the lucky ones Credit
h0UikgN.jpguserNAME : bebebaby
name : Anne

Character Name :  Xiāo Dáiyu

Nickname(s) : 
Black Jade ; her name means Black Jade and the chinese mebers calls her this
Pi Rixui ; the god of peach blossom in chinese mythology. She was named as Pi Rixui, because of her eternal love for peach blossoms
Chief Xiāo ; although she doesn't like cooking, she still knows how to cook delicious food, Because she attended a cooking class when she's young and great cook runs in their blood.
Xia ; a nickname from her surname given by her first love(woohyun). No one is allowed to call her that except him.

Age : 21 years young
Birthdate : 14th of September 1994
birthplace: Huangshan City, China
Hometown : Huangshan City, China

face claim  : 101 Nayoung
backup face claim : RV Irene
h0UikgN.jpglove int  : Nam Woohyun
backup : Kim Myungsoo
Nickname(s) Given by Daiyu: 
Pabo Hyun ; Pabo is a korean term which means stupid and Hyun is just a shortened term for Woohyun. Well, Daiyu calls him this just to annoy him.
WooAegi ; Daiyu is the only one allowed to call him this, because 1. Daiyu was the one who gave it and 2. Woohyun found it annoying when someone calls him baby except ofcourse Daiyu
Goaw Jie ; a chinese term for 'little dog'. the reason Daiyu always tell woohyun why she calls him this is 'because you look like a lost puppy, an ugly one' but the truth was Daiyu calls him this because she finds Woohyun cute to the nth power that she just want to squeeze those cheeks.
visuals — Stands at 168 cm for 53 kg with long, silky and wavy hair, that is originally black but recently changed her hair color to ash brown, pinkish lips, a little puffy cheeks, small ears, straight and firm nose, perfectly curled lashes, perfectly trimmed eyebrows that match her hair's color, almond shaped eyes. She's considered as one of the healthiest trainee for having her BMI at the normal level. She also has a 3 mole on her neck that forms a triangle like shape and side of her ring finger on her right hand. A birthmark on her left shoulder that has the shape of a crescent moon. From afar you would say that she's under the Tall Line, but no. once you get closer to her you'll notice her petite figure and realises that you just get fooled by her great body proportion.
Her style depends on her mood that you really can't predict. If she feels like dressing up girly, she would wear dresses with flats, skirts, high waisted shorts, tanktops with blazer and heels or anything that can show her milky white skin , if she's feeling boyish, she would wear pants, oversized shirts (usually boy's clothes), shoes, caps. almost covering her body. But during her trainings she would wear comfortable ones, (but often seen wearing jeans with plain v-neck shirt), ofcourse she have to! It's hard to move when wearing tight clothes okay? When in terms of bags, she usually use shoulder bags, backpacks, slingbags. She's really not that fond of using handbags. She sometimes let her hair down or tie it on a ponytail.
Boyish [ 1 2 3 ] || Winter Days [ 1 2 3 ] || Dorm [ 1 2 3 ] || Practice [ 1 2 3 ]
Casual [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]

languages spoken — 
- Chinese ; fluent, being half chinese makes her fluent to the language
- Korean ; fluent, as they moved to south korea, she was taught how to speak and understand the korean language by her language teacher.
- Tagalog ; basics, having a filipino blood running through her vain, ofcourse she have to atleast know the basics of her mother's language.


[+] cheerful, optimistc, religious, funny, encouraging
[-] annoying, blunt, egoistic, impatient, nagger

She's the kind of person who is full of cheerfulness in her body and a energy that doesn't seem to drain. Whenever she opens to say something everyone would crack up (she calls it her super powers) She's the optimistic type of a person and views life in a positive way and she won't let any hindrance block her way to reach for her dreams. She's also a religious person though its not really that obvious Daiyu and her family doesnt miss any mass and often donate to the church.She's teaching bible verses in their church too every weekend and plays with the kids. Daiyu has the soft heart that can melt anytime, that's why she was often fooled by people. She's a girl that looks like she doesn't fear anyone but in reality she fears a lot.

