유착 Coalesce / Miss Vietnam has arrived!

replace with fc 120*172

  Ruby Tran  

birthname. Tran, Ruby Hong Ngoc

other names. 

Hong Ngoc - Vietnamese name

Ruby - English Name


– Mello :: She got the nickname during high school and her group of friends loved Death Note. She loves eating chocolate just like Mello from Death Note. That nick name has stuck to her ever since.

date of birth. February 26th, 1995
birthplace. Melbourne, Australia
ethnicity. Vietnamese
language spoken. 

– English, Fluent - She grew up in Australia so she would speak english with most people around he.
– Vietnamese, Fluent - It's the native tongue language she was raised to speak since her parent were full Vietnamese.

– Korean, Advanced - She started learning Korean because the Korean shows she was watching took so long for the english subtiles to come out.



personality traits.  Supportive, confident, caring, creative, explorer, fearless, Peace maker, never backs down when challenged, a bit dirty minded (Blame highschool),  open minded.

Motto. A bit of insanity gives life colour. 


Ruby is a big risk taker so she would take on any chalenge. She loves to try new things and the bigger the challenge the better. Most of it happens when she's producing music which makes her creativity shine. She's also caring especially to the people she cares most. If you need someone to just listen to your problems she's the one you go to and will listening to you without judging. She will also do everything in her power to defend the people she really cares about. Another aspect of her is that she's the peace maker meaning that if their's an arguement or something she wouldn't care who started it she will end it. She also loves exploring new places which will sometime get her lost but she will always somehow find her way home. There are times when she's immature and during this time is when her dirty mind is at its peak.


For most of the time of her life she was a quiet girl who would keep to herself which made her an easy target for bullying in high school.She thought that her older brother would help her but by then he had turned into a selfish, cold hearted person that doesn't want anything to do with her. But one day she had enough and stood up to her bully which made her bully run for the hills and never mess with her again. After that incident she toughened herself up. She became a more out going girl who wasn't affraid to speak her mind which boosted her confidence. 

Most of her life she didn't know what to do with her life which made her dad worry about her future. Her life kinda drifted for a bit; trying out different jobs areas. If she didn't like it at least she had the experience is what she thought. That was until she decided to turn her interest in music into a career. She started going to music festivals like Tomorrowland/Tomorrow World, EDC and Ultra Music Festival for inspiration for creating her own music. While making EDM music she would send in her tracks to different music coampaies which was how she got accepted in Spinnin' Records.



– likes

-EDM music
-Korean and chinese dramas
-Marvel movies


-bad manners
-slugs and snails (bloody gross)
-country music
-horror movies

– hobbies

-Creating new beats
-Dancing cutting shapes shuffle especially in her LED sneaker (here), (dance eg. 1, 2, 3, 4) she would end up teaching other band members how to dance like she does.
-loves exploring the streets of big cities


– habits

-Would sleep in a lot
-loves annoying people with the phrase 'That's what she said"-
-Gets uncomfortable when people stare at her while she's eating
-gets moody whenever anyone takes her food without asking

– trivia
-She travels between Korea and Europe a lot (most of the time is when the group isn't doing much)
-Working in the backgroundin the production of Wave by R3hab, Amber & Luna
-Attended acting school for a while before dropping out and moving into the music industry
-Has two ear piecings on her right ear 
-she has a tatoo of a saxaphone on her hip


relationships.  only include those who are important and matter to your character

– Old friends :: Olivia Li 19 / Member of Rookie group (Name) from SM / Bubbly, Positive, Caring, Kiddy / They were close friends in high school but after graduation they ended up going different ways. With Olivia going to Korea to become a trainee and Ruby heading to Europe to Spinnin' Records. When they both met up again after Ruby joined Coalesce they were both overjoyed and would hang out ofter. Ruby thought that Olivia was interested in Wonho and would get jealous but Olivia only talked to Wonho to try get close to another member of Monsta X. 


– Older Brother :: Daniel Tran (24) / Who know (Cos he left Ruby) / Her and Daniel use to be close since their dad was busy working. But the early years of Ruby's high school life and her brother was close to being a senior her started hanging out with the wrong crowd and he changed from being a caring older brother to a cold heartless person. Also, when you throw druggs and alcohol into the mix the person she cared and admired turned into a total stranger. There would be times when he would fight with their dad, other times argure with her for hours. But one day she came home to her dad telling her that Daniel packed up and left. Which left Ruby crying for days since it hurt to have her only brother leave without saying goodbye. She hates the person her brother became but a part of her still wants to go look for him.

