You Don't Own Me // Wrong place, wrong time // Ho Siwon

Ho Siwon

hyunglovesoppa — amanda — 7/10


Birth name — Ho Siwon

birthday & age —  December 30, 1999

birthplace & hometown — Gangnam, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean


language(s) — Korean, fluent
English, high conversational

face claim & backup — Hyun Seung Hee
APPEARANCE — Siwon is 160 cm tall and weighs 48 kg She has long brown hair and soft skin. Her skin is one of her most important features. She takes such good care of it. Her eyes are black and sit further apart than normal. She looks young and innocent.



style — Siwon likes to wear fahionalbe clothes. She also seems to always bee at the head of the fashion industry. She hardly ever wears anything but heels, she owns one pain of sneekers, the rest have tall heels. 


PERSONALITY TRAITS — (+) Outgoing, smart, adventurous, resourceful, relaxed
(-) Nosey, adventurous, self doubt, jumpy, innocent


personality — Siwon is the student who knows everyone in her class and grade plus all the teachers names. Not saying she is a teachers pet, but she is a teachers pet. She doesnt have to up to anyone, they just love her. They really love how smart she is. She is second in her class and has been forever. She hardy has to study either. Thingsjust come to her naturally. She likes that though because then she has more time ot go do things. She lives for new things, exciting things, things she has never thought of doing before. She always seems to find new things too. Its like they just fall in her lap with out her trying, but if she does need to try she excells at it. She isnt uptight either. She is calm, usually, and she doesnt have a stick up her . 
Siwon knows everything, or at least thats how it seems. She likes to know everything though. Her business is in other peoples business. She sometimes can go a bit too far though. She always wants something new and fun but sometimes that can be dangerous or stupid. It doesnt take much for her to doubt herself. She is usually one of the last people to turn in a test because she second guesses everything she says. She is an easy scare and when she gets scared it takes a while for her to calm down. Small little things scare her more than big things. She has this innocence as well, she has seen darkness but it hasnt really gotten to her yet. 


likes —Food

dislikes — Mornings
The sight of blood (makes her queasy)
Math (worst subject)

Fears — Heights
Revolvings doors (she is terrified she is going to get trapped inside one)
Specific skills — She has an amazing pallet

HABITS & FACTS — She has to shower in the morning or her skin will get dry
When she is scared she either holds her own hands or someone elses hand and rocks
She knows how to cook
She has been to New York once
She wants to go to India
She never watched muc television
She has very neat penmanship
She is a perfect speller
She cant even stand the smell of coffee
She had her first sip of wine when she was fifteen
She has a terrible memry for names but she can remember any face
She loves spicy food, the spicier the better
She doesnt read very often
She isnt a very good reader
She donates all of her old clothes
She wants to go to Paris for Christmas
She wants a pomeranian
She has really bad vertigo


background/History — When Siwon was born her parents already had a good life. Her two older brothers were n the most eliet school in Seoul, they had the best apartment in their building and her mother was the one who made or broke resturants. She is a food critic and a very highly acclaimed one too. Her father is a cheif so the two of them together are a power couple. 
As soon as she started school Siwon was on the same path. The other students listened to her, the teachers always asked for her input and everyone seemed to know who she was. She did her first food review at the age of eleven, it was of her fathers food but people listened to her. By the age of fifteen she had her own food blog where she went around with her mother and ate out. It wasnt a job but she liked it. 
At her school she was the queen bee, but not because she was cruel. She knew everyone, what was going on with everyone and she was on top of every thing. She was second in her class and it has always been that way. She has been dating the third in the class for two years. She has had an entourage of three girls her entire life. She was going to get her masters in Journalism at the University of London. She had a life, then one night everything changed. 
She stopped being able to concintrate in school, her friends her and her boyfriend started keeping secrets from her. She felt weird too, like she was supposed to be somewhere else all the time. Her parents found out about it too when she got a test back. She had only gotten a 60%. Her class standings fell, soon everyone knew something was wrong with Siwon. 
She ran from class one day, at a loss, scared, confused. She just wandered around the city hoping things would start to make sence. Something pulled her to the shopping district. She never liked shopping but that day it helped clear her mind. It was there that she first felt it, a pull.
It lead her out of the distric and to the heart of Gangnam. That was where she saw him. She felt like she knew him but he acted like he didnt know her. The pull was coming from him though, no questions asked about it. She tried to get him to talk with her but he just wouldnt. She ended up going home upset and evern more confused. 
She couldntfunction anymore. She stopped going to school and her parents too her to ever kind of doctor imaginable. Nothing helped. On the plus side her skin had never been clearer in her life. On the negative she felt like she was going insaine. This went on for weeks with nothing to help her. She would lay in bed, hardly thinking and not moving. At one point her parents had to get someone to put an iv in her, she wasnt even eating. She was lost. 
Everything ended one night though. A boy came in through her window, she didnt think to question it but he did. He took her away from her apartment but things started to get better. She could think, eat and worry about school. He didnt explain anything to her but she knew she was better because of the strange Chinese boy. 
She tried to leave but didnt get far. All he had to do was tell her to stop and she stopped. There were gaps in her memory too. Entire nights just blank. She would wake up sore and achy yet feeling good inside. 
She didnt see anyone ever either, except the Chinese boy. She didnt even know his name. She as in a large apartment with no others and no windows. She asked about it once but never got an answer, she never got any answers about anything but it never seemed to bother her that much. 


