Hi everyone, it's been a while.
How are you guyss ? I hope all of you are doing just fine.
Earlier this year I made a blog saying that I'll be leaving this site for a while because I lost my scholarship last semester and I've been fighting just to get it back. And good news, I got it back!! And I don't know if I will be back or not but I just want to share this good news with you guys.

Oh there's one more. There's this guy, he's my friend and I don't know if he likes me or not, and I'm confused. I don't want to get my hopes up, because I think I have a crush on him already. that's why I want to ask your opinion about this. I'm going to share few moments of me and him with you guys and it would be great if you guys will tell your opiniona about this matter.

So, we've been chatting for a little over a month and we almost never talk about school stuffs and just about random things. Well, usually for me if I think the topic is over, then I would just read it and not gonna reply anymore but everytime I did that he always came up with another topic, and that made me feels like he didn't want this conversation to end. It continues like that until this very moment.
Second, there was one time when I overslept so I woke up around 11 pm and I was really hungry. So I told him and he said "let's go to McDonalds" and we ate and talked until 3 am.
Third, I liked a post about McFlurry on my timeline one time, and he chatted me right away "you want mcflurry? Let's go buy it" it was 10 pm and we were at McDonalds until 5am.
Next one is 2 days ago, he suddenly said "hey, let's go to Carls Jr." But I already promised my friend to eat dinner with her so I said I can't go and I thought he was going with our other friends and asked me to come along so I asked him "who you're going with?" And he said "I only asked you" that made my heart went *thumpthump* for a moment there.
And the most recent one was last night, it was saturday night and I've got nothing to do, so when he asked what am I doing I said nothing. And he said "let's go buy something to eat. Let's go out instead of staying in your room doing nothing" so I ended up went out with him until 12am then got back to my apartment.
Aside from those moments above, we never call each other but always chatting. he liked all of my IG posts (well, some of it was my doing lol), commented on it (100% his doing), even tagged me on cute  posts about dogs because I told him I really like dogs. There are more, but mostly was about him reminding me to eat, or not to stay up until dawn, or simply just asking what am I doing at the moment.
What do you guys think? Does he like me? Or is it just me? Because my bestfriend said he definitely do. But I'm still doubting it.
Tell what you guys think, I really want to know.



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