The Tales of Exodus ➳ » {Xiah Tian: Djinn}

She got me going crazy

why's my heart like this baby?

Xiah Tian

Kira | prettybirdsfly | Activity level 8.5/10

Plotline: The Djinn

Character Nickname(s):

 Jiniri / its the female name for a djinn, and is used as a generic name by some of her previous owners. unless they give her a name, this is what she's called because she refuses to give her name. most often used by owners and the ex'act society, rarely by other creatures.

 Xiah / a self-given name, which holds no power over her. its used by the supernatural/magical creature society, rather than her owner name.

 Tian / her true name, and like true names it holds power over her therefore for her to give it away is a sign of the utmost of trust.

Birthdate/Age: August 7th, 1387BCE; real: 3503; human: 22

Birthplace: Tianzi Mountains, China

Hometown: Gongryong Ridge, Seorak Mountain, Korea

Power: Eternal youth; insane magic; Tian prefers water over the rest of the elements.

she cannot free herself. 
she does get tired after continual heavy & hard magic use (big spells/magic for several continual days without stop). power naps will fix that.
she doesn't mess with the time flow (technically she could, but she refuses to), nor can she bring anything back from the dead (it's not pretty).
EX'ACT wizards put her under sedatives and chemical mixes that distract her magic, leaving her unable to use magic for a time while they are in her system which means they are able to torture and subdue her.
True names can be used to take over a body or control djinn with magic (so they don't use theirs unless it's to a close companion)
she can undo magic done by wizards and sorcerers but cannot undo djinn magic. (In EX'ACT she couldn't undo spells because she was too weak).0
to undo complicated spells done with a combination of wizards, she may need a unicorn to act as an energy source.
it helps being surrounded in good energy or something she can draw from, even water might boost her magic.
magical crystals and metals may help conduct magic. 
unicorns can be used to draw energy from.


▻ mandarin / she learnt mandarin first, as it was the first language she was surrounded by, and her first owner spoke this.

▻ arabic / she learnt arabic due to another owner speaking it, it was the second language she learnt.

▻ hebrew / she learnt hebrew during the time of king solomon and spoke this for a long period of time

▻ latin / after hebrew, she had to learn latin for another of her owners.

▻ korean / eventually she was able to leave the land of the fabled djinn behind and return to eastern asia. she learnt korean lastly.

You're beautiful; you're my goddess 

Face claim: Krystal (f(x)) (*her facial expressions are amazing)

▻ 1 | gallery

Back up face claim: Stephanie Lee (*her facial expressions are also gold)

▻ 1 | gallery

[Human Form]

▻height: 165cm/1.65m/5'5"
▻weight: 45kg
▻eye colour: purple surrounding purple maroon (x
She has icy blue hair and milky white skin in her human form. Like most djinn, she looks and acts completely out worldly, often with a neutral face whilst in the company of strangers. but when she gets to know people, she shows her many, many expressions. (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
As a djinn, she is trapped to the metal vessel of her owner's choosing until she is freed. She wears a pair of gold metal cuffs on her wrists that signifies an unfreed djinn. She can change their appearance, but her cuffs are always visible (she cannot hide them unless its under clothing but magic can't hide them) whether she's in her true form or human form. But she can get through (airport/building/transport etc) security with them on, so it doesn't affect travelling as a human.

[True Form]

third eyeshe has a pattern, however, her third eye is only the tear drop white gems and red gems. the rest above her brows are decoration (**red gem and blue skin make purple, her eyes.). (x)
She has dark blue hair, and a slightly paler blue (than her hair) skin in her true form. However, she retains her human height, weight and eye colour. She also retains her wrist cuffs but gets additional ankle cuffs as well (also signifying an unfreed djinn).

[True Form] She only ever wore a crop top, shorts outfit with a long, sheer skirt (*sistar's 'i like that' outfits). They can vary in colour, but the same premise for the outfit remains the same. She favours the blue (worn most often, though the skirt may change), whiteblack and red and with blue designs (worn in her human form) outfits in particular. She notably wore the blue/ outfit when fetching the Queen of Sheba, and reverted to human form to do so. And her feet typically remain bare, but can, on occasion, sport thin gold sandals (made of real gold) when she has to go long distances on foot.