Despite her bright personality she also has her flaws. She's a very impatientperson, the order should always be "You waiting for her" not the other way around, if you dont want to face her 1 hour nagging. Her blunt honesty is something that she can't control. She'll say everything in her mind not minding if it comes out as offensive or not. And you wouldn't know if she's just being sarcastic, but she's often using her sarcasm to knock some sense to the people she's talking to. She could be very ruthless too, and always hold grudges to people, she usually done it by giving them hard tasks or simply ignoring them until she's satisfied. She also can't accept the truth if it's not what she want it to be and refused to believe it. This happens alot but people isn't still used to it. Looking at how she behaves you can easily say that she's annoying to the nth power. She's usually the reason for the headache of their coaches and lastly Daiyu hates on being seen as a fragile person,that's why she tends to hide her weak self to everyone. She acts strong as a stone on the outside but is actually fragile as a glass.

-She's allergic to peanuts
- She smells like strawberries
- She has a very sensitive skin
- She uses her left hand to write
- She doesn't like the smell of melons
- Her religion is Catholic
- She believes in Santa clause
- Her room was decorated with peach blossom inspired furnitures
- Her Favorite comic book is entitled '1cm'
- She's a big fan of INFINITE, Super Junior and Bigbang
- She keeps a box full of her past drawings
- She loves to annoy people
- Mother related topics are very sensitive for her
- She's fluent in both korean and chinese, but there are a lot of times when she mixes both languages.
- She loves to eat a lot
- She can easily gains and loses weight
- She can talk for an hour wihtout even stopping.
- She has a step brother who is 2 years younger, Xiāo Xiangfan
- Her Favorite sport is Table Tennis
- Her hoobies are taking photography, swimming and reading
- Plays with her fingers when lying
- She can really be a different person on stage
- She Pinches the bridge of her nose when she felt like crying
- She Scrunches up her nose when she doesn't like something
- She Talks in her sleep(in chinese)
- tap her fingers when nervous
- Her biological mother is a pure filipina and her father is a pure chinese

background — Born in Huangshan as the only child in the family. (She has a step- brother who is 2 years younger). Year 2004, little Daiyu faced the biggest challenge in her life. At an accident, she lost the most beautiful woman and the woman who sacrificed a lot for her, Year 2004 she lost her mother. Moving on from that accident was hard and painful, she can't possibly move on right? but she did. Daiyu continues to live her life with her father and his new family. At the age of 10 her parents enrolled her to a cooking class but after three months she quit because according to her, cooking isn't her style although it's their family's business and almost everyone in their family is a chief or owns a restaurant. People said that she's the combined version of her step mom and bilogical mom, smart, sporty and has the good looks. She learned to love music through her grandfather who is really good in playing instrument. They often sang together at home and used to sing ballad songs. Studied at a non exclusive school when she's in primary school because her parents wants to teach their children the importance of everything especially when it comes to money. And during her middle school she lived with her grandparents and studied at an all Girls' School, because Grandma doesn't want her lil girl surrounded by boys. Through out her remaining years in middle school she was surrounded by girls and she sometimes questions her gender, coz she feels disgusted when she saw guys and doesn't find any of them good looking. When she reached her 15.5 years of age, her parents decided to permanently move to Seoul as their family wants to move on into a new life as a family with Fei and Xiangfan and forget about the sad memories happened in China. At first she doesnt really want the idea, making friends is so damn hard, and new home means new school, new school means introduction, and she hates it the most because duh? kids don't really pay attention in introduce yourself portion. But In the end she pushed those thoughts away and agreed. Since she can easily adapt to her environment, she easily gets used to it.
Her parents enrolled her to an arts school this time, School of Performing Arts Seoul, She's perfectly okay with it coz ya know she has the talent and all, but the thing is she's afraid to show it to everyone afraid that they might not like it and criticised her. Negative thoughts clouded her mind but being the optimistic girl she is, she takes it as a challenge and a way for her dream of becoming an idol. Ever since she watched Super Junior's Twins, she started dreaming of being a kpop idol and debuting on the same entertainment as them. Super Junior became her inspiration, then became fan of different kpop groups. Her new school is like a wheel, it has its ups and downs but She managed it really well. She use every opportunity she get and luckily she survived. During her 3 remaining years in high school she met this girl named Na Moonhee, who is loud af, she doesn't need to use any microphone at all. Daiyu doesn't know how did she survived being with Moonhee without being deaf. They're like tornado and thunderstorm when together. Moonhee was the one who patiently translates things to Daiyu when she doesn't understand what's happening in the world. They do have different thoughts in some things and often fight about small matter saying that each other is wrong or what. They call each other as "sister who came from different womb"
after graduating in SOPA, She enrolled to Daekyung University and takes Practical Music. Being beautiful and having that talent has benefits, like gaining friends in an instant and korean entertainments having interest on casting her. Studying in a bigger school makes her nervous because it was clearly written that high school is far different from College. Despite her trembling body when she enters the gates of D.U, she starts her new life full of positivity. Daiyu auditioned for both SM and YG with her three other friends after their examination. Once ygent sends her a letter saying she was accepted to be a trainee, she just stood where she was like a stone, not moving or maybe even breathing. She stayed like that for atleast 3 minutes before jumping up of joy and hugging every person she layed her eyes on.

