Spread this, if you have friends/classmates or siblings that hate korean pop.


Look, I don't really care if you dislike kpop, or even the people.

Once you say you hate it, you bring it to a new different level.

If you really love music, you would read the lyrics or go with the song's rhythm.I thought that was the reason why people love music.

You hate kpop because you can't understand a single word. Oie! Kpop-Hatters! Haven't you heard the sentence 'Read the English Sub'.... You must be so stupid to not know that. Their lyrics could even relate to life FYI.

Also, why do you always say the kpop boys are gay? Is it because of their styles? The way they dance? They're cuter than you? Listen here people.

You're just jealous of them. And I mean it. JEAlOUS. Want me to spell it out for you? My pleasure. J-E-A-L-O-U-S. They're cuter? Its in their genes! They don't wanna dance like that. They're choreographers created the dance moves, not them. Their styles? Hello~ Most of our styles now are for your information, are from Korea! We follow their styles!

Too stupid to realize that? HAHAHA.

Who are you to call them gay? Have you even talk to them? Especially Key? NO. Now shut your crap before I fill it with wasabi.



I make this because so many kpop hatters aut there. They say they love music? Love my . If you love music, it depends on the rhythm or the lyrics. NOT THE LANGUAGE. Please spread this. It would be great to put it into their thick mind.




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Well I guess I do agree with you at some point but truthfully, I don't rlly take it to heart. I mean I'm quite a hardcore Sone & Shawol but when they come up with the word gay, I'll just say "well they are pretty boys" to lash it back at them. I don't rlly like lash out "you " or wadsoeva. I mean you can't have everyone's opinion your way...

That's why you have to just accept how other ppl think. That's why there are haters. Haters will never be extinct. Once one dies, a new one will be born. That's how the world goes.

P.S. I hope you don't think that I'm being mean or fierce or anything... Just sharing my thoughts on your post :3 LOVE YOU
--faceless #2
I really don't like the fact that 'gay' is used in such a way nowadays. I am in now way gay or lesbian but it just boggles my mind.
But anyway, even if they hate it, it's their opinion and I don't think haters are always jealous, think of someone you dislike, are you jealous? But people (the haters) blow it up and start talking without knowing about 'Kpop' and stating that they hate because they don't understand a single word is just stupid and ignorant...
lol, sorry for my little rant but I had to get it out :D
got to agree as well...this topic always comes to start with some of my friends who really dont know kpop when they find me listening to it, they assume the same thing about the guys looking gay and all and i have to admit i do get a bit ticked, who are some to just jump conclusion to that? and defend but then im like im not going to fight about this, you have your own taste in what you like..okay :), and i have my own and thats all that matters to me :33
Apparently good skin is one of the factors why many people think some Korean guys are gay. T_T
In America, men are not flawless and mostly hairy and ... yeah. o.o
Although everyone has their own opinions, you still can't help but feel angry when someone says they hate something you love...
I try not to get angry when people call kpop gay since "GAY" is a stupid word to use to address something you hate since being gay isn't a bad thing, but its hard...
Quite true. But everyone has their own opinions..
deulcakes #7
OMFG. <3333
DIS POST IS JUST..... <3333
We can't really expect people to like everything we like. We see things differently. And I don't think they'll change their minds or even read/listen by telling them all these ^^ I say, let them be.