Hello everyone.

For starters: How have you been? 

And now... I am sorry. I am sorry for failing you. I promised to come back, but I just couldn't, since my passion for K-pop has completely vanished away and I am, once again, that geeky girl who loves Stargate so much she managed to read Stargate Aschen in two days - not that I stopped being one, but you probably got my point. 

I decided to delete most of my stories and only those I completed had been left untouched. I might come back - one day. But it is more than probably that I will not. And in that case...I am sorry. I met dozens of amazing people I enjoyed interacting with. You should know that you are responsible for all those beautiful moments, but it is time to move on - well, I already did. [Just PM me and we can think of contacting each other somehow]

My dream is to publish a book, but I am not from an English speaking country. In fact, it is quite difficult to publish a book in my country and I cannot do so in a foreign language. I talked to my friend and we settled down on writing a funny book about us, a book everyone could relate to - well, at least the people crossing the border of the year of twenty. One day, we were sitting in a restaurant, cola for the driver, wine for the passenger, discussing our past days. It ended up at me complaining about a guy liking a ketchup in his late twenties, the disgusted expression and all the diva-like attitude present as I shouted: 'Who the hell loves ketchup in their late twenties, not to mention being it a guy!' The whole night went on as we both complained. We barely crossed the border of the twenties, but we already feel like grannies, our joints hurting, worrying about period [not that we sleep around - or at all...], worrying about terminal illnesses, money problems - and being broke, our days filled with running errands. Somehow, our life has turned from drinking by the evenings to running around the shops and looking for shoes for the little ones, being a TAXI and a housewife without an actual husband. 

I do not know, maybe it will turn out as a complete bull, but it is worth a try. Also, my writing style has changed a lot. I will not start writing this book right away. It will take some time, but for the time being, I will put on the Stargate SG1 series and feel pathetic for wanting to get my period after two long months and enduring a back pain with a stabbing reminder that it might be something way more serious, but being a big enough coward to visit a doctor.

Well, this is probably a goodbye. It was pleasure to meet you all. Have a nice day, follow your dreams and never give up. And remember, never stop chasing your cheese.


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Hi, bud. It has been a long time since we talked to each other. I hope you havent forgotten me yet. I wish you luck in anything you do. Don't lose hope about pu publishing a book. Complete your manuscript first. Whether it could be published or not, that one you can think of later bcs writing need sincerity.
It's a pleasure knowing you ^^