On Fanfiction (in 592 words)

I almost named this About Writing but we as fanfiction authors are a part of a whole different world of writing so On Fanfiction seemed to make more sense idk.


So sometimes when I'm writing, my characters branch into personalities all of their own and other times, they seem reserved and as identical to the real embodiment as I can design them. I have so many new story ideas that pop up in my brain, it's almost a knife fight to figure out which ones I should take note of and write about.


When I write, I seclude myself away from the world and listen to music, often I listen to the same song until the end of my session. It helps to ignore time and keep myself on the same guidelines plot-wise. Gotta keep these babies from taking off on me or I'll be lost in this big wide universe that won't translate from mind to paper anymore. Hopefully I'm not the only one with this problem because sometimes, holy cow. What is one to do! 


Do you ever read an excerpt from which ever story, and think it's mildly vague or the sentences are chopped up in a nonflowy kind of way? This is an occasional problem I have. It isn't for lack of detail in my head, but when I don't feel that divine inspiration sometimes the words just don't like to sound pretty. Although, authors everywhere will tell you they are their own worst critics. I feel the same.


Ever looked at a sandwich and said, "Dang. That's a nice sandwich"? Well, during the moments after I make up a new story or add a chapter to a current work, I'll say, dang. What a nice sandwich I just made. And I'll be a little proud of myself for all that hard work because making words is hard, I don't care what people say. 


But then I come back to it later with more to write and I'll read over it again and just. Dang. This is one soggy sandwich. Maybe it's because I don't have a beta reader and I am exponentially terrified of apathetic criticism. That's the mean kind of feedback along the lines of, "Well I just didn't get it," or "This isn't a very good story." 


Readers hold a disturbing amount of power when it comes to things like that. Say a famous writer on here posts a new chapter in your absolute favorite story, and the entire thing just doesn't set well in your brain. So you comment whatever it is you'd like to say then move on with your life.


Now, I can't speak for other writers, but I'll be the first one to let you know that a single negative comment could make me want to do away with an entire story. Inspiration fades very, very quickly when the feedback is negative, or it isn't even happening


One light hearted comment, one or two sentences about something you earnestly appreciated in that particular work, will only take a few minutes out of your time and will boost the author's confidence in their ability by grueling proportions for weeks (until the sandwich goes soggy and we need more yeast to make some good bread again.)


Well, thank you much for reading my word vomit. Back to writing!


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Everything you said, I relate to 100%.
Listening to the same music over and over to forget about time while writing, always getting inspired and having so many ideas it just hurts to be selective and not being able to use all, and the god damn sandwich metaphor makes absolutely perfect sense. I feel so proud of my work the minute I publish a story or chapter, but after rereading them and getting little to no feedback just makes me want to give up sometimes. I know I should be writing for myself, and I do of course, but when it's good motivation for me and it makes me feel happier if I get to share my stories and ideas with people who also appreciate my work, ya know?
well, i think i'm seeing myself in your writing, i mean the me that i don't realize...
my mind alwasy get excited and gives me ideas after ideas though it's just a new movie/new song/ any re-watch/ anything that happened around me... it's killing me since i always find it hard to put them in words (i mean, my story already ended in my head while my fingers are struggling to type out the first paragraph)...
i love to write at night and yes, i listen to the very same song from the start till i off my laptop...
yes, when i posted up a new story i feel so proud that my new hot baby is out for the world to view...but then after some times when i went to check it out again, i'll be saying 'holy me, what is that? Did i ever write those?'...
comments? i wish to get more as i really want to know what my readers think about my story...good or bad just tell me straight and i won't swear because it'll always help me to improve...
you have 6 other stories to get completed ...well, i've around nine and i'm pulling my hair everytime i remind myself to finish them fast...how i wish i've a clone of myself and help me in finishing them...LOL