✗ FIRST CLASS ━ Bianca De Luca

(picture is 150x140)
Bianca De Luca
- Italy | Jay Park, ChaCha and Loco| The First one to call her Italy was Jay then ChaCha and Loco joined in
- B | Simon Dominic and Gray | It's the frist letter of her name
-Tokki | Members | She doesn't know why her sisters from other misters call her this but she's sure it means Rabbit or something.
- Songbird | Namjoon | She doesn't know why this goofy SOB calls her that he just does.
age: 25 years old
birthdate: 04 21 1991
birthplace: Bronx, New York, USA
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
TRIPLE tHREAT / Ariana Grande / Selena Gomez
ethnicity: Italian- Korean
nationality: American
height:162 cm (5'4)
weight: 58 kg (130 lbs)

languages: Spanish - Fluent (75% understanding , 80% pronunciation) - She's from a italian family and the language she learned growing up was Italian and English 
 English - Native (90% understanding , 85% pronunciation) - The language she learned along side Italian growning up
 Korean - Fluent (75% understanding , 80% pronunciation) - She moved to korea for a exchange program and she learned it from school and BTS's Namjoon

appearance: Her hair is sort of her staple, it's the thing that sort of defines her. It's usually long, curly, and dark brown in color. She usually cuts a heavy bang across her forehead to frame her face nicely. She has double eyelids and a sort of larger nose than most, but it fits her features nicely. She's honestly a little self-conscious about it, but she tries not to let it get to her  One of her main features that she gets complimented on, though, is her smile, and it's something that's always on her face, even when times get tough.

fashion: Bianca has a pretty modern grunge style -- ripped tights and leggings, high waist'd distressed shorts, crop tops or loose dark colored shirts, platform shoes or combat boots, with a leather jacket, military style jacket or a flannel to match. Occasionally she wears either a snap back or a bandanna in her hair. She hardly ever wears pastels or overly lacy, frilly things. If you want her in a really nice dress, the occasion better be damn special.

personality traits: 
(+) Intelligent, Charming, Energetic, Ambitious, Smiley
(-) Critical, Honest, Detached, Domineering.

"Life's too short to frown, so smile! It's better for your health anyways." Bianca is a cute young lady, there's no doubt about that, but there's much more to her than just her face. She's extremely smart, with an IQ averaging on about 142, near genius level. She takes pride in her smarts and uses it to not only her, but her friends and families advantage when she sees it. Bianca got through most of her training life with a cute smile and her way with words. She has a natural aura that just pulls people in and once they're in, it's really hard to get out. Another thing this girl seems to have a never ending supply of: energy. She's always moving, always thinking, and is awake more than not. BIanca always feels like she needs to be doing something or being with someone, she hates feeling unproductive and so she gets a LOT done. This goes hand in hand with her ambition, she has a lot she wants to accomplish and she's sure as hell going to try and more than likely she's going to succeed because she's not one to give up because a situation gets tough. She likes to smile, simply put. She likes being a positive influence in someone's life, and she likes making others smile just as much as she likes to smile herself. 

"Okay, but how about YOU do as I say." While Bianca's got a lot of external happiness and can be the literal personification of sunshine, there's a lot going on on the inside and on the down-low. First off, Bianca's got a habit of being super critical and picky. Like, you may have been a split second off and the teacher let you off, but Bianca's going to comment on a whole how "We should really make sure that we're on point every. single. beat. If one person is off, then the whole group looks off, you know??" But the person she's hardest on is herself. She'll spend hours and hours perfecting her talents, which is one of the reasons why she's as well balanced as she is. She just doesn't want to mess everything up for anyone, even herself. While honesty can be seen as a good trait, her honesty is mostly blunt and pretty much on the rocks. Ain't no sugar coating. She just wants you to know how it really is, and she doesn't think that softening the blow is really the reason to do it. She'll do damage control, sure -- but she won't lie. She can't lie, it's just not in her nature. Bianca's also not always present, being a bit detached from situations, going inwards and sometimes missing a lot of important information. It's usually to be critical and depreciation of herself, which is really not good for anyone's psyche or self esteem.  but she's actually quite dominant and she doesn't always like being told what to do. She likes being on top and in charge and nothing's going to change that.

