Lady Avengers。— Moon, Lilianna { The Billionaire }

  Lilianna Jada Moon。
   Brittany  Kimimato ACTIVITY LEVEL (1-5)
— Lili / A common nickname for her, she usually tells people upon meeting them to call her Lili, just to make it easier for them.
— Lulu / Lili's little sister has been calling her this since she was a toddler and refused to call her Lili, not that Lili minds it.

AGE  21
BIRTHDAY  October 31, 1994

BIRTH PLACE  Los Angeles, California 
HOMETOWN  Los Angeles, California 

ETHNICITY  African American-Korean
— English / Native / The language she grew up speaking since she lives in the States.
— Korean / Fluent / She learned this on the side from her dad to communicate with him better  or whenever they needed to speak about something in private.
— Mandarin Chinese / Semi-fluent / She asked Yifan to teach her this, because she wanted to learn a new language.
♡know yourself, know your worth  
  i'm not a beauty queen. i 'm just beautiful me。 

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FACE CLAIM  Karrueche Tran

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BACK UP FACE CLAIM  Felicia Porter
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APPEARANCE  Her hair is black with the ends dyed blue that goes almost to her waist. She has three peircings in both her ear lobes, she is 165 cm and weighs 50 kg.
STYLE  She tends to switch her style up, mostly switching between girly and rocker style. ( 1 ) ( 2 )  ( 3 ) ( 4 )

Lady Avenger Costume Her armor is similar to Tony Stark's Iron Man armor, except with more femine features and colored blue and black.

  beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself。 


— Cooperative, Bright, Adaptable
— Unorganized, Impatient, Inconstant

"So how about we collaborate"  Lili normally works alone, whether it be documents, blueprints, or even her suit. But she doesn't mind a little help if someone offers it. She has no problem being team player and working with others.  She likes the idea of bringing different plans together for a bigger cause and effect. 

"Kids use to call me a smarty pants in school..." Lili was always the smartest kid in her school. She was the one student to be reading and studying during recess. She would do her homework during lunch time. She will know how to solve almost every equation, or figuring out new technology. She was in the top 1% in high school, the golden student on the honor society. She's smart, you can't throw a problem at her and not expect her to solve it or already know the answer.

"Hm, I could really get use to this place." Lili can adjust to new things. Doesn't matter what, places or people she can adjust in a matter in couple of minutes or hours, give or take. A new situation is no problem with her, she can cope with it and learn from it. She can pick up new strategies and use the effectively. When the family took vacations to Foreign countries, it never took Lili long to get use the cultural differences. 

"Yeah there's sorta papers and junk everywhere." As of a genius she is, she lacks organization. It's mostly with her workspaces, she gets caught up with new blueprints or documents and won't place them away properly. There is always clutter in her room and lab, consisting of books and papers. She doesn't even notice it until she loses track of something and is forced to clean to find it. But once she does clean, she messes everything up again, while trying to work and sort things out. 

"It's been 32 minutes, where is that pizza?!"  In all honesty, she hates waiting. When she wants something or wants to get anything out of the way, it has to done immediately. She cannot stand, lateness either. Growing up with a business man of a father, she pretty much picked on not wanting to be kept waiting for too long. She is person who gets annoyed if a package she ordered comes a day later than it's original arrival date. 

"Just put the couch over to the wait I change my mind go to the right." Lili is inconstant a lot. Whether it be food, her clothing style, even her armor, when deciding what weapons or features to install into it. She likes to switch things up sometimes, you can visit her house one day, then by the next week every piece of furniture will be moved around and in a new spot. While she was designing her armor, she kept changing the plans for it when she saw flaws. 




— Technology; She's studied it all her life so why not...
— Candy
— Nutella
— Banana milk
— Horror movies; They actually scare her or her sister, but still they entertining to watch.
— Video games; She's a gamer girl who loves action and rpg games.
— Anime
— Kpop
— Bullies; She use to be bullied in school, so she can't stand them.
— Lateness
— Incorrect information
— Anything bitter; Sweeter tastes are ore natural to her.
— Being pranked

— Biting her nails; She does this a lot when she's thinking or bored.
— Messing with her hair; If she's stressed or can't figure something out.
— Sleep talking
— Playing Video games
— Upgrading her armor
— Watching movies
— Shopping
— Cooking
— Spiders; they are really creepy her she'll freak out over a spider.
— Not being able to protect anyone; She's afraid of other getting hurt or dying because she couldn't do anything about it.
— Snakes; A cousin pranked her with a snake before, ever since then she's been afrid of snakes.

 She has a soft spot for kids and animals

 She loves to dress up in costumes on her birthday, since it's halloween anyway.

— Lili loves iced coffee.

 If you ask her to cook for you, she won't mind it.

 Her favorite video games is Saints Row 2, inFAMOUS: Second Son, and Outlast.

 She likes tattoos and wants to get one.

 She's visited South Korea, Germany, Japan, and China before with her dad on business trips.

 Her favorite anime is Death Note.

 Her favorite Korean movie is Runway Cop.

 She plans on taking over her dad's company when her dad retires.

 Her dad pays for whatever she needs, as well as adding money into her bank account for her to live wealthy.

  you were born to be real, not perfect。
PAST  Born to Jae-Hwa and Erica Moon on Halloween night, she would the first and eldest child for the couple. Her father owned a Multi-Million dollar company, mostly specializing in technological advancements, giving the family enormous riches to live on. Since she was young, she would learn from her dad about the company and the technology they were working on and using. She grew interested from seeing this perspective and decided to learn more about technology from her  dad. he hoped that her new found interest would lead to take over the company one day.  

She learned fast, picking up on the information within days and moving to the next topic. Soon enough she would be able to build the technology on her own. During this time Lili's younger sister, Layla was born. Lili grew attached to her sister, straying away from her studies sometimes to help her mother take care of her. As Lili and Layla grew older, she would begin to build small robotics toys for her sister to play with. Although it proved Lili's intelligence had increased, Lili did this more out of fun for her sister.

As a young teen, Lili would be able to skip grades as she grew smarter beyond her age. She is the youngest in her family to graduate high school at the age of 16 and attend college, to major in Engineering Technology. During this, Lili's mother decided to take her daughters on a shopping trip, but before they could make to the shopping center, another car crashed into theirs. All three survived with a few minor injuries, however, Layla was traumatized from the incident, becoming fearful and refusing to leave home or even get in a automobile, at the time she and Lili shared a room and would just burst into tears or wake up crying, resulting in Lili waking up to comfort her sister, even stop studying and working to help her. Lili in turn quit college to help with Layla's counseling, quitting didn't matter much to her as she was already ahead of everyone else in her class and her IQ by this time scored 170.
When she was 18, started getting interested in advanced armor. She was a fan of Tony Stark as well interested in the Iron Man armor he built. This inspired her to try to build her own, she would spend her time drawing up blueprints for the armor but  always saw a flaw or two in them and would restart the process. On her 7th attempt to get the blueprints right, she once again saw flaws, frustrated she crumpled up the paper and tossed it away, ready to give up on building the armor herself. Layla however came in and handed the paper to her, smiling and pleaded with her to keep trying. Within months she perfected the armor blueprints and built the armor itself, testing it out, with Layla recording it, to prove it a successful invention, however Lili only built with ability to fly, seeing no need to install any kind of weaponry to it. However Lili had no further plans for it other than to build it for future emergencies to protect her family.

PRESENT  A year after building the armor, Lili moved out of the Moon mansion to take up residence on her own, living with enough space for her and guests, and enough room for her to have a place to store the armor and work on it more. She took up modeling after her best friend got her a few jobs to do. She was also recruited into S.H.E.I.L.D. It was then she upgraded the armor with lasers and such.


— Father / Moon, Jae-Hwa / 52 / Intelligent, Hard-working, Boastful
Lili and her dad are very close. He likes to say the Lili got her intelligence from his side of the family (cue his wife slapping him on the shoulder for bragging too much.). Being the current owner of Moon Industries, Jae-Hwa works hard to keep the company from failing and makes sure his family has more than enough live off of. He's the type of dad who loves to brag about his kids accomplishments, like Lili's straight A grades or Layla's knew dance routine. 

— Mother / Jette-Moon, Erica / 50 / Nurturing, Protective, Stubborn
She and Lili have a very good relationship. She was there for her whenever Lili felt stressed or just needed someone to talk to. She cares for both of her children and is willing to risk her safety in exchange for her daughters. She's not afraid to stand up for herself or her family. But if she has her mind set on anything, you better believe she's won't change it and do what she wants to do. Her favorite thing was get Lili out more often to go shopping.

— Younger sister / Moon, Layla / 14 / Nice, Encouraging, Shy
These two are like best friends. Layla is the reason Lili didn't give up on building her armor, she hates to see others look down on themselves and does her best to build them back up. She is very nice, a sweetheart at that much. But she's also very shy and won't talk to others unless introduced by someone else or feels comfortable enough on own to talk. Her Lili's favorite thing to do when they are together is watch horror movies and question why people find some so scary.
— Best Friend / Liu, Kellin / 23 / Sociable, flirty, Childish
They've been best friends since they were teenagers, both of their fathers were friends, so they were often times these two would hang out together . They became friends quickly and grew together from there and graduated at the same time since Lili skipped a few grades. Kellin loves to meet new people and always the conversation starter. He has a flirty side to whatever girl he meets, to which Lili shakes her head and tells him to "Stop flirting with random girls!". He's also childish, loving to goof around and act silly or whine when Lili talks down to him. Before they moved Kellin and family use to live in Canada. He is also a model.



