G.NATION | plotline 4| Kim Jihye


replace with fc




✩ little kai - her older brother is exo's kai it's a little nickname between the members
✩ Hi - Family nickname | she used to only say hi when she was younger


✩ Korean - it's her native tongue - native 
(90% understanding, 85% pronunciation)

✩ Japanese - Learning - conversational (40% understanding, 50% pronunciation)


Jihye looks exactly the same as her fc except that she is slightly curvier then her fc. Jihye has thicker thighs and wider hips and a bigger .​



Jihye is pretty open to any type of clothing, especially if it's a bright neon color.. she looks great in neon colors (she says it all the time) but keep any strips or lines away from her please. she can do lumberjack plaid but strips and lines she finds unflattering and she really hates wearing clothing that has strips or lines on it .. she'll demand a wardrobe change right that second. Jihye rarely shops for herself  leaving the clothes shopping to her friends and family.

BIRTHDATE: October 21 1994 (21)
BIRTHPLACE: Suncheon, South Korea
ETHNICITY: Full Korean

FACE CLAIM: Kiko Mizuhara
BACK UP: Jo Eun Hee
HEIGHT: 165cm (5'5)
WEIGHT: 54kg (120lbs)





tell me a little about yourself

pos :   Bubbly, playful,sweet, kind. motherly, goofy, affectionate
neu:   Charisma, focused, fierce, y
neg :    Blunt,  Stubborn, Insecure, Low Self-Esteem, hard-headed


::First Impressions::
At first, Jihye is seen as a child. She's all smiles, she's bubbly, and she's all around a kid at heart. She's playful and happy and never fails to make a joke out of any situation. She's sweet and kind, and gets along wonderfully with children. Unfortunately, first glances make her appear naive and some have tried to take advantage of her seemingly trusting nature.
::On Stage::
When on stage, Jihye becomes a completely different person. The charisma she emits make her seem her age, possibly older. She's focused and never loses concentration. She shows that she knows what she's doing. She's fierce and y when she needs to be, but can also tone it down and become naturally cute when the concept calls for it. When it comes to silly stages, she'll play around with the other members and be herself; however, at any other time, she's serious and concentrated on the performance.
::On Camera::
When a camera is in sight, Jihye becomes a camera hog; she loves the camera. She smiles at it and waves and jumps in front of the other members. She teases the other members in front of the camera and talks quite a bit. She seems to be perpetually smiling and laughing.
::Behind the Scenes::
Jihye is still a playful girl, but she does tone down a bit once people get to know her. She doesn't want to annoy people and push them away, so she becomes more reserved - so to speak. She says what pops in her head, and sometimes has trouble with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She always apologizes, but it can get her into some unwanted situations. She's very affectionate to those she's close to and likes to show it with hugs, kisses on the cheek, and other small skinships. She's goofy and a bit crazy, but knows when to get down to business and practice or get ready for a performance. She's stubborn and hard-headed; once she's set in a belief, it's nearly impossible to sway her opinion.
::Down Deep::
Below the smiles, jokes, and goofiness, Jihye is like any other girl. She has insecurities that everyone she knows will leave her because she's loud and annoying. She has some low self-esteem issues, even though she feels she shouldn't because she's cute and has had a relatively good life. She's scared that she'll be abandoned and left alone. She doesn't bring up her problems, instead she hides them below her persona of happy go lucky and trying to make sure others are happy, too. She never wants to see those around her hurt, so she tries her hardest to make sure that they're okay.
::All in All::
In short, Jihye is a happy girl who tries her best to keep herself together for her family, friends, and group members. She's loving, caring, and a bit stubborn. She looks after her members and uses her bubbliness to keep them in high spirits as best as she can. When it all becomes too much, she tends to close herself off temporarily and just sleep off her stress. No matter how stressed or annoyed she may get at a member or a member's habits, she never snaps at them. She uses a calm voice and lets them know that she believes they need to straighten up. She tries her hardest, but sometimes feels as if she isn't good enough or her efforts aren't enough. Those thoughts usually go away when she looks around at her members and realizes that she did her best, and her members really do appreciate her.


When Jihye was born as the second child of the Kim family, it was a bit of a surprise. She was born a  month before her due date. She was a sick premie, and it lead into a sick childhood. For the first five years of her life,  Jihye was in and out of the hospital because of a weak immune system. Doctors eventually found a medicine to keep up her immune system up; she started taking a daily vitamin and a medicine for her immune system at six years old.
Life went relatively normally for Jihye after she started taking the medicines. She played with her older brother and was even allowed to go to public school. She enjoyed music and especially love the violin; she began to play at seven years old and continued to play into the future. When she was eight, the family found out she was allergic to cats and peanuts; she had to start carrying an EpiPen with her wherever she went.
She was a well-behaved child despite all of the sicknesses she suffered. As she grew into a preteen, she watched her brother go off to train to become an idol. She began having horrible migraines shortly before her sixteenth birthday and was prescribed a rather strong medicine to keep them at bay; it wasn't enough. At sixteen years old, just as her brother was debuting, she received the most shocking news of her life: she had cancer. There was a tumor in her brain. Fortunately, the malignant (cancer-causing) part of the tumor was in an area where it could be operated on without being life-threatening. For two years, she was in and out of the hospital again. By her seventeenth birthday, she was cancer-free, but still had some headaches popping up. She continued to take the headache medicine - adding it to the daily medications she still took.
At eighteen, after seeing her brother so successful, she dove back into her music. She had always loved composing songs for the violin and the piano; she had even begun to write lyrics to her songs. One day, her brother caught her singing in her room while playing the piano and told her to audition for a music company. She didn't want to at first, since her hair was still growing back from the doctor's having to shave her head to get to the tumor; she didn't think she had the right look to become an idol. He encouraged her and told her that she should do it until she believed him. He even took her to her auditions.



✩ She hates being sick; if she feels like someone around her is getting sick she wear a mask to cover and nose she wears her mask in airport and when she goes to the mall as well
✩ Jihye has battled with sicknesses since she was born she's been in and out of the hospital her whole life
✩ Has a ring on her ring finger and that's her mothers engagment ring and on her right pinkie is her fathers
✩ she's a total anime junkie, there's no escaping it. The dorm is filled with anime merch.
✩ loves honey and puts it in/on everything- hot tea, cold tea, toast, in marinades, yogurt, on top of ice cream, to dip fruit in, in sandwiches, in coffee, oatmeal, in baking, etc.
she really won't eat ice cream unless she has her little side of chocolate sauce.
dreams to travel to america one day.
she's pretty good at painting and drawing, its her secret talent {She especially does realistic paintings/drawings}!


✩ apples- Her slight (read serious) obsession
✩ banana milk - Her other slight (read serious) obsession
✩ presents - Especially from the fans. She really loves to give presents as well
✩ spring- Its a nice time of the year to her
✩ the morning sun- She thinks its the prettiest thing on this earth
the ocean, she loves the scent and the sights are so pretty to her
rapping, because its her passion 
music, because it communicates her feelings


✩  late night schedules, she can't wake up in the morning, "Please, I wanted to wake up this morning..."
✩ rude people, "Who gave you the okay to talk like that to us? Did no one teach you manners?"
✩ commercials during shows, "It was just getting good pa- Oh, that's my commercial. -Sigh-"
✩ writing in diaries, "Everyone can find them, people!"
✩ cooking since baking is so much better.



✩ crying when she's nervous- She cries just a few minutes before G.NATION's debut stage.
✩ flicking the air when feeling awkward- Jihye basically makes the movement of flicking someone, but just to the air.
✩  scratching her neck when thinking, she says it "balances her out (?)."
✩ Poking people's noses when they over do aegyo or shaking her finger at them
✩ Pulling members/friends into her lap when they walk passed


✩ fear of being left alone
✩ Heights
✩ Spiders
✩ fear of driving, she would rather sit in the passager side or in the back



✩  painting still lives
✩  drawing whoever is around
✩  walking- But only in the morning! 
✩  writing really disgustingly depressing poems
✩ collecting pinecones, then spray painting them silver and gold, and covering them with glitter
✩  dancing when walking just for fun "Why not when I look cool when I do it, and have fun?"


✩ Father - Kim Hae jun (65) / Hotel Manager /  Protective, caring Kind and loveable / closeness  9.5

✩ Mother - Kim Dae Ji (64) / Bakery Owner / emotional Loving Overbearing and supportive / closeness 9.5

✩ Older Brother - Kim Jongin (22) /idol-EXO /Jokerster, lovable, Caring, Kind/ closeness 10

✩ Best Friend - Jung Hoseok (22) / Idol-BTS / Goofy, Caring, loving and supportive/ closeness 10

✩ Friend - Kim Seokjin (23) / Idol-BTS / Motherly Caring kind loving / closeness 5

✩ Good Friend - Jeon Jungkook (18) / Idol / Funny Kind loving sweet  / closeness 7



( Main Rap,Dance,Vocal, song wirter )

Lead Rap,Dance,vocal

stage name : Nyla


✩ Fiestar's Yezi (rap)
✩ 2ne1's dara (vocal)
✩ 4minute's Hyuna (dance)

PERSONA: ✩ Beauty Rapper

At the age of 18, Nyla Joined YG Entertainment
At the age of 20, Nyla left YG Entertainment
At the age of 20, Nyla Joined  BTS Entertainment
Total: 3 Years

trainee life: 

 Having trained for YG Nyla had some background for the training process, Her teachers in BigHit praised her for her knowledge about rapping and even praised her for her growing singing skills. Her trainee life was smooth because of being a former trainee in a well know company. But after a while Nyla begin to hate training because of her brother Jongin coming to visit her caused a few trainees and teachers to treat her differently. 




( please answer each question in 1st person )


 "Hi!" I said waving happily, a bright warm smile on my face. "I'm G.Nation's Beauty Rapper Nyla! Nice to meet you!"



 "I feel amazing.. you can't even understand.." i say with happiness in my voice and on my face. "because of my illness i've had since childhood i feared that i wouldn't make it but here i am!"I nodded getting choked up.


 G-Nation is family, my home away from home i wouldn't be where i am right now." I smile fondly thinking of my girls " I love them"


 "in one word?" I question blinking a little as i think of a word.  "Family" i nod happy with my answer


 "Your welcome! I had so much fun" i say laughing a bit "Yeah there is ! United! Please love us forever and ever!"

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

( Jung Jungsoo (Oc | Fc: Hwang Jinuk )

BTS's Taehyung


✩ Jungsoo comes off as a ladies man but really he's a sweet heart and is actually kind and caring towards others. Jungsoo is open minded to pretty much everything. Jungsoo would rather tell you something is wrong instead of holding it in. Jungsoo's just honest like that. Jungsoo is actually really goofy and plays around with his friends a awful lot, despite his hard looks that scream a-hole.



✩ Nyla has known Jungsoo since she was young being that Jungsoo was Jongin's friend during childhood. Nyla has always felt something for Jungsoo because he'd been there when Jongin left for training under SM he gave confidence when she had none. Jungsoo liked her too but she was too young for him at the time but once she got a bit older he asked her out and she accepted because she always like him because he was her knight in shining armor.

STATUS: Dating in secret
ENDING: they go public with their relationship

you're almost there

-winterland ✩ nellie

LAST COMMENT: I hope you like her! if there is anything missing please let me know


 ( i don't know if you write scenes but...) Jungsoo and Jihye scene after G-Nation's debut stage. Jihye goes to visit Jungsoo at his place (after celebrating with the members, of course) to celebrate with him knowing that he watched their debut stage. Jungsoo tells her that she was so hot,and, after maybe making out on the sofa for bit getting all touchy-feely, they end up going to his bedroom and well you know /winkwonk/.

✩ Free Day for G-Nation! Maybe the girls could go to a theme park or something and Jihye Brings Jungsoo along and the the girls and Jungsoo have to run away from the paparazzi because of being spotted! you can make like they have to run and hide until they get to G-Nations's dorm. *the paparazzi never gets them or takes photos of them because Jungsoo spots them before they could have*

PASSWORD: We can call G-Nation's fans United because The fans are United to G-Nation you know A Nation united!




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