Link to Yixing's new show.

Those who are interested to check out Yixing's new TV series The Mystic Nine,you can check it over here.

It's english subbed so no worries. Also,Yixing look divine and the storyline's pretty interesting. The wardrobe and the sets look pretty expensive to me,and the storyline is one of my faves of course. Tom Raiders hu  hu hu.

now the next thing on my mind is to wait like a goat until Luhan's Fighter of Destiny is made available for us thirsties,make no mistake. Luhan is the leading character in that one! And Yixing is one of the leading character in this. I've already finished watching the first episode and let me say that it's pretty interesting.

A huge shout out to the team who took their time to sub it for us thirsties.Hu hu hu.


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