Trick Questions ??

1) A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird? 


2) Spell "Ghost" out loud. Then spell "Most" out loud. Then spell "Roast" out loud. What do you put in a toaster? 




See ya!! Thanks for reading btw :)


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ToxicVixen #1
lolll coconut and bananas tho
you almost got me on the second one hahhahahaha
Hhaha Love those! Caught me on the first one xD
Gennisisluvu #3
Hahahahah funny
AssassinWitzard #4
1. They're racing on the coconut tree but the reward is banana. But I don't think birds eat banana xD
2. I don't have a toaster so....
kalleninlove #5
Hahaha thanks for the brain twisters!
Mimimimmimim #6
Ohohoho I didn't get the second one for the longest time and I had to look at the comments
Coffee2s #7
Lol these are funny and the doctor... XD
I dont know about you, but I put coconut in my toaster
its a coconut tree
i dont get this one lol
The Monkey!!!!yeah! I'm stupid as a donkey
1. no one will get the banana because its a coconut tree xD i rmb having someone asking me this question. not sure if i got the answer right tho ouo
2. dk this one cx
1. Banana in a coconut tree is not possible.
2. Bread
the second question is weirs for German people.
We because the "white bread" that americans put in a toaster...
is ACTUALLY called toast here ;) we don't call that fluffy white stuff "bread"
1) banana from coconut tree?
2) as long as I remember,they put bread in it,but the question probably wants 'toast'.
