Hello there everyone!

It has been a while, am I right?
First, I would like to apologize for my  long hiatus. I wasn't expecting it either, it just, sort of, happened. But after pulling an all-nighter which I spent with reading Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, I realized that I want to keep on writing, keep on getting lost in the sentence structures up to the point when I have no idea what is me and what is my character, because that is me.

And so I decided to do this FAQ or as I like to call it "List of my defects and glass castles". So here it comes:

  • I want to start anew. What happened, happened, now I want a fresh start, so please, even if you know my past, kindly overlook it. It would be lovely.
  • I might have lost interest in the Korean pop culture. Due to some... demons from my past, I kept on drifting further and further apart from this magic world. In fact, it feels like I grew up or maybe just my soul has gotten even older than it already was. Now it feels like it is in its 40s' with occasional flashbacks to the youth.
  • Also, I am "slightly" obsessed with The Doctor. Thanks to the Doctor I started to read books once again; once again, I found passion in architecture, art and music. I would say that my love for the Doctor is bigger on the inside just like everything concerning this Madman with Box form Gallifrey.
  • I am single and this fact brings me down. Like, I feel horribly insecure, too ed up to start something serious. I am subconsciously shooing away every guy that shows simply any form of interest in me. And I have no idea what to do with this. I don't know... I am searching for my Doctor, and I mean it. My conception of relationship is lying there, right in front of me, on the screen. There were times, when I hated the show and even stopped watching it, because Rose reminded me of myself so much, but now I know that, she, the silly nineteen-year-old girl, is exactly who I am. The Bad Wolf, being there for the Doctor, to support him, Rose, who never left his side and last but not least, I loved the relationship of the Doctor and River Song. That is my conception of love, silly, you might say, but it will do for me.
  • I am a Russian major. So if you happen to speak this lovely language, feel free to talk to me.
  • I am chaotic and unable to concentrate on studying. So instead of studying for the finals, I am here writing this nonsense no one will read anyway.
  • I am aware that I and am an idiot, but, please, kindly overlook it.
  • Yes, my story characters are dark, might come as shallow and deeply wounded. This is coming from my never-ending cry for my savior, a hero of mine. Being stranded, feeling like there is no escape even despite having your wrists free and legs untied, a person starts to worship something. They emotionally attach to either a thing or a living person. And so did I. For me, it was k-pop and the wonderful guys from BigBang, but now... I've got the Doctor.
  • I am basically emotionless. You won't see me smile unless I'm working or with my friends and not even then is a crack of mine a granted. 
  • Although, I am a cheery and quite childish person, who loves a good fit of laugh from time to time, more like all the time and her tea strong (leave the bag in, I am driving - no driving license btw)
  • I drink only green or black tea (the strong stuff, as I already mentioned. What reminds me, I ran out of the black tea....)
  • I cut my hair short because of a guy. I do not regret it, but I wish they grew quicker.
  • I live in the dorms on the 12th stair and love the fact I can see the whole town, but hate the fact that there are only two lifts. 
  • My teeth are constantly hurting.
  • I want to visit London, Paris and Cardiff. I would love to walk along the Cardiff Bay and just.... forget everything. 
  • I need glasses. I am blind like a lizard.
  • No, I am not abandoning my old stories. I will get back to them after the finals are over, witch means, in a month. (or two, who knows)
  • I hate myself for being fat. 
  • I also hate myself for being a ty daughter.
  • I hate myself for simply anything and everything. I am a ty person.
  • I wanted a cat or a dog, but then I realized it doesn't deserve such a ty person for its caretaker. 
  • I drink wine, sweet and dry.
  • When I get drunk, I usually talk nonsense. Or scream the unwanted truth into people's faces.... or kiss them.... yeah, quite a range, isn't it?
  • I set up an anonymous account on here.... A one on which I am going to be true to myself... I do not think you will find out it is me.... 
  • Also, I am giving few of my stories to a friend of mine. She will write them. I am sure she is going to make a great job. 
  • That is it, Angie is back.
  • What reminds me, Angela is not my real name, well, it is, but isn't.... it is a taken name for the Church, which I hate. I do not like my real name and it becomes a horror pronouncing it for the foreigners to get it right, so I just stick with Angela.
  • I am terribly sorry, but describing a ty person is tiring, I have nothing left to eat and am tired from staying up all night. 


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God I cant even begin to say that 1st im glad u are back (sorry my dark weird self always dreds that my equally emotional handicap contacts do something stupid like i have done in the past). N 2nd I understand u too well... I am on hiatus myself,I feel drain out n not into writing this days. So I actually relate perfectly with ur words here.
Dont worry, the stuff u wrote isnt crap n some of us actually care. Nice to see that ur handling things, staying sane is dificult enough this days after all.
Take care!