My One and Only

I'm sorry >-<

It's so hard for me to openly spazz about you and I always feel like I don't love you enough anymore. But that's apparently not true.

I can go for weeks without thinking about you and still know that you're my number one.

But sometimes I deviate. Like today. With Onew, and I'm sorry. ♥

I hope you forgive me. Monkey Emoticons

Because you are forever my number one. I love everything about you and even though you're the world's biggest derp, you're my derp Monkey Emoticons

                                                                                                           ♥  LEE HYUKJAE ♥


Hi Mister Crazy Hair~ That awkward monkey


such a pretty boy when you started


♥ ♥ ♥ When you gained international fame


Even though I didn't know who you were, you were just that dancer guy who I couldn't seem to get out of my head


and you're all grown up 



dancing and rapping and being cool




all crazy and ripping your clothes off aish ><



Mr. Simple


It doesn't matter what you do, you'll always be

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZql7hdLLmBPZaS6A1agR    tumblr_licbgqxAuT1qzaeexo1_500.jpg

My Baby Monkey ♥



Monkey Emoticons                                                                               Monkey Emoticons                                                                                                     Monkey Emoticons


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heybabylovecrash #2
I wish I loved my bias as much you love Hyukjae LMFAO. I'm sure my love-mostly hate relationship with Donghae is unhealthy.

This was cute <3 :3
I'm biased towards him simply because you love him so much >< Even though he's not in my top 5... If someone were to ask me, DINNER WITH HYUK OR DINNER WITH TEUK? I'd say hyuk, and then lock you two in a bedroom somewhere >=D
Lol I love you!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU LOVE HYUK!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 He's so lucky~
LDJSLKAMLKDJSIKFNDKJGVNDFJKGHNDJK ME GUSTA 8D Oh dear, Lee Hyukjae. Please leave my bias list alone. Why is this happening. Ohmygosh. Always. ;-;