[Human] Tian's never had to worry about human fashions, seeing as the only people aware of her existence as a djinn had seen her and she could wear her natural clothing then. But now that she does have to worry about blending in, she is a very casual clothing kind of person. Things she can move in, favouring in particular skinny jeans or shorts and nice long sleeved tops/blouses with an overcoat on cooler days (trying to hide her cuffs unless she can change their appearance to suit the outfit) or on a good occasion a dress or skirt with a nice top. (x)(x)(x)


— untrusting, cautious
A fundamental of life for Tian is trust, which means it's very hard to come by in her life. Especially after she has come to know that loyalty of others can be fickle, that people lie due to greed, and she will be used for the personal gain of others. Inside her head, there's always a constant nagging to be careful, that it's a mantra now. And it invades her mind at every possible step of her life because she doesn't want to be used like a toy or a weapon, she just wishes to be appreciated and loved for who she is and not what she can do. This causes Tian to take time to warm up to a person, and longer yet to trust them with her life. Caution is always present in her mind, even if it's at the very back in tiny minute whispers. It will take a lot of trust or motivation to get Tian to ignore it for someone else, and take the risks posed at her especially if it concerns someone other than herself. And it's only ever done if she cares about that person deeply.
— sharp-witted, knowledgeable, calculating 
Something that time has taught her is how to turn anything into an advantage. Her wit is the backbone of much of her confidence, and she will use that to her advantage to turn a situation into something far more favourable to her. But it can take time, and this is where she will bide away until she's ready to do what is needed. This is where she can be the most selfish, particularly against owners. Tricking owners, manipulating them or portraying something in another light in order to benefit herself, whether it's for protection or something she needs. It hasn't yet managed to free her, but it's not to say she hasn't been imagining a thousand different ways to be freed. Lies and mind games are not against her morals when it comes to self-protection.
Millennia of knowledge building has helped build up her abilities in the brain and magic department (and on occasion the physical department). Reading books and observing people, learning from great teachers is something she finds to be her favourite hobby of sorts and she retains the information so that they can be used in the future. She's always looking for something new to learn and does like to badger owners for access to teachers and books in return for her 'services' of sorts. Particularly when concerning Kings that can have their hands on just about anything. And yes, she does keeps a rather large collection of books in her bottle.

— charming, zany
Her outward character? Bizarre to say the least. While she may be quiet, she is completely unique when she does get around to talking. It's a combination of old habits and new ones, and it's still in the works everytime she learns a new culture or goes through a new century. Because she's learned so much and experienced even more, Tian's reactions (verbal and facial) can be completely bizarre and weird, but hold their own charm that can be rather compelling to a human and on occasion other magical creatures (djinn are naturally rather charismatic). These charms are completely individual to each emotion she feels, which is a negative quality in her eyes. She doesn't have any desire to let people know what she's thinking, and perceives it to be a weakness, leading her to keep a blank icy mask most of the time in order to hide her emotions. But when someone manages to break that mask, it's a wonderful sight to see (and can be rather amusing to what expression she might pull).
However, her natural personality does make it hard to blend in to be perceived as normal and has the possibility to attract the wrong kinds of people. Her unusual expressions can also be a source of light misunderstanding and doesn't always help her express all her emotions unless one is familiar with all her expressions. Another reason why she tries to hide outward emotion, so that she blends in better to her surroundings.

— protective, loyal, caring
Despite everything, Tian has a hidden heart of gold for the people she cares about. She wasn't born closed off, untrusting, and it shows only when someone or something means a whole lot to her. When she comes to love something or to trust them fully, she will put everything she has into protecting them from harm. She wants to care for them, especially because she's afraid to lose them (which will happen, she more often than not outlives them). It's not something she will ever take lightly, she's loyal to these kinds of people to a fault (unless they betray her, watch out then). But her protectiveness can sometimes be a little excess, to the point where she will spend every moment watching out for danger. Tian does have to be told where to stop at times, but she will always respect that (she appreciates honesty).
And, despite what Tian wishes, her loyalty can be affected by her being a bound djinn. This causes her to remain loyal to an owner until their death, or the occasion that's she's won over by another (often in battle or bets, sometimes gifts). In her eyes, she's practically cursed with this loyalty and finds it can be torture (whether it be to her morals, or to her health mental or physical health) for what some owners make her do. This loyalty can translate to protectiveness over owners as well, which she tries to fight without success.
— adaptable, closed off
Adaptability is one of a djinn's greatest abilities, aside from the magic and youth, and is the ability to adapt to their surroundings. Without it, Tian would have died or lived a  constantly torturous life (even before EX'ACT) millennia ago. She's spent much of her life moving between places, climates, languages, owners that she's learnt how to readapt to any situation she's posed. It has lead to her ability to learn quickly, and how to blend in with the right guidance. However, this adaptability is hindered by an owner or lack of owner, to which without an owner to learn off firsthand, she can seem strange, out of place and suspicious, forcing her to take time to observe others (which can lead to problems with authorities and then harm). 
Her nomadic life has also somewhat hindered her social ability in a way, as Tian now remains closed off due to her moving quickly in order to not build up relationships that she'd lose just as quick. This is her protection way,  and it keeps her from breaking her heart out of loneliness (because Tian believes if you don't have friends to begin with; if you don't know what it is to live surrounded by friends/family, then you can't experience loneliness). It's also influenced the way she replies to people and varies the answers everyone gets. People she trusts will get truths, strangers get vague, 'normal' stories and enemies/people she distrusts get falsities. And even then her replies are almost always short and vague so that there's less of a connection to break. But Tian's heart can be opened up, and the people who can do it (the people she trusts) will always see her most vulnerable state, and know the truths of her life. However, this can take years to do unless you can prove yourself to the djinn.

