the dragonfly club ✉ ogura zen

replace with fc 120*172

  ogura zen  

birthname. ogura zen

– fuzen :: a nickname his father and certain relatives gave him as he grew older. it has many meanings such as 'evil', 'mischief', 'imperfect', etc. (read background to know why)
– hermes :: it's known as an english name/nickname around campus and anywhere else, but it's actually something he's known for. only those he's very much close with have knowledge of what it really means (doyun's one of them).
– zeby :: doyun, his roommate and pal for quite a long while now, gave him this nickname which is a combination of zen and baby. doyun would say it in the cringiest way just to annoy the heck out of zen, and get what he wants. 

date of birth. 05 21, 1999
birthplace. osaka, japan
ethnicity. japanese-korean
language spoken. 

– japanese / fluent :: well, zen did grew up in japan.
– korean / fluent :: while growing up he was taught both japanese and korean, since his mother's side was korean. he could only speak it naturally once he lived in seoul at the age of 13.
– english / semi-fluent :: it's an essential part of everyone's modern day life to speak/learn english. and especially in the household of a wealthy family, you have to at least know how to converse with the language. he's still learning.
– french / basic :: his parents (dad & step-mom) wanted him to learn the language.



   who are you? 

personality traits.  
+ charming, quick-witted, smart, organized
n caring, laid-back, independent, quiet
- sarcastic, critical, lazy, perfectionist


"hello. i'm ogura zen. you can call me zen. nice to meet you." flashes smile.

ah. ogura zen, the youngest son of ogura jin and nam hyeji. isn't he just such a beautiful human being? he's gifted with the looks of a god and the brain that is somewhat like einstein. just joking, he's smart but not that smart.

*thoughts* 'my dreams are better than this lesson. it. i'm sleeping.'
zen is that type of person, who's seated in front of you in class and you would think he's listening to the teacher but in reality he drew realistic looking eyes on his eyelids to make it seem as if he was actually awake. and yes, no one would notice because he's seated at the very back near the corner plus he doesn't snore. well, no one has noticed, yet (he thinks). he's a smart guy, but he's also lazy. kind of a shikamaru-like type of guy, but less lazier than that.

*thoughts* "is this even worth learning? i have better things to do."
he doesn't like going to certain classes to learn things he already know. he'd rather be in bed watching some anime, reading a book/comic, surf the net or sleep all day. although there are classes that he likes attending to like english, because he wants to learn more of the language. he's always willing to learn things he hasn't yet, unless they're irrelevant to his lifestyle.

*thoughts* 'please don't talk to me. please please- too late.' he turns to the girl. "oh, hi." flashes irresistable smile.
he's also the silent type, well, most of the time. he's not at all talkative and is pretty much has that pokerface every single day, since he prefers being by himself. he's used to that, ever since he was a kid. being left alone a lot as a child made him learn how to take care of himself and do things just by himself making him really independent. although he does have friends, he's not close with all of them to hang 24/7. the girls like him for being that type of guy (well, don't most girls like the quiet type?). he'd get girls confessing to him or giving him gifts, either in person or through something else. fortunately, he knows how to handle them. he uses a charm (and yes he smiles. shocking.) that is only for girls (even those older like ahjummas) and is sweet to them. as much as he may not like their offers/confession, he tries at all not to hurt them since that'd just be stupid of him. he does truly appreciate their kindness or sweet gifts. after talking to the girl(s), he'd walk away and go back to normal.

"omg doyun if you keep putting my clothes back in the wrong drawer, i will not hesitate to murder you with one of your dirty socks. don't even ask how, but i will.... don't you dare laugh at me."
zen is pretty organized for a lazy person. if you go to his dorm, everything is in order to its place. like what i said, he grew up being alone so that means cleaning up everything, 'cause if he didn't his dad would give a beating of words (in other words scolding) whenever he'd be home. he'd gotten used to things being in order and at its rightful place. if something wasn't, well, instead of freaking out he would get pretty irritated, especially if it was someone else's doing, because he doesn't like cleaning up again (yeah, his laziness is still there). 

*thoughts* 'hmm. think zen, think. what would be the perfect solution for this....' after a moment of thought. 'ah! got it.'
zen is usually calm and relaxed. he doesn't freak out if there's a problem or whatnot. if there's an obstacle in his way, he'd be quick to think of what to do. it may sound like those cliche movie characters, but that's what he really is. even when getting back at someone, like he'd already have plans in his head on what to do to get even. and most of the time his revenge are successful that the person doesn't try to get back at him again. but he is quite a perfectionist. if he ever does something wrong, he would really get annoyed although he wouldn't show it.

*thoughts* 'i talk to myself too much. hi mind. not so nice talking to you all the freaking time.'
he may seem laid-back on the outside, but in his mind he's thinking of many other things. he keeps most of his freaking out, his emotions, rude thoughts to people/things he loathe, and etc. deep in his head. and even if you were a really close friend, you'd notice it only after about a year or two, and only if you hung out with him a lot. he's very good at hiding them.

"i could honestly not care about what you just said, but you really at basketball. i do wonder why you're still on the team. probably 'cause you're rich." this was said to a very old friend that almost beat him up.
one thing he's not good at hiding within his group of friends is that tongue of his. he has a very sharp tongue. he's usually very sarcastic towards his friends that were uncomfortable with him at first, but as time passed they've gotten used to it, especially his comebacks. and also being the perfectionist guy, he gives out his judgements to his friends on certain things other people may have done or even what they've done (for example if they did bad on something, he'd start judging/lecturing them). they're used to most of zen's sarcasm, but not his criticism. he tends to let out his opinion without thinking if he may have hurt someone. his friends are afraid that people may see him the wrong way, if they meet that side of him. well, some had already met that side but luckily he didn't get himself into any harm.

"it's hard to trust someone... basically."
even though he may act as if he doesn't care about a lot of things, and he's very sarcastic amongst his friends, he cares a lot. his real smile and laughter only shows when he's with people he's very much comfortable with. and he's only cared for a few people in his life that he would do anything in his might to keep them safe. he's had people he cared for use him for his wealth and that was something he regretted so bad, 'cause he did a lot for them. his caring trait is neutral for that reason. it's something positive that could be used for something negative.

"yeah, i'm zen. it's not really nice to meet me." 


ogura zen was born in a wealthy family. he's the third and youngest child, and also only son of his dad and mom. during the time his mother was pregnant with him, many bad things happened. and when he was born unto the world, a lot of stuff happened for the worse. his dad was close to bankruptcy, and his parents marriage were failing. they ended up divorcing. zen's mom wanted to take him with her, but his dad's lawyer had done everything to take full child custody. he was only four when that happened. zen was left with his dad in a huge mansion, while his mom was forced to stay miles away from him and his older siblings sent to boarding school. well, his dad wasn't always home anyway and when he was, zen would only get a beating or be ignored. he wasn't really alone in the mansion, since he had servants here and there, but most never really acknowledged him because of the father's orders.

zen had been given the name fuzen by his father, because they had experienced loads of bad luck before and after he was born. relatives from his father's side had started calling him that, as well. they didn't like someone bringing dirt upon their name, especially the future heir. when zen turned six, his dad came home with a woman and a child in her arms. it turned out, his dad had been living with his mistress (and their son) for the past year. luckily, the woman was nice, except for her son, who was younger than him by a year. eventually the two got married and it became official that zen had a new mom in his life.

his dad, step-mom, and half-brother didn't really stay with zen in the same house. they moved to tokyo. he was very much lonely all by himself, plus he didn't really have any friends either since he'd been home-schooled since he was about five. at the age of eight, he had gotten a message from his dad that he was going to enter an international school for about four years, so he'd get used to being in a crowd and such. as much as his dad disliked him, zen was to be the next heir of their company and his dad pushed him to do things that'll both make him better and make his life a living hell.

school wasn't that bad, fortunately. zen gained a few friends, but never really hung out with them out of the campus. he preferred to be by himself most of the time, even at "home". he spent most of his time either studying or sleeping in his room. he would even sleep in class but realistic looking eyes on his eyelids, and none would notice. he never got caught and never got called in class, luckily. his dad went to live with him while he was half a year in school just because his current work was way closer. that gave zen some motivation to impress his dad. he'd come home saying he'd gotten an A+ on quizzes and exams, but his dad would only scoff and ignore him. zen learned to play the piano and the guitar, after finding out his dad liked listening to classical music. he also had high marks on all of his subjects, but when his dad found out he only got an A on english, only insults could be heard in the household.

zen finally gave up. he was eleven when his dad finally left the house and never came back. it was such a relief for him. he'd gotten lazier to do anything. he still got high grades, still learned what he had to. he started teaching himself some coding, with some online friends that he met. that's when he started becoming unnoticably rebellious, but not so much. he could hack into his family's bank and take money (only a little bit) when he wanted. he could get into any site that was up to his knowledge. that's how he got the name hermes. a part of him was still afraid to make any mistakes, no matter how much he just wanted to rebel. he held himself back from having any fun, just in case he gets in trouble and make everything worse between him and his dad.

at thirteen, he moved to seoul. he was finally a teen and it was part of the conditions back when his parents were having a divorce that his mother's side of the family would only be allowed to see or contact him when he turns thirteen. zen, growing up speaking japanese with people who only speak that, was socially-awkward with his korean relatives. he knew how to speak korean, since he learnt it, but it was still new to actually speak it with more than two people who speak the language. he finally met his mother, too, after so long. it was also new to him to live in a house full of people. remember he grew up by himself, right? it took him a few weeks to actually get used to the new lifestyle and finally open up more to them. he was happier than before. he was also home-schooled while he was there.

zen's mom told him that he was to attend high school, yongsan institute. and when finding out it was a dorm based school, he immediately wanted to kill himself. he just got used to living with his family in seoul, and now he's going to live in dorm with some stranger who might be messy or annoying? but he had no choice, it was his dad's choice. he acted like himself at the school like how he used to in his old school. he would study lessons months before it's taught, and restudy those he already has when he doesn't have anything to do. he just can't wait to get back home already.

   what do you like? & who do you know?


– sleep
– books (action, fantasy, horror)
– music (rnb, rock, pop rock, pop, classical)
– colour black & gray
– peace & quiet
– video games (he just doesn't show it)
– the internet
– anime

– making mistakes
– people who do stupid things
– cheesy films/books
– berries (he just can't deal with the taste)
– annoying/loud people (unless they're friends, then he'd have to tolerate it)

– eating (you can't tell, huh? that's part of being lazy)
reading books/comics/mangas
– watching anime/western series (e.g. the walking dead)
– scaring doyun after he gets pranked
– surfing the internet
– sleeping/taking a whole day nap
– play the guitar/piano
– play video games from time to time mostly on his laptop
– working out (a recent hobby he got into after he'd been called fat by doyun)

– making certain faces (usually of exasperation or disgust) when he's alone or with close friends/relatives because of something weird or what someone says/do stupidly/repulsive
–  his lips when completely focused on something
– scratches the back of his neck when feeling lazy, bored or annoyed
– faceclaim: junhoe of ikon / backup: taehyun of winner
– height: 180 cm / weight: 63 kg
– he actually eats a lot, you just don't know it (unless you live with him)
– he can be a bit arrogant at times, especially when he knows he's right and the other's wrong.
– when someone comes at him, he would most likely ignore them. if someone were to debate with him about something, he'd be too lazy to say anything back and just walk away. he'll probably answer back in his head.
– he joined fighting classes when he was 10 for safety purposes, but deep inside he knows he'll just run or hide when that time comes.
– he's very much into pastries, except those with berries in it.
– he's not the type to like cute things or people who act cute, but gg apink & soloist lee jieun (iu) is an exception. he likes eunji and namjoo the most.
– also has a crush on ailee, yoon mirae and japanese singer utada hikaru.
– prefers korean dramas over japanese dramas
– can sleep for 48 hours without getting up to pee or eat. he'd been trying to achieve that goal as a kid. it might seem stupid for someone who hates doing stupid/weird stuff like him, but as long as he is doing it nor doing anyone wrong, he won't judge himself.
– he was often insulted by these japanese relatives; calling him stupid, worthless or gay. he was so offended and done with their insults that he hacked into their accounts and found out they've been secretly taking money from their company. he gave that info to the police through online, of course keeping his identity & ip address well hidden. 
– he is afraid of snakes and rats. he almost got bit by both when he went out to explore the park on different times (yes a snake was on the loose & don't worry it got caught).
– he can cook really well.
– he sings beautifully. his mother taught him. but his dancing... oh. don't you even.
– dislikes too spicy foods. if you ever serve him one on purpose, get ready for hell
– his sense of fashion is pretty nice... mainly black on everything
– he's good at playing basketball and soccer.
– it's easy to befriend him, but it's hard to be friends with him.
– samsung over iphone
– he doesn't mind tutoring someone as long as he doesn't have to repeat the same question/lesson/topic twice.
– does not like repeating himself. for example:
    zen: "hey, your sister called for you."
    doyun: ".... huh? what? sorry i was listening to music."
    zen: *stares at him dead in the eye* ".... i said, heaven is calling for you."
             *walks away*
– when he gets really irritated or mad, he starts saying incoherent words in a different language, depending on where he is or who he's with. he mostly cusses in japanese.
– food is life for this guy.
– if you interrupt him while he's so into something, he'll make your day a living hell, unless the interruption was something important
– he found how to flirt/charm a girl through watching romcoms he and his mom would watch during their bonding time. he was actually forced to yeah.
– he doesn't find a lot of things funny, but when he does he makes sure he's alone or around people he's close with to let out a smile/laugh. but he can control it for a long period of time.
– he doesn't find doyun's jokes funny. but it amuses him how the boy keeps trying to get him to laugh.
–  he was blackmailed by doyun to join the club. doyun secretly recorded zen talking sh*t about this b*tchy, annoying girl that likes him. as much as zen wanted to just ignore or talk back to her, he couldn't. he promised him mom he would be nice to girls, even if they were a huge b (but unless they've gone too far he'll start talking). plus the girl's family was in partnership with his dad's company, so he couldn't do anything. doyun threatened he'll send it to the girl if he didn't join the club.
– oh yeah, and his dad is a ceo of an emt manufactoring company


