he makes sure to call or text her daily to check up on her. She fake cries sometimes, saying that he should've been this cute when he was little, and that's usually when he hangs up. They love each other, though they'd never say it out loud.

Nam Sooyoung | mother | 44 | living | airy, kind, loving, charismatic, sociable | cafe owner | Nam Sooyoung is the sweetest person that Junhee knows. Her mother is an angel, and she hasn't ever been happier to have someone as loving and understanding as her for a mom. Sooyoung believes strongly in letting her children do whatever they want, and letting them learn from their mistakes. She's never went against them, and was there to support them every step of the way. Her husband disapproves of practically everything she does to raise their children, but that's just how she works. Because of her, Junhee became the free willed and careless spirit she is today, and she can't thank her mother more for that.

Nam Eunwon | father | 46 | living | strict, hardworking, overbearing, stoic, awkward | business man | Junhee, the wild child that never listened to her parent's rules, never got along well with her father. He constantly made rules for her that she would go out of her way to break. He's not big on family, only there to make rules then leave for business trips and go off on important businesses. Her mother insists it's for the family, but both Junhee and Joohyuk are old enough to know better now to know that he probably doesn't care about them anymore now that they're adults. Her relationship with him was strained ever since she was young, so now she rarely ever speaks to him. She does say her hellos and goodbyes, always polite and formal as if he were a stranger and not her own father.


Lee Taehyuk | friend | 22 | living | daring, loud, cooperative, absentminded, childish | Junhee, honestly, has always liked being in Taehyuk's company. They get along well when they're both happy and excited. She enjoys talking to him and his friendly nature goes well with her excitable and eccentric personality. They're both extremely loud, and his sarcastic personality always makes her snicker and laugh. The only issue she has is when he's upset. When he's upset, it's visibly so. Though she's usually one to comfort others, his sudden mood change when he's upset hurts her. She's easily hurt by those she's close to, so if he says anything that hurts her, which he has done once or twice, she can't help but cry. So she usually ends up silently sitting next to him if he allows her, or just letting him be altogether. Though she never forgets to smile at him in hopes to cheer him up, even if he scowls back at her.


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LOVE INTEREST: Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: on and off lovers

AGE: 22

PERSONALITY: Junhee uses one word to describe her boyfriend, and others would usually say that it describes him perfectly. Idiot.

Someone's first impression of Hyungwon is that he's quiet. Unlike Junhee, he doesn't usually have a grin on his lips. Instead, he usually looks tired and sometimes even unapproachable. If he's not surrounded by a group of friends, he doesn't speak up and if it weren't for his handsome face, nobody would notice him at all. He doesn't have much of a prescence in a room full of people, which is what he prefers most of the time. He likes sticking to walls and if given the option, he'd rather not be the center of attention.

Then people wonder if the Hyungwon they first met is the same Hyungwon they see after they get closer. At this point, he's a real idiot. He's always joking around and is playful. He loves teasing others, and when he's with a large group of friends it's as if his confidence skyrockets. He's already naturally confident, but when he's with his friends he becomes overconfident. He loves himself, and doesn't mind showing it. He's the person if placed in an uncomfortable situation, would somehow manage to lighten the situation and make everything cheery and lighthearted again. He's like the sun, always making others smile and taking others into consideration while caring deeply for those around him.

But Hyungwon's always been bad at decisions. If you ask him where he wants to eat, he says, "wherever you want". He likes going by the flow, and if that flow is disturbed by an angry friend, or girlfriend most of the time, he can get irritated and upset. He has a surprisingly short temper for an expression as chill as his. Though the only thing that can really make him upset is when someone messes with someone he's protective over, or when someone touches on a subject he's sensitive about. He's known to be extremely selfish, always insisting that what's his is his and no one else's. Hyungwon is extremely emotional, and the emotions that act up the most are jealousy and anger. He doesn't have much self-control when it comes to his own heart, and sometimes acts impulsively without thinking it through.

HOW YOU MET/WILL MEET: During her third year at Starship, Hyungwon suddenly became a trainee. Never one to leave others out despite the competitive nature that most trainees held against each other, she introduced herself to him and they clicked almost immediately. He broke out of his quiet shell quickly, and reciprocated her affectionate touches. A touch on his shoulder when somehow lead to her hand slipping into his. Her arms around his waist would end up slipping around his neck as he picked her up and ran around the practice room with her in his hold. Other trainees thought they were idiots, always so energetic and excited even though the both of them baely got enough sleep and enough to eat. 