– Brother from another mother :: Martin Garrix (22) / DJ / personality traits / He started off as one of Ruby's mentors when she first started at Spinnin' Record. Listening to her music, pointing out the good and the bad; which parts she needs to work on. He then showed her the ropes on how DJ in front of a large crowd of people and would let her behind the decks at some of his music festival performances. Slowly they hung out more and became close to the point they both see each other as siblings they never had. He bcame the caring, protective older brother that her real brother stopped being. 


( Miss 5 + main vocalist, dancer ) 


Singing Twin.  Minah (Girl's Day)

Dancing Twin.  Hyoyeon (Girls Generation)

Rappint twin.  None

  Spinnin' Records/Starship Entertainment + TRAINEE LIFE

Just like how R3hab teamed up with F(x)'s Amber and Luna to create Wave. Spinnin' Records wanted to strengthen their relations with the kpop industry so they sent Ruby over to Korea since she could speak Korean to produce some music. One night while Ruby was mixing music together in one of the producing rooms at Starship the CEO heard her sing Latch by Disclosure and thought that this girl's voice is amazing and she would give a different angle to kpop music. So she was sat down along with her manager and some higher up of Spinnin' Records and the CEO of Starship Entertainment to discuss a duo contract with both companies. After that was all sorted she was put into training which lasted for 2 years and 6 months.



Why do you think you were picked to take part in this global project? I think I was chosen because my background of EDM music fits what this project is trying to achieve. Which is bringing different styles and angle in the kpop industry.


What makes you different compared to the other 6 girls? I am different from the others because it took me a while to find what I am passionate about. Which made me experiment a lot of differnt areas and experiences before settling with the music industry.

What can you bring to Coalesce? I would say my creativity would echo throughout Coalesce. So there will be a lot of experimentation with music styles and beats.

What does Coalesce mean to you?. To me Coalesce means coming together and sharing our differences to create something amazing.

Do you think this is a good way to get foreigners to join kpop?  This is a great way to get foreigner to join kpop because it opens the doors for everyone to join the kpop industry.

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replace with love int 120*172

  Shin hoseok (Wonho) 

back up. Park Chanyeol

– Wonho is a really sweet guy. Even though he can be cocky and arragant at times. Sometime his cockiness can annoy Ruby making her want to punch his perfect face. He's obessed with hugging Ruby  but she can't complain because she likes it too. He really cares for his group members and Ruby. He also get jealous easily. If he senses that another guy is getting to close to Ruby she he will try to get her away from the other guy.

love story. 

– Before Ruby signed the duo contract - Monsta X members just finished their dance practice and were filing out of the practice room when they heard a voice singing the chorus to Wedding Dress by Taeyang. To Wonho it was a mesmerizing voice with so much passion. They all turned their heads and saw a girl walking down the hall so they called out to her. Ruby didn't hear them since she had her headphones in her ears. when she turned the corner Wonho and a few of the other members raced down the hall and also turned the corner she had turned but she was gone which disappointed Wonho.

–After Ruby signed the duo contract - Ruby was just messing around with the turntable in one rooms at Starship to Care by R3hab. The door suddenly burst open with Wonho falling flat on his face with Minhyuk falling on top of him because they both leaned against the door listening to Ruby DJ. After she helped the two up all three of them started chatting about a lot of things.

–She was soon introduced to the rest of the members of Monsta X but Wonho would make sure she doesn't get too close with the other members. Minhyuk would about this all the time. Slowly two began to get closer with each other and he found it cute when she sometimes messes up her Korean.


status. Not offically dating yet but hang out a lot
ending.  Wonho is scared of coffessing to Ruby; not just because she might reject him but also because her duo contract seems complicated and he doesn't want to burden her with a relationship. But they somehow ended up coffessing to each other but haven't started dating because of all the visits to Starship Entertainment Office to see if dating is possible. Also Ruby's many phone calls and skype calls to Spinnin' Records to figure this out. (Spinnin' Records is not up tight as Starship about the two dating). They end up dating and announce it a year after debut.

   Mello_marshmallow : Quinn

last words.  Hi. I hope you like Ruby. Her faceclaim is Vietnamese actress Midu also known as Dang Thi My Dung.

scenes requests.

– Just after Ruby and Wonho confess, they sit down and let what just happened sink in. Ruby take a deep breathe and stare into his eye and says "We'll figure this out somehow" and smiles at him which makes his heart flutter.
– While waiting for their turn to perform at M COUNTDOWN a member says "I bet you won't (add a dare here)" to Ruby and she announces "Challenge Accepted!"
– Have them appear on Weekly Idol
– Spinnin' Record need Ruby in Belgium for a music festival and somehow the whole group end up exploring Belgium


password.  Sunshine


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