— patient, just
Tian has a lot of time on her hands, and it's reflected in her personality. She's a person who will listen to every last thing before making a decision, consider every last possibility before choosing a side or conclusion. But sometimes she can take more time than she's given, an attribute from her extended life and ending in lost opportunities to act. Tian doesn't notice time passing like many others do, and she'll admit it often all blurs into one especially when she's going through owner after owner. This is often perceived as patience to others, but if you ask her how she's so patient she'll say she doesn't really know.
This 'patience' (or extended thought time) goes hand in hand with her morality and allows her to judge everyone fairly and mull over decisions so she always ends at the right one. Her morality being the most important aspect (in her eyes) about her. She tries to do the best for all parties, or the morally right thing. But her fairness can be impaired when under the influence of an owner, as she is supposed to be loyal to them for passing her tests. This can lead to her disregarding her own moral code to fulfil the wishes of her owner, and then often leads to a guilt in the back of her head that haunts her. Or sometimes, in dire situations, her moral code can be ignored by the people closest to her when she just wants to protect them.
— quiet, unpredictable
Talking is not something that Tian really does unless she's practically forced to or is in the presence of
someone she cares about/trusts. She's prone to bottling up her emotions until they explode because that's how she's always really dealt with it. No previous owner having time to deal with the feelings of their toy or secret weapon. So it's lead to a habit forming that she just lets it simmer, fade into the back of her mind and never really let it out until it builds up and explodes (which is often in cursing, long rants, probably in multiple different languages very fast and on a good occasion some violent magic). It's also perceived as a weakness by Tian, she doesn't want to let people know what she is thinking, and sometimes being quiet is better. But don't think she'll sit there quietly if she needs to stand up for someone, or when she needs to talk (also she's really loud when tortured, like ear-splitting loud).
When Tian actually talks, it is completely unpredictable. She's not the kind of person who you can guess right away. It's never been like that for her. This gives her an edge, being unpredictable at times makes people wonder what she's going to do and combined with her wits she can achieve a ton because nobody really can predict her, even Yura would have trouble trying to do it (though she's probably the only one who could too, she knows Tian the best after all). But it isn't to say she doesn't plan ahead, this girl knows exactly what she's going to do and so it's really just a challenge to everyone else.

[The Beginnings] Tian's birth, like many djinns, has been lost to the sands of time. However, for the first few years of her life, she spent maturing quickly and learning about anything and everything her mother could tell and show her. Her mother was easy to be around, but she was overprotective and coddled Tian. Until a time when she seperated from her mother, Tian's curiosity for the outside world becoming too great to keep her hidden in the mountains, leaving her mother. Tian moved North, away from the mountains of her birth and onto the rest of China where she met her first owner. A small, robust woman Baozhai, who worked with her husband nomadic trading across Asia and the Middle East and passed her tests with small difficulty. Baozhai was a lenient, forgiving owner, who gave her a new home in an old metal wine bottle, allowed her to read and study the books and maps she sold and used her for company while travelling. However, the peacefulness of her owner didn't last, as Baozhai died in a raid on their convoy in Central Asia, where she was stolen by her next owner.

[Realisations] Tian's next owner was unlike her first, he forced his way through her tests and claimed ownership over her. With her by his side he used the power bestowed upon him for his own selfish reasons. Devastating their path over to the Middle East. Eventually, not even he could prevent his own death by his own recklessness. And she was passed onto another male, almost identical to the previous. She remained in the limbo of selfish owners, slowly hating the human race more and more, creating harder tasks to pass for those who found her bottle. Tian almost regretted her curiosity to leave the safety of her mother but knew that she couldn't be confined to the mountains in fear. Her string of owners early on shaped a lot of what she thinks of humans, selfish, greedy and uncaring. Until she was retrieved by a messenger for King Solomon who had heard of her (970BC). 

