I'm Disappointed (EXPOSÉ STORY)

So recently I came across this fic, read the posted up chapters and fell in love with the story. But when reading the blurb I found it quite familiar like, I've came across a book with the same blurb before at Kinokuniya when I was in Singapore, but ignored it since I couldn't tie it up with anything. Anywhale, this person only posted 1 chap, so while waiting for an updatee, i decided to check out her other stories and read 16 chapters until 2AM in the morning. When I got home from school the next day, I was on a hype to read finish off the whole fic, cos it was hella good and I loved the ideas. However, it was removed by AFF and I realised 2 people had reported it, due to it being plagiarized by a published author. 

And then it hit me, that's why the blurb sounded so familiar. I kid you not, I read the extract from the published book and the blurb, and realised it was EXACTLY the same word for word, minus the changed title and character names.

I FELT SO BETRAYED! Like i really respected this "author" (emphasize le point on the apostrophes) 

But that's not all. 

I checked out the other 2 stories this person has so-called written, 1 of them even had the original title still intact. Blurb was the same, with the bonus "author's note" and I was like, "Okai... Okai... Okai.." *shakes head w/ eyes close* sister I'm sorry but you're actually kidding me right? 

3570 views, 160 subscribers, 43 upvotes for your first "story" showered with at least 3 pages of comments of praise for a story you took from a published and recongnised author is just wrong. 

The biggest joke is the inability to highlight the text in case of plagiarism. The author's notes at the end of each chapter was another thing, paragraphs about her "updates" and asks for upvotes, subscriptions (which is a pointless request since your "stories" are catered for "subscribers" only) and comments was actually quite pathetic.

Honestly, those innocent and sincere  people who believed in her as a writer had fallen for her scam. How can she be so thoughtless?

What about the original writer of all of these stories? I don't know how it hasn't fathomed to her that someone is going to come across her stories and expose her. (hey it already happened, and its happening right now... AGAIN.) The author worked really hard on her books, making it her original stories, editing and polishing, meeting with publishers to finally getting her scripts published and making a name for herself, and here you are,  taking someone else's hard earned work and make it your own? 

It's just low. 

I checked the profile of this user too and I must say, I was impressed. Really I was. She seemed so genuine and nice. I still had a sense of respect for her as  an author, and I thought those stories were her work, so I ignored the slight preppy aura that was infused with her profile which normally I would roll my eyes at and maybe make fun of for a good 30 seconds. Oh and she had to whole layout thing and fancy font ish going on too. 



Anyway, I've already reported this person for the remaining plagiarized stories, and if this person is reading this, maybe it's best you take them down now so save whatever face you have right now. 

Moral of the story?

Don't plagiarise, ESPECIALLY published material whose writers are quite well known. #rookiemistake 

just dun do it. srsly. 




슬퍼하지마  No No No. 


 - Aera out.


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I think I know who you're talking about. I posted a comment explaining how the story was from a famous author but she didn't reply to me.

I forgot the title name, though!