this isn't goodbye

welp. i've been gone for quite some time.

to anyone wondering yes i am very much alive, and no i haven't completely abandoned this lovely community.

i'm currently in my senior year of high school, which means lots of things, including the stressful process of college applications and transitioning into a huge new chapter of my life (i'm old but im young and what is growing up). i've been very busy lately, so busy that literally i don't even get random unnecessary story ideas in my head because i simply don't have the time and energy.

i definitely have not given up writing, and i certainly haven't given up kpop, but for the next few months i need to focus all my concentration and thoughts into my classes and other things. sorry for having been so slow on replies and i'll definitely try to come back every once in a while to reply and try and catch up on reading fics.

i'll miss all of you very very much for the time that i'm away but i will definitely be back and more active once this hellstorm of life has blown over with more fics and general love to share with everyone so until then <3


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Yeah seriously! Good luck my man ;-; I remember senior year only this much - - that itty bitty space inner weeb the tick marks. I remember a lot happened and the college application process was a blur. I'm currently in the university I'm in now on a complete whim. Lol I had no idea of what I was doing. But make the most of it and don't get too stressed, always remember you'll be okay by the end :) And find time for sushi too. Sushi should help make things better. Hell it might even help inspirations come back. Okayyy good luuuuuccckkkkkkk
*insert cute yixing gif*
Good luck with everything cutie :)