Grateful as always

I juz got through another exam.

And yeah, I didnt expect to get A- in biology.

I was targeting for C+

So yayy!

I got 8A 1B and a C.

C is for addmath of course, what else to expect.

Anyway, I'm grateful and Thanks God for everything.


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omg congrats gurrllll!!!! i know you can do it! hahahha honest here im jealous of you xD youre not confident about your marks but then got scored every subject! well that's a good thing tho. so be prepare to have another war! im not hoping for anything just, jangan fail sej and math itu je. risau jugak katanya banyak kbat je. tak mahir kbat ni ;')

anyways i dont get my result yet, maybe next week.... ahh im nervoussss
congratulations :) :) :) ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