13 is almost 31, right? #nervous

Hello everyone, the one and only Queen Kat here. But you can just call me Kat. Duh.

Look how regal I look with lipstick that doesn't match me at all



also #neversmileforpics

Anyway, so... the days seem to be passing so quickly. There are just a bit more than two weeks before I leave Hungary and go to the UK (YES, SCUNTORPHE! for a year. I'm nervous and scared and shaky and omg I want to go already! I'm working day and night for some money for the first week or so but hopefully it'll go all well :D I need to have my hair done (fire-like ombre this time!) and my nails, too. As you can see my brain is scattered but all in all I'm happy :D my dad is a little... notwantingmetogo but... he doesn't like me going out of the house so lmao. Dads will be dads xD I am writing a lot inmy free time tho. Got the hang of some stories again :3 I am also planning something super dark (anyone remember my oldass fic Insignificant? :D) but that will have to wait xD now, I'll finish typing becase I'm too lazy xD stare at this beautiful (NOT) posters I've been working on xD last one is a super exclusive first glance at the cover of my own book! The dusting (kt's also just the rough base :D)




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magicdeer #1
I will be missing you!
omg you're leaving so soon! Only two weeks away? Definitely post pictures and travel updates! ^^
All these heart wrenching super beautiful posters
And I can't wait for you to start your journey so I can start wishing you luck through telepathy

You know
Just talking trash :D
Taoris95 #4
The poster's are so good~ You have a talent ^_^
I think the lipstick looks great tbh
+ nice eyebrows c: