BTS Short Film Teaser Theories (Updated)


Jimin is in a pysch ward, getting mental help for schizophrenia, caused after his best friend Hoseok overdosed. When in a session, the hand shows a picture of Jungkook's symbol, representing Jungkook himself, and he shakes his head. He can't recognize his friends. The only symbol he recognizes is his own, because he's obviously gonna recognize himself, or maybe he doesn't, i haven't really been able to decipher his facial expression during that part. Maybe subconsciously he knows he should recognize his friends and he's sad that he doesn't, but he lies and says he's fine because he knows that's what the doctors want to hear

So, obviously, Taehyung finally gets caught for killing his father. He's talking to the cop, answering his questions, and when asked about his parents he says "I don't have any". We see a seen with him holding his sister, perhaps his older sister, who since she is the oldest, takes the beatings in place of him. The dad, turned into a drunken abuser, because his wife either left or died. If she left, maybe Taehyung resents her for leaving. At the end, he asks for his one phone call and judging from the MVs, I'm pretty sure he calls Namjoon since they were pretty close.

Yoongi is affected by Jungkook's death going into a violent depression, he breaks into the music store, playing a tune, the same tune from Jungkook's video, then he hears a whistle. Much like in Demian, Sinclair is put on a dangerous path, only to have Demian come to the rescue. Jungkook is Demian, Yoongi is Sinclair. By hearing the whistle, Jungkook's whistle as a warning, he is reminded of Jungkook and he leaves the store in search of it. Narrowly missing the speeding car, he hears a crash. The same crash in BEGIN, which leads to the scene of the burning piano. The same scene in begin. The blood on the road was Jungkook's from when he got hit by the car. At the end we see FIRST LOVE symbol and LIE symbol merge and make a completely different circle, leading everyone to surmise FIRST LOVE is a LIE. What if Yoongi resents Jungkook for dying, his FIRST LOVE leaving him behind and he begins to resent himself for resenting Jungkook. In Jungkook's video, he's seeing all sorts of images that happen in Yoongi's video, so maybe Jungkook is warning Yoongi and saving him with the whistle. I'd like to point out that Jimin is also connected to Yoongi somehow I just don't know how.
I believe the next video is either going to be Namjoon or Hoseok. I think they'll save Jin for last.
Then again BigHit are s and will probably release Jin's next just to say " it motherers!"
Let me know what you think down in the comments!!



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Every one of the teasers leaves me feeling lost...but your theories are interesting! :)