BLACK DRAGON - Choi Evan (The Hopeless Nightingale)

This is me

replace with fc

REAL NAME  Choi Evan  


NICK NAMES                      

° Mama's Boy ] Group Members, they know how close Evan is to him mom and how dedicated he is to her, so they jokingly call him that.

° EvieHis sister call him this and pronounce it like "eevee" because it reminds her of the pokemon.

BIRTH DATE  31 - October - 1993 [22]

UALITY  Homoual

BIRTHPLACE  Tampa, Florida

HOMETOWN Orlando, Florida



° English ] Native ,it was the first language he spoke since he lived in America

° [ Korean ] Fluent, He learned a little bit when growing up in the US and had to learn more when he moved  for school.



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Mirror, morror on the wall who's the hottest of us all?



FACECLAIM Jang Hyunseung 


HEIGHT AND WEIGHT   180cm & 75kg


APPEARANCE Evan is tall, he doesn't really have many muscles, he's considered lean, but he does have a toned stomach. His skin is slightly tanned. He has three piercings in his left ear lobe and two in the right. He also has a right cartilage piercing.

STYLE He likes to dress simple, ripped skinny jeans, plain t-shirt, and a flannel shirt are his go to outfit (example). His hair is normally dyed a light color since he doesn't like the way his natural black hair makes him look and wears concealer and eyeliner when in public or on camera.

Height 300, Width 200

to the beautiful me


° [ + ] kind-hearted | cooperative | caring |  determined |  protective

° [ ] insecure | pushover | perfectionist | unforgiving | blunt



Probably one of the nicest guys you can meet. Upon first meeting Evan is very polite and nice, he'll most likely be the first one to offer to run an errand or favor. As a songwriter, Evan like to have second opinions on his work and will ask the other members what they think of it. Or even sometimes ask for help writing lyrics. Evan doesn't mind lending his ears to listen to someone's problem or ask if they're okay if he notices them having a hard time. His determination really spawned during his trainee days, once he sets his mind on something, he wants to accomplish it and prove himself. He will do anything in his power to defend his friends from hateful comments or any sort of possible danger.

Evan has his moments where he feels plain and doesn't like people to look at him with make-up on, like his appearance didn't' match his talent. Evan has a a problem saying no to people and will do favors for them even if he doesn't feel like doing it. Because he's so determined, everything he does has to be perfect. It bothers him if he finds it average and below it, whether it be songs or learning choreography. If you piss him off, he'll hold that grudge and won't dare to forgive that person for it. And as nice as he is, he will be blunt with his words and get straight to the point, which they can sometimes come out a little harsh.





300/ 133




Evan lived in Florida with his parents and sister. Since he was young he's always been a "Mama's boy". Always helping his mom around the house with cleaning and learning how to cook from her. His dad was always busy or at work, which left Evan to hep his mom with his little sister. She taught him some Korean and how to sing.

Evan wasn't too close with his dad. Really the only time they talked was when Evan greeted him when he came home from work or when Evan was doing his homework and his father would walk by and ask him about his grades. Evan felt awkward not having a close relationship with him, but didn't speak up on it. But he did respect him, because he was his dad and provided for the family.


A couple of months after Evan turned twelve, his parents divorced after his father was caught cheating, something he admits to doing more than once before. Evan lost all respect for his after after hearing the reason for the divorce. His mother got full custody and took him and his sister back to Korea with her. Evan had a hard time at first adjusting in Korea. His Korean wasn't very strong and he went through culture shock. It took him a couple of months to get use to it and strengthen his Korean. His was homeschooled until he went to high school.


Evan's sister loved to hear him sing, he sang to them when her she was a toddler to calm her down and even as an elementary students whenever she asked because he couldn't resist an request from her. If he made a promise to her he would follow it through, whether it was to walk her home after school or take her out for ice cream. I guess you can say Evan spoiled his sister.


When Evan was sixteen, he heard about auditions for BigHit coming up from some his mother, she got the information from a customer at her job, asking him if he wanted to audition. He was originally going to say no but his sister just so happened to walk in and hear. She begged pleaded him to audition because she "wanted to be able to brag one day in school about her brother becoming famous". And always he couldn't tell her no. He went to the auditions and passed them, he was accepted as a trainee and trained with BigHit for seven years.






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 Iced Coffee



  Animals, mainly cats and dogs.




  Alternative rock





 Getting sick


  His sister or mom being sad





  Doing song covers.

  Reading manga

 Watching movies.




  Singing while being occupied by another task

 Drumming his fingers against surfaces.

  Sleep walking/talking



 When he starts talking in his sleep, it might take a few minutes to realize he's really asleep, because he can somehow hold a proper conversation until he says something weird.

 He has a Eevee plush doll he keeps on his bed, it was a gift from his mom and sisters.

 He was a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! when he was younger and played the card too, he still knows how to play and how the rules work for the game.

 He doesn't mind skinship.

 He randomly sings songs in english when he's walking around or doing errands.

 Cries whenever there's a death scene in a drama or movie.

  He's usually the one who will do all the cleaning and laundry.

 Wants to trying acting one day.

 Usually the last to fall asleep, because he makes sure all the other members are sleeping first.

 Doesn't like to be seen on camera or in public barefaced.



FAMILY & FRIENDS                     

° [ Choi Hyunjin ] Father/ 52/ CEO/ They are very distant, Evan hasn't spoken to him since he moved back to Korea and doesn't wish to contact him. 

° [ Kim JihyunMother/ 51/ Florist/ The reason he is called a Mama's Boy, Evan loves him and she supports him no matter what.  

° [ Choi AvaLittle sister/ 15/ Student/ Evan spoils her whenever he can and she loves her big brother dearly and is proud of of all the efforts he does. She looks up to him and claims to be his number ne fan.

° [ Black DragonHe likes to think of them others as family too, despite the different personalities, he cares for them and cherishes them.They are like his brother since he didn't have any growing up



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i'm born to be a star



PERSONA The Mother Hen ]  He acts like the groups mother. Being caring and if a topic comes up that uncomfortable to the members or they seem like they're about to fight he'll quickly change the subject to avoid it.

POSITION  Main Vocal, Sub-dancer, Songwriter.

FANCLUB [ Eves] He hard a little trouble coming up with a fan name, so he came up with Eves since it's close to one of his nicknames.


 For singing, it was a piece of cake for him. His voice was strong and would make him stand out from most trainees. He however had a problem with rapping, something he had zero talent for. But what hurt him on the inside the most was hearing he wasn't considered handsome enough like most idols, which held him back from possibly debuting sooner.

 He got along with a few trainees, but other often laughed behind his back talking about him having a strong voice but not being on an idol's level of appearance. Evan heard them a couple of times and it hurt his pride but also made work even harder to prove himself.

Do Kyungsoo] For Singing 
Jung Daehyun] For Rapping
[ Chen] For Dancing


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i want someone to look at me the way i look at chocolate cake!




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FACECLAIM  Matchmaker
BACK-UP FACECLAIM  Insert name here
BIRTH DATE  Day-Month-Year [Age]

PERSONALITY  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. 

RELATIONSHIP Enemies/Friends/Lovers?

FIRST MEETING Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. 

INTERACTIONS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est.







COMMENTS/QUESTIONS  I hope everything is alright with him, I haven't done an applyfic in awhile lol. 


Maybe some moments with Black Dragon in the dorms.

Evan seeing negative comments about his looks.

PASSWORD  Dragon Scales + #00cc99​   What U - Speed





activity rate 8/10


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