[The King] Solomon passed her tests also and was a generous owner to Tian, he allowed her access to every last written text available in return for her loyalty. Even granting her a new bottle made out of precious magic conducting gold and rare large magical ruby (the ruby is particularly good at channelling magic). She agreed, remaining beside him as he sought to become the greatest ruler in history. But she was not blind to his greed for power, however, remained loyal to the agreement she made. She saw that as greedy he was, he was generous and an honest man often trying to do the right things for the djinn. So Tian was happy to perform tasks for him. Even bringing the Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem, retrieving her for King Solomon. The Queen of Sheba was cunning and taught Tian the tricks of men and some women as they caravaned across the desert to Jerusalem. Tian learned much during her time as the mystic shadow of the King, staying with him until death where she was stolen in the chaos of a power vacuum with the succession of Solomon's son Rehoboam.

[Limbo] Ever since the tales of a djinn helping the dead king Solomon, thieves and merchants have been set out to find one and sell them for high prices or use them as their own. There were very few ever found, but it was Tian's life as she was constantly stolen away and used as offerings to kings. She helped in the shadows of some of the greatest empires, but her tests were far harder than anything ever before. However these changes used as learning curves, and she exploited the opportunity to learn more and more. Tian had her hands on texts throughout the known world, and great sorcerers when in the company of kings of great empires looking for more power, and seizing the opportunity to have her remain loyal to their cause. However as quickly as she was offered to kings, she could be taken away in an instant by people vying for power. During this time, she met Yura who was wandering the world and befriended her.

[Home] After the fall of the Byzantine Empire (1453), Tian was once again in the hands of a merchant whom  never realised her bottle was in fact, a djinn's and traversed the silk road. She secluded herself in her bottle and was passed through the hands of many merchants believing her bottle an elaborately decorated perfume bottle worth bagfuls of gold from wealthy nobles in the East. Eventually, after hiding away in her bottle long enough, she escaped and disappeared into the warm nights of Southern China with her bottle in tow. Tian returned to the place of her birth, where she found it abandoned (unsurprisingly, it had been over one millennium since she'd last been there) except for Yura who'd been waiting there for a few weeks, anticipating her arrival.

[Companionship] Tian and Yura remained a pair for a long while as they choose to move around the Eastern countries. This is what Tian remembers as a time of peacefulness, and what she found to be the time she treasures most so far in her life. They made their way through many places, eventually settling in South Korea after the Korean War where Yura and Tian went their separate ways for a time and Tian stayed hidden in the mountains until the EX'ACT Society found her after a hiker reported a golden bottle and a glimpse of a blue girl that he found in the forests of Seorak Mountain which lead the EX'ACT Society right to her before she even had a chance to escape (2009).

[The Only One] Tian is and was the first and only djinn to have been captured by EX'ACT, so she's their guinea pig for testing on djinn. However, she's said very little during the time that she's been caught, and has been trying to prevent many results from happening. But there's only so much she can do before they give her a strong sedative to put her asleep where she has no control over anything. Tian is constantly looking over her shoulder for scientists when she's out of her bottle and tries to hide in it as much as she can in order to get away from being forced into their little experiments.

[Perspective] EX'ACT has all but ruined any good perception of humans (though she hadn't had many great experiences before), and silenced her. Tian barely chooses to speak in the preserves, and spends much of her time mourning her previous chance at being free of her bottle (she's given up hope now that EX'ACT has her, they will never let her go because she's the only djinn she knows they have). Wizards and sorcerers torture her  (like 10+ full fledged magic users trying to fry her brain and cause her incomparable amounts of pain, while her magic is countering the effects of it so she feels pain but isn't hurt severely.) when she uses her magic and put large quantities of sedatives and harmful chemicals in her system to subdue her magic, and the scientists try and keep her focused on the pain they are causing so she isn't able to think of escaping. The wizards and sorcerors dislike her deeply, and constantly try to force her to teach them any magic or bestow them with power.

[Torture] Then there is the experiments she's often forced under. They're still exploring what she can do, and don't want to risk hurting her yet so they are still cautious as to what they do to her. They haven't cut her open yet, but it's practically torture what she's subjected to and EX'ACT is merciless to what they do to her. She's giving longer periods between different types of experiments and is often in an observation room. On more than one occasion she's reacted badly to what they've given her, leaving her writhing in pain after she's woken up from any sedatives until her body counters it. After the first near death experience she added a charm to her bracelets they would ease the pain even slightly (even if sorcerors tortured her for using magic after that) so that in the end she might heal even if it takes ages . She plans to live so she can return the favour. It's sheer will to stay alive that keeps her going after everything.

[Post Escape] It will take her time and patience to learn to find the quirks in humans that keep her interested. But if she has supporting people around her to try to reintroduce good humans to her, Tian will eventually learn to find reasons to continue to be around humans and not trap herself inside her bottle. Initially she may hide and try to ignore humans, but with people to coax her out and take a risk then everything will be fine with time.


[djinn/Tian trivia]
even though her bottle has a 'lid' she can still exit her bottle (she has a giant magical crystal on the 'lid, of course she can exit it).
▻ she was deeply upset when she learned that the library of Alexandria was burnt down
▻ smells like books, rain, and wildflowers
▻ she zones out when she reads
▻ she's a very good swimmer. her main element is water after all
▻ she really wants to be a freed djinn
▻ she's good at fighting, but it's only because she's had so long to perfect it (because when she started, she was really bad)
▻ can she turn metals into gold (it's a thing), but it's boring so don't expect it to be done often
▻ her favourite colour is red or white (she's indifferent to blue because she is literally surrounded by it)
[food trivia]
▻ has a really traditional food palette and tends to stick to fruits, vegetables and homemade meals.
▻ loves spicy foods
▻ she also likes turkish coffee and tea.
[ex'act trivia]
hates having to look over her shoulder, especially for scientists
▻ she wants vengence against EX'ACT
▻ she doesn't have any visible signs of torture from EX'ACT, no scars or anything. it's all internal.

▻ hates needles, EX'ACT can be blamed for this
[likes/loves trivia]
▻ likes to collect books and keeps many of them in her bottle

▻ she likes puzzles and mysteries.
▻ likes to study magic and magical properties
▻ likes to collect magical items
▻ crystals are her favourite magic channellers (yes that white crystal crown is a thing, she's used it to perform spells before)
▻ loves reading books, any type, it doesn't matter
▻ loves summer
▻ likes the heat/hot weather.
▻ likes to read under the warmth of the sunlight, or in front of a fire, or curled up in a blanket or stealing the warmth of someone. basically on/next to warmth.
▻ she loves to bathe or shower, she likes being under the water
[dislike trivia]

▻ deeply dislikes cold weather.
▻ dislikes wizards and sorcerors
▻ she somewhat hates gold, but only because she has to see her cuffs all the time

I'm engraved in your heart; even when I die, we won't be torn apart


▻ mother | miran | 7000+ | djinn| intuitive, calm, patient, maniulative, secretive, sharp 

Tian and Miran don't speak, but that's most likely due to their relationship than anything. Djinn rarely get to meets others of their kind, as they are often seperated and secluded away into myth (and there are few of them), and their relationship is no exception. It's a treat to ever see them together, to see one another. However their meetings aren't usually butterflies and roses, the tension between the two makes the atmosphere awkward and tense that they often act like awkward ex-friends around one another. Tian loves her mother, and almost hates her (she really wants to) because they never get to have a normal relationship because they are djinn and spend their lives away uncontacted by one another. Miran purely loves her daughter, but understands her feelings about their species. But Tian will always be the apple of Miran's eye, and she does do her best to look out for her.



long term best friend | yura | 2830 
| unicorn| generous, forgiving, friendly, quiet

Yura and Tian have known each other for well over a millennia. Originally Tian sort to befriend Yura solely so she could channel her energy, however her motive changed after becoming closer to the solitary unicorn. Yura's natured compelled Tian in a way and made her fall in love with her personality, dropping any possible negative motives against her. They both are close companions that geniunely like to talk and discuss anything that comes to mind. If Tian was ever free, she silently would love to spend her life in the company of Yura (even though Yura likes to be alone at times). Yura thinks Tian is a beautiful soul, and only ever sees the good in her, she wouldn't mind Tian's company for the rest of their eternal lives (as long as she could have space when she wants it).
They treat each other like sisters and lifelong companions. Tian trusts Yura enough that she knows her true name.


▻ owner | king solomon | deceased | human| wise, cunning, greedy, intellectual

Her most notable former owner. He confided in her during his lifetime, and she was the one to have travelled and collected the Queen of Sheba like the legends say. She will say that she made his reign legendary, because while he was wise he could not have done it without her. And for helping him, he gave allowed her to learn all sorts of things. 

▻ owner | previous owners | deceased | human |

Many of her former owners are unnotable, aside from rare good memories. Many of them were greedy, and have given her a negative taste for humans.


Experiment #04

Kim Jongin #88

Byun Baekhyun



Character Nickname(s):



Birthdate/Age: May 6th, 1992; 24


Birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea

Hometown: Bucheon, South Korea

Baekhyun was the second child of a humble family living  in Bucheon. His beginnings were humble, growing up as the mischievous maknae of his family. He was close to his parents and his brother (despite slight distance due to age), and cares deeply for them. He grew up with all the confidence in the world, with his only sibling having a seven year , he became quick at befriending the local children and schoolmates for friends his own age. Eventually taking interest into music and deciding to head that way as a career.

