
No, it wasnt about my boyfriend.

It's about my ex boyfriend, that I met a couple days ago.

He's getting more handsome. No doubt.

And he's trying to be friendly with me.

That's .

That cheater started to text me again n call me again.

I ignored em.

And then my boyfriend thought that I cheated on him.

Juz great.



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I'll tell you what i did with my ex because i had been in your place ..

ignore him , ignore him at all cost, block him from everywhere and when he text or call don't reply or answer him back , and tell him firstly you don't want to have anything to do with him anymore and he can go himself for all you care (*i didn't do the last one but you can if you want :D *) anyway just seriously tell him you don't want to have anything with him and ignore him after that

and as for you boyfriend, you need to apologise first for not telling him since the beginning, and come clean to him , tell him every thing and if you really want to be with him you can tell him and keep trying and trying to tell him that , don't give up easily since he's hurt, and both of you hurting and not doing anything will drift you apart, you have to come over your ego and keep trying telling him the truth

i really hope everything will be good for you , you have been hurted enough and i know how cheating and accusation feel
I think you should let your bf know all about your ex. He will understand.
Or send a message to your ex that he is a lying bastard and curse at him, leave your message on so that your current bf sees it.
Explain to your bf. If he loves you, he will understand.
Daneyed #5
Well, at least you ignored them.