Father || Xiāo Baoyu (48) || Chief/Owner of Peach Blossom Restaurant
– If you met him for the first time, you'll be surely intimidated by his aura. But when you get to know him, he is really the opposite of what's in your head. Daiyu and her brother are always being spoiled by him and gives everything they wanted but still gives punishment for their mistakes, even though they're both grown ups, he still gives punishment to them like what 5 years old kids would receive. He can't really accept the fact that his daughter wants to be a singer not a chief, but later on he started accepting it with all his heart. Their relationship stayed as it is, even though he's against her dreams.
Step-Mother || Xiāo Fei (46) || Chief at Peach Blossom Restaurant
– Kids usually acts violent to their step mom right? but Daiyu didn't. She treats Fei as a sister not a mother though. Because accoridng to Daiyu, no one can replace her biological mom. Daiyu and Fei gets along really well especially when it comes to her dreams, because Fei supports Daiyu at all cost even though her husband at first doesnt really agree about it.
Step Brother || Xiāo Xiangfan (19) || student at CAFA
– Infront of his classmates or friends he is a snobish kind of guy, but when he is with his sister, Daiyu he acts like a kid. Both loves to annoy each other and shares the same interests. They call each other Babe. And they often goes up in thei roof to watch the stars and Daiyu always fell asleep first so Xiangfan have no choice but to carry his sister to her room.
Bestfriend || Na Moonhee (22) || Student at Daekyung University
– a modest type of girl when you look at her from afar, but when you're close with her or atleast became her classmate, she's the complete opposite of what you're seeing. She's loud af and doesn't even know how to stop blabbering. Daiyu and Moonhee became close during their high school years. Moonhee patiently translated things for Daiyu whenever she doesn't understanda thing. They are each other's shoulder to lean on.
Mentor || Lu Han (26) || Leader of Vocal
– being Daiyu's Leader, they both get along really well and Luhan is the closest to Daiyu among the three leaders. He isn't really the kind of mentor to yell at the others for committing mistakes instead he corrects them in a gentle manner. Daiyu tends to purposely make mistakes and Luhan knowing Daiyu just playfully ruffled her hair that made Daiyu lightly punch him on her shoulders. Their relationship can be considered as Sibling type of relationship.
Mentor || Wu Yi Fan (25) || Leader of Hip Hop
– This person is the least closes to Daiyu as he is a strict person and even his presence made Daiyu shut and shiver. Daiyu doesn't want to talk or play around when he is around because he might yell at her for being loud.
Mentor || Huang Zi Tao (23) || Leader of Performance
– being the closest to Daiyu's age, he is the second closest leader to her. They tend to go out to buy some food and fool around when it's their break time. Tao being a the leader of performance wants Daiyu to improve her dancing skills but Daiyu just simply doesn't care or maybe not. whatever. Tao always teases Daiyu using Nam Woohyun and after teasing. They act as bestfriends and is obsessed with hugging people around them

stage name — Shyne[Shy + Shine]
persona — Vitamin S – S stands for sunshine, she always lifts the mood up whenever she's around
unit — vocal
talent twin — GFriend Yuju (singing and dancing) [Black Pink Rose]

vocal skills — 8 out of 10
rap skills — 2 out of 10
dance skills — 6 out of 10

name of company — YG Entertainment
training years & training life — Trained for a year in Woollim and 2 years in YG.
Just like the other idols out there, Daiyu auditioned for more than 5 times in different agencies. Her audition schedule was always after her examinations. (she trained under woollim for a year before) Year 2014 she was accepted as a trainee in YG and SM , but choose YGent instead because of bigbang Her trainee years wasn't that hard, she was born to be on the stage, she was mostly liked by her trainers and coaches. though she do get nagging from her coaches about her loud behaviour and the other trainees really like her alot because of her personality but some doesn't because according to them she's arrogant. Strict mentors but kind SOMETIMES, She even nicknamed her vocal teacher as menopausal elephant becuase of her sudden mood swings and loud footsteps, after all bighit was known for having a hard system when it comes to training. While training she received alot of injuries and even got sick many times because of her non-stop practicing. But it's all okay because she really love what she's doing. Bullying isn't foreign in Korea, and not having a korean blood is no help at all, like other trainees she was bullied too because of jealousy. On the other hand, guys admired her alot because of her doll like features and personality. (but that makes the girls jealous even more).
past experience(s)
- Wrote the lyrics of INFINITE's Fixed Star for their First Invasion Album
- Modelled for NONA9ON


personality — He’s extremely passionate and gives so much heart in everything he does, leading him to excel, improve & jump over any barrier in his way. He seems to keep his two feet on earth, remains humble and always willing to learn more and teach others. People may think of him as arrogant, but he remains humble and unlike what arrogant people do, he never brings down others, doesn’t say anything like they should be like me, they should learn from me. So he’s confident, not cocky. He's definitely the kind of person who has the most presence, the one who takes the most place. he loves having fun, he loves teasing, he loves interacting with people, he loves being loud. he also definitely loves to talk and loves everyone around him esp his family, members and friends.


• Infinite's Main Vocalist
• The King of Fanservices
• Born on February 8, 1991
• Can be annoying as hell
• Daiyu and Woohyun both have a couple necklace (but woohyun never wear it anymore when he debuted)

love story — Daiyu and Woohyun meet during their training years (a year before infinite's debut). Both immediately became close--nope. Woohyun being a naturally annoying puppy he is, started annoying the 'new' foreign trainee who goes by the name Xiāo Daiyu. Both doesnt have a very good impression on each other because of their first encounter. For Woohyun, Daiyu is a "Foreign Brat, who thinks that knows everything just because she came from a different country." While for Daiyu, Woohyun is a "Conceited adorable puppy, who thinks highly of himself" But we all do know that the more you hate, the more you love cliche eherm Just like some of the love story out there, after getting to know and annoying the hell out of each other both developed feelings. But never dated because it's one of the rules once you signed the contract. They remained friends over the years and was never able to express how much they love each other. They both have a couple neckalce that was personally bought by themselves when they go out for some bonding time. But once woohyun debuted, he never wore it anymore that made Daiyu sad and hurt but she just let him. Little did she know, Woohyun still wear it and was hidden under his shirt or whatever top he was wearing. Their relationship grew more distant when he debuted and that made Daiyu left woollim.

status — fan/idol relationship 

           Page-Divider.pngquestions/comments —hope you like her! ^^
scene requests
 — Woohyun recognized Daiyu in an article about ROTR
 — Daiyu and the foreign girls dozing off in their language class
 — A special performance where the girls gets to perform with some idols.They choose using draw lots and Daiyu picked Infinite's Sunggyu. They performed One Year Later by Jess and Onew
 — Daiyu annoying the hell out of the managers
 — Units switch places
Vocal -> Hip Hop, Performance-> Vocal, HipHop -> Performance
Idols as the guest judges (infinite or anyone)


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