Baekhyun, unlike his elder brother, wasn't any good at studying but managed to get into university working towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Taking odd jobs (and being fired from some of them, he is sometimes a little too chatty), extra vocal classes and working his way through university. This is where he spotted the flyer offering large sums of cash for participation in a 'study'. Naturally he took the offer, jumping at the chance and not blinking twice thinking it was a normal study he'd done with some of the science students for a little extra cash before. 

He showed up to ever study, eventually making it into the final selection where they moved him out of his dorm. At this point, he was asking white coated scientists what was going on and asking all sorts of questions. But it was already too late before he'd realised this wasn't something he could leave. EX'ACT had already taken care of his life outside of the facility, and he was stuck inside it.

Baekhyun tried to stay optimistic while being tested on, but mentally he felt exhausted and drained. As he passed through injection after injection, the agonising pain that followed as the genomes literally changed him inside out (searing through his veins), constantly reminding himself to stay strong, that he'd be okay, he was still Byun Baekhyun. Eventually discovering what they had done to him, he felt like breaking. EX'ACT had all but taken himself away from him and he'd nearly snapped at the doctors until he resoluted to escape and try and salvage what he could find of the Byun Baekhyun he'd known his entire life.


Baekhyun, after the experiments, has developed an almost a split personality that comes out when he's enraged or deeply in danger. He's normally bright, happy, like a ray of light. But even his light can be snuffed out with the darkness EX'ACT has put in his heart, hidden away until it's uncovered. (**kinda like light vs darkness in his heart, EX'ACT putting the darkness there and his natural light aka his bright happy personality)

outgoing, confident
Baekhyun's never been afraid to put him out there, say something to a random stranger or to someone he's feared. He can makes friends with anyone, that was basically his superpower before EX'ACT. His confidence helps create his entire personality, and makes him so easy to talk to. But sometimes he's a little too social, and can't always stop himself from butting into strangers conversations and lives.
But EX'ACT always leaves its inhabitants scarred, ruined, no matter how they went in before. Baekhyun, a person who went from complete social confidence able to say anything to a random stranger, make friends with someone he once hated, to a mess. Perhaps not outwardly, but inwardly he goes almost blank around other people. When he asked too many questions to the scientists he'd be drugged, or injected with another dose of   a genome a left to deal with it's effects. The darkness of pain has caused his mind to go to dark places he once could never imagine. Harming, hurting, killing is not a far cry when he's in this place in his mind. It's almost like another person under the surface of his happy facade that appears when he gets angry, loses his cool or just out to protect him. It is almost like a split personality.

— affectionate, caring, clingy
Baekhyun is a giant puppy, and is open to showing that he cares for someone through physical touch (aka lots of hugs and holding onto each other). He cares quite deeply for people that make their way into his heart (family, close friends) and tries to accommodate them whether it means standing up for them against anything. But sometimes he can be a little much, sometimes you just have to tell him to back away for a little bit.
But this affectionate puppy facade has somewhat disappeared when near strangers and in public, but when in the company of people he's close to or trust he clings. This clinginess is relief for his mind, and is like a protection for himself so that he reminds himself that not everything is bad, EX'ACT can't ruin anything. Baekhyun will try to do little things still, if he cares about a person and in the EX'ACT laboratories that means trying to convince a scienetist for more painkillers.

— dark, dangerous, wild, unpredictable
His darker side of his personality was never really present while he was human and very few (other than his parents, and even then it was not apparent) know he hides away a dark side underneath it all. And before EX'ACT he'd only used it against people who really burned him, grated his nerves to the point it burst out and then it was gone almost as soon as it came because it always scared off whoever it was created by. But after the influence and experience from EX'ACT, it surfaced as the opposite to his personality, and it had a much bigger presence in his personality and body. Outwardly he's always bright, always a kind of prince charming, but on the inside he's a monster waiting for a chance to make a move and take over his whole body, do all the darker things (though it's still Baekhyun doing that, but with a different personality like he's switched a lightswitch and the game, his personality, has changed). It's basically a split personality, and no one can ever really detect it without years upon years of experience being able to spot the glimmer of something hidden in the depths of his eyes. This side of him is unafraid to use his newfound powers to any kind of advantage, there's nothing too great in order to achieve. Baekhyun is dangerous both when he's his normal happy self because there isn't no warning signs of when his dangerous side will appear as it's completely unpredictable to what he's going to do and it after EX'ACT has made many more appearances than his whole life. It's created an irrefutable home in him. This side of him cares not about physical harm, only about getting and achieving what he wants and it cannot be tamed.
energetic, optimistic
This boy never runs out of energy, and something to do. He's the go to person to find something to do and just have fun. He always sees the positive in things, even if its unrealistic and just a beautiful daydream. Baekhyun's pretty good at being the guy to take you out to an amusement park to make you forget your worries. But unlike Baekhyun, everyone else runs out of energy so he can be a bit much at times.
But again, outwardly he may seem fine, everything is not right in his head. Everything is a mantra to stay alive, to hold onto his previous peaceful life. Baekhyun feels mentally drained and he's tired from all the experiments, the testing, the practising and all he wants to do is hide away and shut his eyes, escape from the world. He wants his friends back in his life, was wants his old life back.

