prides and joys

hello everyone. good evening. is it only me who absolutely cannot sleep? no? good. not. Anyway, i've been having trouble sleeping well for the past week or so. I mean, I always had issues with sleeping but never this bad :D I either can't sleep until very late (and startle awake super early) or wake up super early and can't go back to sleep at all.. at those times I just read xD So.. next Sunday I'm going to Scuntorphe (which is in the UK lmao). because ill be an aupair. I'm..super scared and happy? Like.. on one hand I wish I could just go today but on the other I'm a mess of what ifs xD I know how to take care of kids but still xD I have yet to start packing but I made the first step: poured all of my clothes on the floor. They will probably be there until I woman up and start packing xD I'm a little scared of the weather so I will be taking hoodies and all that :D yay. heavy stuff :D 

ok so that's all for the rants. I haven't made one of those 'poster recap' things in a while so I decided to humour myself..and you guys. BUT THIS TIME. it will be different for I will be posting everything in REVERSE order. I will be going backwards on my imgur, choosing only ONE of each page. To see how I'm getting worse as we proceed. first page is an exception with two edits because they are both new xD one is just a preview anyway XD feel free to like comment or whatever. im a little lonely rn so yea xD (I'm sleepy and bored too LMAO) Anyone near Scuntorphe tho,... ? WHAT CAN YOU DO THERE (other than what google says XD google often lies T.T) Ok whatever. let's do this. My pride and joys. 


my best ever poster has to be this one tho: 

MAJESTIC RIGHT? (it's actually pretty recent, made this for april's first XD) Tried to fit as many 'mistakes' onto it as I could XD

,, I think I'm finally sleepy enough so..bye for now

may the mosquitos not bite you in your sleep.



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I have the same problem too. I sleep in reversed...