Well so I'm f*****

I had my nice lovely plan written out, I had begun writing on Closer of Day again, and now? 

I lost access to a computer. Ugghhhhhh I swear, life does NOT want me to write! So I suppose I'll be trying to complete things by writing on my phone. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to stick to my plan!

*grumbles about the unfairness and how technology hates me*


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Goodness! You really are having a hard time of things in the writing department lately. The Fates must be conspiring against you or something. :S
At least you are able to write on your phone, even if it's not ideal. You've proven you can do it! So that's something. But I do know how preferable it is to work on something like a laptop/computer. :(
Good luck with getting whatever's wrong sorted out asap!
Damn if it's not writers block it's technology being rude! I hope your computer figures out how to computer soon!
Thta's horrible, just teh sheer thought of tipping with my phone seems horrible
Omg that is the WORST! ;(
Technology can be so horrible! I know how it is...UGH.
Gluck, bb!
hotterthanasummer #7
lame :( Hopefully it works out - I mean, even if you can't quite stick to your original plan, you might even find something better :D?
okay that really :/ how about you get a tablet instead of a computer when you have some money to spare? They are more affordable than a computer and writing on it is pretty fun:3