INTERACTIONS: They're always arguing. Hyungwon is extremely protective and easily jealous, and Junhee is clingy and craves attention all the time. He complains about her lack of independence, and she complains about his lack of trust in her. Somehow it doesn't matter if the conversation starts with going out for dinner, it always ends up in doors slamming, crying, and frustrated item throwing. Yes, they always make up at the ends of their fights, but some fights are so bad that they end up breaking up. They always end up back together, and always end up running back to each other while murmuring their sorries. They fight so frequently, that sometimes friends will accidentally intrude in the middle and both of them have to pretend like they weren't seconds away from ripping eachother apart. They're not particularly discreet about it, since they both have obviously faked smiles and are always standing several feet away from each other. 

When they're not in a fight, and when they experience one of those peaceful weeks, they're like a married couple that's been together for long enough to already start playfully hating each other. They still bicker, but in a more playful way like when Hyungwon whines for Junhee to get him a glass of water and Junhee throws a water bottle at his head. He teases her, but always does so when his arms are tight around her to make sure she can't abuse him or run away from him. Junhee's friends say that when they're not fighting, they're one of the cuter couples in the world. They like to lace their fingers together for no particular reason, and snuggling up to each other is always an option. Junhee is usually the one to initiate skinship, and Hyungwon will always return it (when he's in a good mood, if not it usually leads to a fight). If they didn't argue so much, and live in a constant love hate relationship, they could probably be happy for the rest of their lives just being together.

HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER'S CONCEPT: He hates it. He's told her that he'd rather her not debut at all than have her to debut with this concept. And in a fury, she broke up with him again before they got back together again in less than a week. He's already jealous enough without having the concept, and his jealousy and possessive nature is half of the reason why they're fighting all the time. He knows he'll have to suppress it if he doesn't want to lose her for good, but he can't help the bubbling feeling inside of him each time he sees her getting touchy with another guy.

- Hyungwon knows of Junhee's weakness to backhugs and takes advantage of it
- She likes when he plays with her hair, so she always lays her head in his lap
- In Hyungwon's phone, Junhee's name is 'My Heroine' and Hyungwon's name in Junhee's phone is 'My Knight'. She hated how cheesy it was but he forcefully took her phone and changed it, and told her if she changed it back he'd throw her phone out the window.
- They like dancing together, whether it be practicing together or just doing it for fun
- Hyungwon has given Junhee many gifts, but her favorites are the giant Rilakkuma he won for her at a fair, and the Korilakkuma he bought for her later on.
- The one who usually initiates the brief breakups is Junhee. The one who usually apologizes and comes back crying is also Junhee.
- Every year Hyungwon forgets that Junhee doesn't like pastries, so he buys her a cake for her birthday and then apologizes and runs out to buy her an ice cream cake instead.



RAP CLAIM: yezi (fiestar)
DANCE CLAIM: chanmi (aoa)

POSITION WITHIN GROUP/PLOTLINE: lead dancer, main rapper

- EXID's Ah Yeah
- Stellar's Crying
- Playback's Playback
- Topp Dogg The Beat
- 24K's Superfly
- Imfact's Lollipop
- SNSD & 2PM's Cabi Song
- SHINee's View, f(x)'s Four Walls Mashup
- 2NE1's Lonely, BIGBANG's Loser Mashup
- EXO's Lucky One, SNSD's Mr Mr Mashup
- EXO's Love Me Right, f(x)'s Four Walls Mashup

PERSONA: Reckless Heroine - she stands up for what she believes in, but never thinks first before she says or does something

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- lots of Hyungwon and Junhee arguing
- Joohyuk visiting Junhee, or Junhee visiting Joohyuk
- Just interactions between Junhee and Joohyuk in general
- Hyungwon meeting Junhee's partner and glaring him down
- Lots of jealous Hyungwon and clingy Junhee
- Junhee accidentally blurting out something she shouldn't while trying to protect someone else, then getting in trouble for it
- Junhee stealing her brother's and Hyungwon's sweaters to wear them
- Junhee stealing her partner's hoodie and wearing it also, and Hyungwon getting angry
- serious Junhee when she's dancing and training
- Cupid and Loveholic appearing on variety shows together (Running Man, Happy Together, Hello Counselor, Weekly Idol, etc.)

QUESTIONS/ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW: I'm sorry I suggested the Cabi song LOL it was the first thing I thought of ((also, it's very catchy)) if I'm missing anything, please do tell me! I hope you like Junhee :) I also hope you don't mind the many scene suggestions and song suggestions-- ;;

PASSWORD: Red Velvet's Ice Cream Cake, GLAM's In Front of the Mirror, Miss A's Only You, AOA's Like a Cat, AOA's Elvis


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