– father :: ogura jin (46) / ceo  / strict, serious, short-tempered, smart / [0/10] there are no more words to say other than they are not close. there is no bond. there is no father-son relationship. there is none.
– mother :: nam hyeji (44) / doctor / sweet, funny, witty, passionate / [8/10] zen didn't know how to feel when he saw his mother. he wasn't at all angry at her since he found out what happened when he eavesdropped at a reunion party. he smiled more when he started living with her. he's gotten close to her in a matter of time. he's open up to her about a lot of things, but not everything. she does not need to know every detail, though she may be his mom. they've bonded within the time they were given and he hopes to bond with her more when he has time.   
– older sister :: ogura akemi (25) / civil engineer / intelligent, outspoken, kind, mature / they have never met in person at all, maybe as children, but zen was really young when his sisters left for boarding school. he's only received a video message from her before he left for yongsan. he hopes to meet and interact with her in the future. she resides in manchester, uk.
– older sister :: ogura nari (23) / psychiatrist / sweet, talkative, understanding, smart / the sad thing is they've never really met in person yet as well. she was part of the video message he got. she seemed nice but loud, he thought. she's currently living in new york.
– step-mom :: mitsuo nana (45) / lawyer / nice, nosy, humorous / [4/10] zen has met his step-mom only quite a few times during certain occasions. and she's always nice to him. he always wonder if it's just to up to him, but then it didn't seem like it. he likes that she's sweet, and another thing is that she bakes the most delicious brownies he's ever tasted. he vows to himself that he'll find out her recipe.
– half-brother :: ogura keichi (16) / occupation / stuck-up, intelligent, arrogant, egocentric / [0/10] from the first day they met, they never liked each other. they even see each other as mortal enemies (well, at least to keichi, zen could care less). keichi is really smart and is always recognized by his dad's relatives and the dad, himself. zen used to get jealous of that but after giving up on impressing his dad, he just didn't care anymore. he doesn't talk to keichi, keichi talks to him. the talking is more of like keichi trying to annoy zen.


– roommate/friend :: jung doyun (17) / student / click / [8.5/10] compared to anyone zen has been friends with, he's closest to doyun. although their meeting wasn't the best, they became really good friends. doyun would annoy and prank zen whenever he feels like it, and zen would get even right away. as much as zen prefers to stay in the dorm and sleep, he doesn't mind being dragged along by doyun to walk around the campus. one thing he doesn't like is how he always get dragged into doyun's schemes or problems that he doesn't want to get involved with at all.
– friend/classmate :: jung dori (17) / student / - / [8/10] the only jung twin zen could tolerate. they became friends before him and doyun. they agree on certain things and talk about more important things, compared to his conversations with doyun. she's a lot more tolerable. they have a brother-sister relationship.


   the interview

"what do you feel about our school?" zen scratches the back of his neck "i don't know." doyun sighs and asks him again. zen groans. "what do you want me to say, bayun?" bayun is a nickname he made up, which means babo+doyun=bayun. doyun starts to get irritated and just gives up. he then proceed to say "next question." 
"what did you think when you got our letter?" zen gives doyun a dirty look. "do you mean, what did i think when you started annoying and blackmailing me to join your frickin' club?" a sheepish laugh could be heard from doyun. "can you at least act as if you're enthusiastic about joining?" zen scowls. "fine. next question."

