A puppy!

Hi! ^^

I've been very busy with helping out my sister so she can move out of her flat and into a family house, so that's te main reason why I haven't been active at all and why I haven't read or written anything, sorry ^^' sister is very important though c: then I went to France on a camping vacation and it's so beautiful! Very very hot though O_o but I won't complain ^^

And now, I'll be mom of this baby! <3 (in the picture is also my mom, who thinks she can be first mom to puppy T-T)


He's not old enough to come live with us yet, we'll have to wait until the 3rd of october, but I'm sure we can manage c: buying all those things he'll need will be so much fun already ;-; and then, when he's older, I want to do all those athletic fun stuffs you can do with dogs ;u; I missed having a dog... ^^' 

I hope I'll be inspired to write lots and lots again ^^ 

Thank you for reading all this way! <3


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kpopluvr27 #1
What a cutie ^-^
Aw he's adorable!! ❤ My host family wants a dog as well, we'll get it in november! I'm really excited for it. Have you thought of a name for it yet?
Also I'll write to you over Facebook as well. I've been busy with settling in. I hope the puppy will inspire you a lot! ^^
Omg its a dalmation :) He's so cute ... Awwww you're so lucky. In my country dalmation its kinda rare. I only saw it once. So cute..