This is my first blog post. Hehe I was scanning through my AFF profile when I saw this. Heck I'm such a nooob.. Anyway.. I was really sad that my fanfic I'd Lie, well my readers don't comment.. And my other fanfic, Sweet Escape has least subscribers. Why does some fanfics (specifically about infinite) receives ALOT.. yes ALOT of views and subscribers.. Heck.. I feel so sad about that. Tell me, don't I have any talent when it comes to writing? Am I not good enough? :(

Anyway, yeah please help me.. I don't know what to put in my chapter 9 in Sweet Escape. :|

If you have time to read my fanfics...

I'd Lie : Click here

Sweet Escape : Click Here

*bows 90 degrees*




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Uwwa~ gomawo @AnJel09 unni~ ♥♥♥
Omo dongsaeng don't feel too bad about it... You're still staring out... Of course you don't have to expect that you'll get many subscribers and views automatically.. All of us have to work hard for it and you just have to keep on practicing..

If I have to give you some advice but this is from my experiences and I know I'm not some kind of expert to telly ou this but I should help you out.. :DD

1. Read some of the featured or past featured stories.. They were featured here for a reason..
2. Read more fanfics... You might be able to find yourself inspired by many of the writers there.. ^^
3. Lastly... Always think about it this way. If you were the reader what would you like to read about in a story. It's always important to know what your readers like.

Well in the end it isn't just all about the subscribers and views that you get but whether or not you're happy in writing your story... So don't stress to much about it dongsaengie~ ^^

Fighting!! ^_^
Next chapter you can do something like hide and seek? And L hides in the same place as you or something xD
I dunno if it helped but I hope it did :D
Sure! ^^ But let me check it out first :D
@summerbird Yeah I saw it.. Thanks alot :) Now I'm having problems with what to put on my next chapter.. Can you help me? :D
Haha, did you see my comment in your fic?(: