nervousness incoming

heya. dudes and..dudettes.. wait no i never say this

Anyway, so hey guys ^^ Uh, I have been very on and off with AFF lately, updating a lot of things suddenly then poofing away for days.. for once I have an explanation... I AM NERVOUS OK

so.. my plane is to fly off at 6AM this Sunday :D As I've mentioned before I'm going to Scuntorphe, UK. I'm... both petrified and excited? I finallly got some yummy gifts for my host family and the girls I will be babysitting..tons of chocolate, booze and paprika :D Last thing to do now is to have my hair dyed so it looks ok :D gonna be such a gorgeous shade too T.T uh... so




he's old. like kinda? 3-4 years minimum. But he runs well after we realized that the tech guy misplaced the ventillator..

he..also fixed my drawing tablet.

(btw he totally did not just have to replace the batteries i mean how could you guys accuse me of being so stupid for not realizing since january..)

so..yeah :D I will be making posters tomorrow tho i think.. I wanted to today but got caught up on the net XD am a little sleepy too..very, actually. But I won't be able to rest for a while..and not cause of being so nervous

so..our new neighbours..ocassionally (aka once every 2 days) decided that having a fire on their front lawn is the PERFECT idea at 11PM. NOW, I LOVE barbecues and campfires but this is not that. They light a fire and just... are there. It has a really weird small too.. it's not just regular wood. Plus we have a mini barbecue as well and I know very well that if they were just cooking something there or grilling or anything..the smoke would not come this far. It's literally filling the rooms AND WE HAVE NO AC. because it's not that insanely popular here. So.. we can merely open our windows and hope for the best XD uNFORTUNATELY THE NEIGHBOURS think that this behaviour is quite normal....would be to an extent, really. But not only is this dangerous (we live surrounded by a lot of flammable plants and all that) but it's..annoying as well XD's pretty ty. And... tbh I just want some clean air XD Lately I've also been watching a whole ton of youtubers, ones I have not watched before XD IM ENTERTAINTED. So weird but so cool XD 

Honestly if I learn basic makeup I want to start making vlogs XD they seem super fun and well I'll be discovering a whole new country, so... :D It could be interesting :3 That's it for now though, gotta watching another movie and then... SLEEP. 



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I'm down for the makeup vlogs ;D