"what can you provide the club?" "please, answer properly." doyun pleads, using his puppy dog eyes that zen hated. he let out a heavy sigh. "fine. well, let me see. what can i provide in this club? well, i'm pretty good at hacking into systems and such. i'm not even sure how you would need that right now, but yeah." finally, a more proper answer. doyun is relieved.
"the dragonfly club is a stupid name right? tell dori to change it". "meh. better than what you would've wanted to call it." doyun glares it him.

"oh go jump of a bridge doyun!  do you swear to not tell anyone about the club and never betray us?" . zen caught a glimpse of doyun and his stupid puppy dog eyes, he internally scowled at the sight. his eyes landed back on dori, who tried to act as if she didn't care if he didn't really want to join, but her eyes said otherwise. he sighed for the nth time. "yeah yeah. i don't really got a choice." 

"then i may welcome you, little dragonfly" zen just nods in response.

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172


back up. -

– ----

love story. 

– tbh i'm not sure how their lovestory would go. it's either they already know each other before dragonfly or they just recently met during the meeting of the club. they're good friends. and she's the only one who could calm his nerves.

status. friends
ending. they will probably end up liking each other after hanging out a lot. it'd be obvious that they were by their actions. zen wouldn't know what to do since he's never actually  liked a girl nor had a girlfriend ever. he'd ask doyun for some advice, and both of them would plan on a way to confess and ask her out. when they have everything settled, something messes up and zen freaks out just when he was about to ask her. she, being the only one who could calm him (other than his mom), held his hands to stop him from getting irritated or whatnot.
  "oppa, calm down. now, was there something you wanted to ask me?" she grins, while looking deep into his eyes. she already knew what he wanted to ask, she just wanted to hear it come out of .
   zen was flustered. he knew it was time, so he took a deep breath and said, "will you be my girlfriend?"

   blanderina : cathy

last words.  heyyyyy. it has been a long while since i've done this, and i hope i did well. sorry if i got too carried away at some parts. also sorry if the whole thing was a mess T_T i really had fun writing this application~ please tell me right away if i had any mistakes or if you have any questions. i'll surely correct/answer them~

scenes requests.

– their first meeting with all of the recruited members would end up with members not liking each other or lots of disagreements.
– doyun dragging zen into another mess he got into. zen having to bail his friend... again.
– the club tries to bond with each other by going out to the movies or going to an amusement park.
– the members are way past curfew, and they have to find a way to get back into their dorms before they get caught. (ending: they get caught or they get in without being noticed)
– zen hacks into the school system for some sort of reason (that you can give because i'm not sure what reason for him to do so) because doyun threatened him to.
– like the mob from step up 4, except no dancing plus these students are well hidden, they start making a mess or give out signs during the night or certain school occasions.
– headmaster jung had assigned her children to be safe for there are troublemakers in the institute that may harm them. the twins just glances at each other, their eyes doing all the talking, then looks back at their mother to nod.
– the school is on alert and has increased the number of security guards and cameras. the headmaster won't stop until she find those 'imbeciles', or at least that's what she calls them.
– every student is being watched. dragonfly is starting to more careful and silent. they wait until the time is right and when most has settled down. then they make their move again.
– one or two of the members got caught. and were to be expelled or maybe even worse than that. but the twins try to convince their mother to make them stay, and give them a different punishment instead.
– oh and btw, i'm not sure how long the institute has been standing, but if it's been there for a long time it'd be cool if some alumni of the school came for a reunion, and zen's sisters were actually alumni there. there they finally meet. the sisters were really cool and felt sorry they couldn't come to meet their brother, due to studies & also their father's orders.
– zen's sisters find out about the club, but encourage them to keep it up. it was about time the school had changed its ways.
– some zen & doyun moments bc like they're the perfect mix & match of friends

password.  bye


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