- apples- Her slight (read serious) obsession
- banana milk - Her other  slight (read serious) obsession
- presents - Especially from the fans. She really loves to give presents as well
- spring- Its a nice time of the year to her
- the morning sun- She thinks its the prettiest thing on this earth
- the ocean, she loves the scent and the sights are so pretty to her
- rapping, because its her passion 
- music, because it communicates her feelings
- late night schedules, she can't wake up in the morning, "Please, I wanted to wake up this morning..."
- rude people, "Who gave you the okay to talk like that to us? Did no one teach you manners?"
- commercials during shows, "It was just getting good pa- Oh, that's my commercial. -Sigh-"
- writing in diaries, "Everyone can find them, people!"
- cooking since baking is so much better.
- painting still lives
- drawing whoever is around
- walking- But only in the morning! 
- writing really disgustingly depressing poems
- collecting pine-cones, then spray painting them silver and gold, and covering them with glitter
- dancing when walking just for fun "Why not when I look cool when I do it, and have fun?"
- crying when she's nervous- She cries just a few minutes before 1st class's debut stage
- flicking the air when feeling awkward- Bianca basically makes the movement of flicking someone, but just to the air.
- scratching her neck when thinking, she says it "balances her out (?)."
Bianca tends to sleep late and wake up early.
she's a total anime junkie, there's no escaping it. The dorm is filled with anime merch.
loves honey and puts it in/on everything- hot tea, cold tea, toast, in marinades, yogurt, on top of ice cream, to dip fruit in, in sandwiches, in coffee, oatmeal, in baking, etc.
she really won't eat ice cream unless she has her little side of chocolate sauce.
lilies are her favorite flowers~
she likes getting up early, because the fresh morning air as the sun rises is the best time of the day.
Bianca is a fan of radio shows, she wants to have her own one day!
she's pretty good at painting and drawing, its her secret talent {She especially does realistic paintings/drawings}!
kisses on the eyelids are her favorite romantic gestures, she thinks that it feels calming.
very weak when it comes to blood. she'll faint immediately upon seeing or smelling it.
really hates it when people yell and start fighting. it reminds her of her grandparents and she doesn't like to remember those times at all. she'll start to cry and close in on herself when yelling starts to happen.
her skin is so pale that when she blushes, her whole body turns pink. she also sunburns very easily.
she is really confident in her fashion sense, nobody can tell her any different.
she started to collect keychains as a child and still collects random keychains till this day.
doesn't deny the fact that she is a ert, in fact she seems to embrace that side of herself.
deathly allergic to bees, an allergy that was passed on from her mother. when a bee is nearby, she'll literally scream like a little girl.
dreams to travel to the UK one day.
her lips get chapped very often, so she always carries chapstick with wherever she goes.
At the age of 18, Bianca Joined BigHit Entertainment
At the age of 21, Bianca left BigHit Entertainment
At the age of 22, Bianca Joined AOMG

Bianca came from a broken family, unfortunately. Her parents are divorced, and she lived with her Italian father in New York, her mother having packed up and leaving them when she was only seven. Her father adored and doted on her as a child, and so Bianca is really used to having her way. At school, she was apart of the dance and choir, having a strong sense of rhythm and pitch. She never really got in touch with her Korean roots, but always felt like a part of her heritage was missing. So when she was accepted to study at Seoul Broadcasting High School for a study abroad opportunity her junior year, she accepted and went on her way, meeting her host family for the first time, a family by the name of the Kims, a common enough last name, but she happened to stay with the family of Kim Namjoon. 

Namjoon was a bright kid, and had just returned from his own study abroad experience in New Zealand, and was more than eager to practice his English and help Bianca with her Korean. The two got along quite well, surprisingly, and he revealed his music passion, to which Bianca showed an interest in seeing him perform. And so the next underground show he was invited to, she tagged along as his plus one. And the atmosphere, the vibe, the sheer energy running through this place -- it was incredible. She was hooked, and wondered what it'd be like to be on the receiving end of the cheering and screaming that Namjoon was getting from her and the fellow crowd members. 

She kept tagging along to the shows he performed at as he was invited, and eventually he got noticed by BigHit, and when the agent saw Bianca with him, immediately extended an invitation towards her, seeing as her visuals were well put together and fit the vibe of the area. While Bianca was studying Music at the school she was currently in, she didn't think she had what it took to get into an entertainment company, and doing so would mean leaving her father behind for even more time than was originally planned. She took the card, confessing that she'd need to talk about it with her father. 

That night, she spoke with her father about auditioning, and although he was reluctant to have his baby girl so far away for so long, he said that if she had even considered calling him about it, something was telling her to try, and that she should. So she did, she walked in the audition day with Namjoon, and both of them emerged trainees of Big Hit: Namjoon for rap, and bianca originally for dance and vocal, before she expanding her training to rap as well and becoming a triple threat. But, regretfully She left Big Hit and auditioned for AOMG.

Daddy | Dairo De Luca  | Bianca absolutely ADORES her father, and it's obvious in every way. She constantly talks about how much she looks up to him, about how wonderful he is, how much he's done for her -- she wants to give everything back and then some to this man. He sacrificed a lot for her and she didn't just blow that off. 
Auntie #1 | Alessa De Luca   | When her mother left, Dairo's sister Alessa stepped in and became the female figure for Bianca to look up to. She loves this woman so much, she's sassy, independent, and takes no . Oh, she's also hella gay, and taught Bianca "hey, some people are different. But that doesn't make them any less human." And Bianca's had that tattooed in her mind ever since she heard it. 
Auntie #2 | Michelle De Luca  | Aunt Alessa's Partner | Hi. Meet Alessa's partner, and also a VIP for Bianca. Michelle is super cool and likes to rant a lot about feminism, human rights, all that kind of stuff and Bianca is just in awe. Because of her radical and short temper, though, she wasn't really allowed around Bianca all that much until high school, when they video chatted almost everyday. 

PEOPLE LET ME TELL YOU BOUT MY BEST FRIEND~! | Kim Namjoon | BTS | Bruh, Namjoon is so incredible and Bianca is reminded a lot of her father when she looks at him. He's very kind and caring, so she kinda just follows him around and is thankful that he's supported her until her debut. He insists that it's actually the other way around, but she doesn't see it. (The boy is literally her number one fan omg it's so cute)
I think Your Brother's Hot | Kim Chaemin (OC: Namjoon's younger sister,) | Soloist under BigHit | ...Okay, so she didn't MEAN for it come out that way, but it did. And now Chaemin just has this "I'm so judging you" stare whenever Bianca interacts with Namjoon. When he's not around, they're pretty chill though. Bianca admires Chaemin's singing abilities and when asked who to collab with in BigHit, it's either Namjoon or this girl.
"MY SON" | Vernon Choi | SVT | As they are both half-Korean, they both clicked and it was more than just a relief to Bianca to find Vernon, She and Vernon really do look out for each other, and when SMTM5 stuff happened, she was about ready to fight everyone on the show. Vernon actually does sometimes call her "mom" because literally she is like a second mom... And that's kinda nice since he can't always see his. She also shares the same name as Vernon's little sister and so he kinda just feels at home with her.
stagename: B.Sun (She just put the first letter of her name and the fact that everyone says she's a walking sunshine together and that's what she got)
persona: Walking SunShine
position: Triple Threat
back up position: Main Vocaist
singing twin: Ariana Grande *Engish* 2ne1's Bom *Korean*
dancing twin: KK Harris
rapping twin: Fiestar's Yezi
trainee years: Bighit Entertainment: 3 Years AOMG: 4 years total:  7 years
pre debut life: Trained under Big Hit Entertainment before leaving and joining AOMG

pre debut experience: n/a
scandals: N/A
love interest
name: Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster)
back up: Loco
occupation: Idol-BTS
Namjoon Seems like a bad boy but actually he's really a clown and he is really sweet. he takes cares of those he cares about. he's the father figure in BTS nd it shows in everything he does. But sometimes Namjoon can be really dickish and mean when he wants to but that side of him is rarely seen.
Between Namjoon and Bianca it's really weird because they are best friends having basically grown up togehter they went to the same high school before Bianca graduated. They were each other's backbone during the 3 years that Bianca was in BigHit. They were never apart. Bianca and Namjoon shows there feelings by sending the other gifts. It's mostly Namjoon that sends Bianca gifts like clothing, jewelry, phone case they usually matches his own or even food to eat. Sometimes they even visit the other's dorms. Bianca shows up at the BTS dorm in secret and Namjoon shows up at the 1st Class dorms!
status: Best Friends/Crushing
ending:  couple
scene requests: 
Free Day for 1st Class! Maybe the girls could go to a theme park or something and the girl's love interest tag along and the the girls and their love interests have to run away from the paparazzi because of being spotted! you can make like they have to run and hide until they get to 1st Class's dorm. *the paparazzi never gets them or takes photos of them because one of the love interests spots them before they could have*
( i don't know if you write scenes but...) Namjoon and Bianca scene after 1st Class's debut stage. Bianca goes to visit Namjoon at his place (after celebrating with the members, of course) to celebrate with him knowing that he watched their debut stage. Namjoon tells her that she was great,and, one thing leads to another, after maybe making out on the sofa for bit getting all touchy-feely, they end up going to his bedroom and well you know /winkwonk/.( ps if you do end up doing this scene this is where they think about their feelings for each other and become a couple)
password: Black


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