— tactless, honest
Baekhyun's mouth runs a little, and sometimes things just come out that seem a little mean or the words a little too harsh. His honesty can also hurt a little, but he tends to try keep things honest as he can in his life.
Not much has changed with his tongue, it's probably gotten worst even. He wants to yell, curse out the scientists for keeping him here and doing all this on him. his tongue and language has gotten darker, and learned to say dark, mean things with such conviction that it could frighten someone. But he's also learnt to keep everything internal while in EX'ACT in case they try and inject him with another genome and leave him in the pain and drug him so that he's unconcious on a good day, or leaving him to drown in the pain when they are annoyed or feeling vengeful. 

— loud, curious, strong-willed
Baekhyun's never been a quiet person, and he's always stuck his nose into other peopls business. Which of course leads to some more unhappy consquences if he gets into the wrong situations. But he always pulls through, willing to escape things with sheer will. His will defining him as a person, as it's basically linked to his outgoing personality.
One thing that hasn't changed while being in EX'ACT is his will, perhaps strengthening so that he keeps on living through experiment after experiment. Baekhyun is curious to see what they have done to him, but this curiousity is shadowed now by a fear of the worst happening. He wants to get out, and theres a dark part of him that wants to return the favour to the scientists so they can see what he went through at times

Baekhyun's never thought himself an idiot, he's never questioned taking leaps of faith into new things. But after EX'ACT, maybe he might question his decisions a little more (though he's never going to admit he's an idiot). The powers are cool though, but they aren't Byun Baekhyun. He's hoping maybe one more leap of faith equals an alright outcome at worst. 


actually had a fear of the dark for the longest time, so light is secretly the best power he could've wished for
loves skinship, hugs and just touching
loves to eat

▻ hates cucumbers
▻ he's messy, loud and likes to borrow other people's things
he's a dog person
▻ likes to sing off-key, loudly.

Don't be afraid, love is the way.

Oh, the moment we become one; we'll be the lucky ones 

First Meeting: 
Baekhyun was one of the last out of the escape route, catching up easily to an exhausted Tian who was still weakened by the chemicals, torture and experimentation that she'd been under. He offered her an arm after barely recognising her from passing an observation room in the past where she'd been strapped down and was thrashing against a metal table in severe pain. He helped pull her out of there with her bottle clutched tightly in her hands. Baekhyun knew where he was supposed to meet the other escapees, and pulled her along as he refused to leave her back in the hands of the people that had ruined their lives. Tian was, for their first encounter, practically in and out of conscious the entire time, and when she awoke rested he was waiting for her near the door. She was eternally greatful that he'd dragged her out, and earned the slightest respect from her, but she was still wary as he was a human. She had no idea what they had done to him, other than take a spark out of his eyes. The male was the first one to start talking, and tried to befriend her, but she pushed him away and just wanted to build walls against humans in general. But in the end he always comes back to her, and she kind of always returns to him (even if it's not that obvious).

Tian and Baekhyun's relationship is hesitant in the beginning, they are most definitely curious of one another. Tian is intrigued by Baekhyun, he's an enigma to her and she has no idea why he keeps trying to talk to her, befriend her, so she remains wary of him. She's always so hyper aware that Baekhyun is or was human, she's not too sure about that herself and she doesn't think he knows either. But she does notice that he's much more than the bright, friendly person on the outside and she can almost see in his eyes that there's something hidden under there. But even then, she feels safer with him than she's felt around most, if not all humans her entire life, though she tries to convince herself that it's because he helped her escape the facility while she was on the verge of collapsing still being weak from the experiments. But she's not the only one watching, Baekhyun is also very much curious of her. It's almost like her aura draws him in, but then he's pushed away by her personality and her wariness towards humans. Not that he can blame her all too much. Like Tian, Baekhyun is also hyper aware that she isn't human, that he can't just come into her life but nonetheless can't help but wish over and over that she was, there's just something that keeps pulling him back to her. This awareness of her not being human also brings caution about the djinn, as he doesn't know what she'll do or even what she can do. The thought isn't pleasant, especially if it could potentially hurt another, but is kept at the back of his head while his heart tells him to befriend her.