 — Mentor / Stark, Anthony "Tony" / 48 Boastful, Smart, Condescending
They have a basic teacher and student a way. After Lili joined the Lady Avengers, Ton saw the video of her armor and was impressed by her skill and met her in person, being further more impressed by her intellect. Although he wouldn't admit to it, but of course had to give her a few "artistic" views on the armor. When Lili wanted to equip the armor with weapons, he gave a few tips on what to do and what to install, that shouldn't drain the armor's power completely. When he acts snarky with her, she retorts the behavior and then laugh it out.

  throw me to the wolves and i will return leading the pack。

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PLOTLINE ♡ The Billionaire
CODE NAME  Ferrum (The Latin word for Iron)
ABILITIES  Lili built in features like Iron Man suit such as Flight, Hand Repulsors, Laser Gauntlets, along with night vision. The is also increases durability and strength.

"I can fly!!"   It makes traveling inside the suit easier for Lili when needed for a certain destination. This made possible by propulsors installed in the suit. 

"I almost cut done a whole forest testing the lasers." The lasers are like katanas or swords in comparison, being able to cut through almost everything with ease. They are located within her gauntlets. 

"Careful, I won't hesitate to shoot you." The armor hand repulsors that can be activated mentally from her helmet. It's a compressed energy attack for the offense that can knock away or burn an enemy.

"There's a saying about positive vision...well what about night vision?" Along with giving her normal camera vision to see her surroundings, the helmet of the armor enables her to use night vision for when the team has a mission during the night or a target they are looking for is hidden in the dark. 

"Go ahead and knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down too." The armor is made to increase durability, so Lili can withstand blasts and strikes better, also it is bullet-proof. It also increases her strength to level beyond what she without the armor can lift.
STATUS  Avenger

LADY AVENGERS  She was recruited by the Director's daugther Magda, after S.H.E.I.L.D. somehow got a hold of the video that was taken of Lili testing out her armor.

OCCUPATION  Freelance model

  Wu Yi fan
   Huang Zitao, BAng Yongguk, Park Jimin
BIRTHDAY & AGE  November 06, 1990 & 24


— Kris/ This is his stage name, people tend to call him this a lot, even calling him "Kris Wu".

PERSONALITY  Cool, Warm-hearted, Sociable. He loves fashion, playing baseketball and can speak 4 languages (Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.) He use to live in Canada.
"Be yourself, everybody else is taken" 
  you were made for me。
FIRST MEETING  They met at Kellin's birthday party, Kellin is mutual friend of theirs and invited them both along with a bunch of other people to the party. Lili was trying to make make her way through the crowd to wish him happy birthday, but someone bumped into her, causing her to trip and fall literally into Yi fan's arms. So an awkward first meeting for them, Lili straightened herself up and stuttered out an apology, wanting to walk away from the embarrassing moment, but Kellin with his perfect timing appeared and decided to introduce his two best friends, although Lili didn't talk much still feeling awkward. A few weeks after the party, Lili ended up doing a magazine cover shoot with Yi fan, who after the party was honestly curious about since she didn't say much about herself and interested in her. He invited her out for lunch after the photo shoot was over and they grew closer from there.

RELATIONSHIP  Yi fan and Lili basically act like a normal couple. They go and hang out with each other as if they're on a date, hold hands, go on shopping trips, Lili may have kissed him on the cheek a couple of times. Yi fan is also teaching Lili Mandarin Chinese, while Lili likes to cook for him whenever he comes over for a visit. Yi fan even has a habit of getting jealous when Lili does a photo shoot with male models. They have the mindset that they are dating, but haven't made it official by referring to each as boyfriend and girlfriend. Everybody sees them as a couple, whenever they are with friends, they're sitting right next to each other. Whenever someone asks if they are dating, they avoid the question, because even they are not sure sometimes. Yi fan is aware of the fact that Lili is an Avenger, due to him finding blueprints for her updated armor, Lili had forgotten to hide it in her lab with the armor.

CONCLUSION  After everyone's pestering, they finally decide to sit down and agree on being officially a couple.
  i'm off to save the world。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  Hope everything is okay, I wasn't sure what to do for the armor, so I used the feautres for Iron Man. Please tell me if something is wrong. And good luck with the story!


PASSWORD  Lady Avengers


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