So... I tried...


I tried singing.

I sang Eyes Nose Lips by Taeyang on Smule Sing! If you know Smule, you know how it yeah... This was a recording someone arranged for a solo and I sang it ^^"

Please give it a listen and let me know what you think of my croaking...ahem...i mean singing.

And if any of you guys are on smule, lets do a collab! :)


Here's the link again!


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Ryuurain #1
Omg,I need to go to sleep.
But like I hope this helps.
And i also hope to hear from you again
I do not know what is smule
I just post my singing videos in instagram
Hahahahaha that was such a hard step
I sound like a kid
But voices are different
And i was like, i will never sing like anyone but i will sing like me
And that right there just like inspired me to do post it
And then I noticed that I could like change the styles too of singing
Like personalize my voice to fit the feeling of the song
And like yeah ...
I'm going to sleep (ahahaha i'll try)
Ryuurain #2
9.Do drink lots of room temperature water. Lemon water also works
10. I believe in you, so hopefully that gives you more spirit to keep it up
11. I am not professional singer nor coach. I just wanted to help you. I commented is not law so you do not have to follow it. BUT IT HAS HELPED ME ALOT AND PROGRESS SO I DOOO ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY AND SEE HOW IT GOES!
12.Thank for sharing this!
This is part of yourself
And you may feel vunerable and exposed
But do not hide
Because there is greatness in all of us
13. Do sing to free yourself (not to impress)
You actually have this steadiness and ground to your voice that would have great use if you master it. So like when you go up instead like Taeyang or like Yonghwa ,who sing up into falsetto and push their larynx box up stressing their voices and cutting the air out, you will have great support of it so your voice won't fall or breal as much. You have a voice like wonderland,you do not even know what is up and do not know where you are going. But if you are not going anywhere then any road will take you there.
Soooo do not be afraid you are dojng it wrong because there is not really no right way to sing. Each voice is unique you, hurting your voice to sound like others is cutting your own wings like don't do it!
Ryuurain #3
1.Chin up
Shoulders back
Straighten your back
Sit up straight, when you hunch your back you are not letting the well enter your body well and making everything work more than it is supposed to. Making you stress your voice
2. DO NOT IMITATE: You are damaging your voice more than you think. This is something we do unconcious as well, but we need to break that habit of imitating. Taeyang has actually has a weak falsetto and the whole song is up there. You are stressing your vocal chords when you imitate, and even more when you try to hit the falsetto notes. You have got to relax them and let the air through
3. Do not sing through your nose, you are hurting yourself more like and as well pushing your larynx box up when you try to go high. Imagine your voice descending from your stomach and back, try to keep there and then slowly make it go higher but don't let go to your nose. If you place your finger on top of your nose you can feel the vibrations. So sitting up straight or standing up straight with a hand on your stomach and a finger on top of your nose, feel your voice so you can control it better.
4. Tap your foot, keep yourself in rhythm it is ok if you mess up lyrics but you need to keep up to beat. Don't hold your breath, allow yourself to breathe don't just gulp air in and then sing with it and stretch it. It is ok to breathe in and out while singing that does not mean you are doing it wrong. It just means that you need air ;)
5. Do not worry wether you sound good or not,worry about wether you can hear yourself or not. Place a finger on your ear, you know the little skin before the ear tunnel push that lightly in so you cover your ear. Now you can hear your self( and tap your foot so you stay on beat).
6. Do encourage yourself to sing more
7. Do take time to appreciate yourself
8. Do tell yourself how proud you are of yourself.