Baekhyun took to silently protecting her, if he couldn't be friends with her or close with her, helping her with human customs often in the form of 'random' statements regarding the topic of human customs, culture and mannerism that weren't outwardly directed to her but inwardly for her benefit. This in the beginning wasn't returned at all by Tian, and was in all probably taken more suspiciously by her making her watch him even more closely. However eventually she accepted the practise with a glint in her eyes or even a slight curve to her lips. But despite the slow warming up to one another, there's still a slight tension between the two as they are still unaware of dark, hidden secrets inside of them. Until Baekhyun got a little too personal with her. He didn't mean what he'd said, in fact it was just a light joke to anyone else but it set the djinn off, her internal emotional bottle exploding like they had never seen before (well they hadn't seen it before). And it exposed both of their darkselves to one another, proving exactly what was they had thought, there was something darker hidden beneath any outward facade of Baekhyun and Tian was holding far more power than what anyone had thought, and she could use it in ways unimaginable to what many could have believed from the closed off djinn.

This fight separated them for a short while after lashing out at each other in dark glares, and fury dripping, deep cutting words spitted at one another (for a good hour or two), though neither physically harming one another other than their auras suffocating the surrounding area for the while they were at their most enraged. But after the time away they slowly rewarmed up to one another, eventually exchanging apologies to each other and then the group, making sure to prevent words being exchanged that could be upsetting, because they had grown far too close and they felt lonely without the other as a friend while they were seperated cooling off from their fight. It was at this point more change befell them, their relationship intensified though at a slow progressive rate that saw Baekhyun's curiosity change into care and protection, and Tian's distrust of him fade away after he proved again and again he was worthy of her trust. Neither fought each other a lot, but it's almost always Baekhyun's or someone else's words exploding her emotional bottle first and causing a very superficial, meaningless argument that Baekhyun comes to realise is just her way of venting and has come to accept that he's usually the closest and easiest to fight against (and she really doesn't mean it) and is learning how to deal with an unhappy djinn (though at times his darker side will come out, particularly if she aims a fight at him and is very sharp-worded about it). Their fights are never really intimate or personal, as both need to talk intimate and personal matters out and are practically unable to argue about it with each other.

Their relationship is extrodinarily comfortable after the initial waryiness and the time it took for them to become close, Baekhyun becoming easily one of the few people she feels absolutely comfortable around. Their realtionship developing more into a romantic one (skinship increasing slowly, but steadily), but it is so easily progressed into because there is no need to tell each other when they realise their feelings because they kinda just know each other knows. Baekhyun and Tian's bond is there, and after all they've been through (hunting down EX'ACT, getting revenge), that e
ventually when they say they like (probably even love after what they've been through) each other it's kind of just like 'i know, i like (love) too'. 

After the experiments and the captured take down EX'ACT, Tian finds herself unable to part with Baekhyun. She follows him into his life, and settles down. Baekhyun introduces her to his family, who while they have worried (even though they had been assured his disappearance was for science and he was okay, plus the huge compensation), they welcomed both back into their family. Tian never goes back into her old wandering habits, even though they were engrained into her lifestyle for ages (unless Baekhyun wanted to go somewhere). And naturally introduces the boy to her best friend, Yura, whom takes to Baekhyun very quickly. Even going as far to introduce Baekhyun to her mother, when they finally reunite after so long.

But with the reappearance of her mother, she becomes painfully aware that Baekhyun won't live as long as her and becomes determined to make every last day count, to appreciate every second. Remaining together, and deeply in love with him even though she knows that when he does die (because she's sure he will), she'll probably follow out of heartbreak (djinn can die too, and in her mind it doesn't seem too bad if she can follow him quickly). There's no spell, no magic that can make him live forever and she doesn't want to force him into vampirism to keep him with her forever. But she'll ask him anyway.
(**now whether or not he does get bitten, that can be a surprise. But I'm cool for heartbreak if you want that)

You can call me monster; I'll be your lucky one 

Comments/Suggestions: Not going to lie, i've hyperlinked so much. Especially for appearance so it makes it easier to describe or just get a general image in your head. With Tian, I made it so she could increase the challenge of her bottle (but only to a degree, she can't make it impossible). And then I went into detail about what helps her magic, but like thats just me going off what I know.

Scene Requests: 
Tian teaching Baekhyun about magic
Using magic in general?
Conflicts between the Experiments and the Captured
Teaching each other how to fight
The Captured teaching the Experiments how to fight
Tian exploding (she's really angry at something? maybe a scientist)

Password: Exology



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