family — 

▪ Ho Min Yeon | Mother | Siwon spent all of her extra time with her mother. They were all but inseperable, all most the same person

▪ Ho Minho| Father | Siwon was close with her father, but not nearly as much as her mother. They had a great relationship

▪ Ho Siwan | Older brother | Siwon and Siwan never were that close. There is nine years between them so they didnt really live together long. They do love eachother though. 
▪ Ho Siwin| Older brother | Siwin is a classic tsunder. He acts like Siwon is the bane of his existance but he cares for her deeply


friends & Enemies — 

▪ Kim Minjun | Boyfriend | Before her life took off they were drifting. Neither one would be surprised if they broke it off but it was still holding on. Now he is acting like the heart broken boyfriend

▪ Shin Yeon Na | Best friend | Yeonna was turning on Siwon. She was trying to get Siwon out of good graces and when her life fell apart Yeonna was going to pounce, but she went missing first.

▪ Kang Tak Mi | Best friend | Takmi is a spineless b*tch. She never wanted to be friends with Siwon but Siwon was the most popular girl so she alined herself. They never got along and Takmi didnt even shed a tear when she heard Siwon was missing.

▪ Lee Chae Rin | Best friend | Chaerin was actually Siwon's best friend. Siwon told her all of her secrets and since Siwon went missing Chaerin hasnt been the same. 


Place of residence — Siwon lives in a luxurious penthouse apartment with her parents and two older brothers. 

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Plotline  — Wrong place, wrong time

HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT BEING YOUR BREED? — Breed? I'm a breed? I'm a human, not a breed/
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR CLAN? — Clan? What is this? Joseon? We dont have clans
ANY OTHER LIFE GOALS YOU MIGHT HAVE? — Um... I am going to go to the University of London and get my masters in Journalism, then I'll become a world renown food critic like my mother. 


love interest — Xu Minghao

backup(s)  — Lorem ipsum.

personality — Minghao is a sweet person who takes a very long time to warm up to people. He seems quiet and shy at first but once you get to know him he is a confident chatter box. He is a sweet person who is always worried about making mistakes andrelys on his family a lot. He has been through a lot at his young age and it almost seems like the sweet person has all but dissapeared from him. He always is guarded like he has the biggest secret to keep and if you get close to him feel honored. 

Love story  — 
First meeting: Siwon was walking home late one night and not really paying attention to where she was. She heard sounds of a struggle so she looked around for it. fell open and she dropped her phone when she saw what it was. Three grown met had a girl pinned to the ground down an alley and one had a metal pike shoved in her chest. 
She was about to scream when a hand reached up and pulled her away. She tried to fight but he just kept him held tightly against his chest. They moved silently away from the gruesm sight and a few minutes later she was released, but he still kept his hand over . He put a finger over his lip and waited until she nodded to relase her. She a deep breath to scream but he must have seen that coming. He put his hand back over right away. 
After a while she seemed to calm down enough for him to explain. Well start to. He hadnt quite gotten to the vampire part when other clan members showed up, joking about how the newbie saved dinner for them. He protected her though. They tried to go after her but he told her to run while he faught them. He caught up to her and they ran together. She was scared they would find her but he said he wold make sure they didnt. 

Love story: Turns out they did find her. That was when Siwon found out about vampires. For some reason the others who were there that night were bothered the boy didnt share and wanted her for their own. She was scared they were going to do something to her and tried to get away but she couldnt. 
The boy was being held down while the others came up on her. One pulled a knife out and nicked her neck. She hissed in pain and tried to pull away but a look at the boy stopped her. He looked differant, his eyes were darker and he looked slightly scary. He ripped free of the ones holding him and was over to her in a split second. 
At first Siwon thought he waskissing her neck but the pain that followed proved differantly. She felt like she was dying, every cell in her body was screaming and the ones where he was biting her were on fire. She didnt know if she screamed or not, everything just kinda went black. All she remembered was the pain. 
When she awoke in her own apartment she was groggy and confused. She had a horrible dream and felt worse. All she knew was that she was so thirsty she could drink the ocean. She started going about her day like normal but she still felt...wrong. She couldnt shake the idea that something was off with her. 

Minghao felt horrible. He was bound to this human he never met and he didnt know what to do about it. He did his best to ignore her but he even could feel the pull. His parents were able to talk him through what to do and how to keep her memory in check but it was going to take practice. When he saw her in Gangnam he almost lost it. He could tell when she was near him, it was a feeling like none other. He resisted it as long as possible but eventually he had to go to her. 
His father helped him. There was an empty apartment right next to theirs that was supposed to be Minghao's but he never took it. That was where he put her, Siwon. He hated what he had to do to her, but even his parents didnt know how to break the bond. He fed from her as little as possible and every time he would put a block on her mind when he did. He seemed to be putting more and more blocks on her mind, he was worried what would happen to her. 
He was also worried about her. The ones who forced her to be his bound could find her and they could hurt him through her. He had to protect her. He was so worried they would hurt her to get to him, they never tried to hide that they didnt like him. They didnt like any of the Chinese members of the clan. 
When they bound her to him they were hoping he would lose it and kill her, he almost did too. He was able to stop himself though. 
When he goes out he hears all the time about the food critics daughter who has been missing with no leads. He hates what he has done and wants to fix it. 

ENDING  — The other vampires somehow find out about Siwon. Minghao fights hard to protect her, but they are stronger, older and there are more of them. 
Her blood calls so strongly to Minghao, they havnt been bound very long and the call is strongest the first few years; and he puts himself at a disadvantage by feeding of her as little as possible. He left himself thirsty and weak but he didnt want to hurt her. 
They chained him to the wall and bled her. They took turn feeding from her but they almost killed her. Minghao was fighting the whole time but there was nothing he could do but watch. 
When they left there was two choices. Let her die and loose his blood bond or change her and force her into the life he was forced into as well. He didnt want either one and wished he could do something, anything. His mother was the one who made up his mind. 
Minghao turned Siwon and vowed to protect her. Now that his bond was turned their bond just strengthened. It was comparable to nothing, not even true love. She literaly is what he lives for and he is what she lives for. 


YOUR TAKE ON HIS PLOTLINE  — Minghao and his parents fled their clan in China and were taken in by the one in Seoul. They have been there for a while but he still feel alienated. There has been a group of vampires a few centuries older than him who has been terrorizing him endlessly so he isnt comfortable with many of the others. He hides things very well.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — (If you have any questions, please let us know. We're happy to help! Thank you so much for applying!) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an.

scene request — Siwon is sitting in class, no where near the room she is in and Minjun starts talking to her. She is draing attention because she isnt answering and he starts getting bothered by it. He grabs her and jerks her hardly to get her attention. She fell to the ground and he looked down in shock. Chaerin jumps up and offers to take Siwon home. She tries to get out what is wrong, but Siwon doesnt say. That was the last time Chaerin saw her
Siwon wakes up groggy and sore and heads to the bathroom, hoping a shower will help. She notices herself in the mirror. Her skin is clearer than she ever remembers it being, she almost seems like she is glowing. Her hair is shiny too. She spends a good hour loking at herself in the mirror before Minghao comes in and asks what she is doing. 
Late one night a higher up is coming to check on Minghao's family, to see how they are doing with the clan. Minghao is with his parents and when the vampire comes in he sneaks over to his apartment and tries to hide Siwon but cant. He ends up just compelling her to sleep in his bed and hopes that the vamipre would make his own assumptions. 

password — Lorem ipsum.

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