Do you read multi-chaptered fics?

And does it matter whether it's complete or not complete (but still regularly updates)? Also, if a fic is subscribers-only, does it deter you from reading said fic?


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Hayaley #1
I like long multi-chapter fics. The length is not one of the main reasons I read a story or not. I do prefer completed stories because there are too many unfinished fics on AFF and I don't want to be stuck invested into one which will keep me hanging. If I know the author or if I've noticed a story has been consistently updated but not complete, I may subscribe and read (though I have one that was doing this then suddenly stop too). I prefer not to read subs only. I don't like having to be coerced into subscribing to a story. Because it will be a lot harder to back out and unsubscribe. Nobody likes being unsubscribed.
Yep...i like reading actually incomplete ones cause idk why(maybe for element of surprise or excitement on the next chapter)...but i already tried reading complete fics too.about the subs-only,I read too if i like the description of the story hehe..
I do read multi-chapter fics, in fact I tend to love long ones a lot; the more chapters the better. And it doesn't really matter to me that much if it's complete or not when I start reading, though I do like it when there is already a good amount of chapters when I do choose to start so I can binge through some for a day. I used to deter away from sub-fics quite a lot, and now not as much, but it's not much of a problem any more for me.
I love reading fanfics with multiple chapters and as long as it is updated regularly that's fine with me
Yeah, I love multi chapter fics. Depending on the plot I'd read it if it's still ongoing. But if it's like a mystery fic, I'd probably wait until it's complete so that I don't get a heart attack from the plot twist. Fics on subscribers only are my biggest pet peeve here on AFF. So for me, that's a no.