❊ ARORA ❊ Plotline #4 ❊ Dani ❊





✩ None


✩ Korean - Fluent - She was born and raised in Korea. She does, however have a thick Busan dialect that she tries hard to not show.
✩ English - Conversational - She learnt it through school as well as through the company.


✩ Seoyeon has been praised for her visuals, though she seems to think she is average looking. She has long, thick brown hair with no bangs. She also has pale skin and a small face. She has a lean, slender body due to her height. Many people has said her eyes are pretty.


✩ Seoyeon thinks she looks her best in black clothing, and so loves to wear punk-styled clothes. She does not get cold easily, so she owns a lot of short sleeved shirts. She almost always wears stockings under her shorts or skirts and owns only black beanies. She also loves studded accessories. Her wardrobe consists of mainly black and white chlothing, with many tartan skirts and ripped denim jeans and shorts. 


BIRTHDATE: January 19, 1995
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea



HEIGHT: 173cm
WEIGHT: 54kg

who I am




Positive: Determined, sincere, passionate, self-discliplined
Negative: Obsessive, harsh, short-tempered, intolerant


Seoyeon is determined when it comes to her work. So determined that sometimes it becomes obsessive. She will often stay several nights at the studio to perfect a dance routine or rap sequence. In this obsession, she will contastly show her dance routine or rap sequence to everyone else, asking if there was any mistake or if she needed to put more emphasis on any part. Unfortunately, sometimes, this can lead to her being careless with other work due to all the focus on the one part. An example of this would be when she got so into her perfecting her dance routine that she forgot to start her rap seuqence.
Seoyeon is passionate about her work. Even though she had only starting to become passionate about music when she became a trainee, she nonetheless wants Arora to deliver the best performances, to the best of the team's ability, no matter the amount of effort needed. Seoyeon's desire for perfection can often lead to her being harsh to the other Arora members. She can sometimes be seen scolding other members who may have not put in as much effort into their part or have made a mistake.
Seoyeon is a self-disclipined person, and can often mask her nerves before going on a stage to perform. She also is one of the earliest to get up in the morning, and does not slack off on exercising and any other commitments she may have. Her habit of sticking to a rigid routine that she has made for herself (and sometimes for some of the other members) can lead to her being very short-tempered and intolerant with some of the other members of Arora. 
Besides Seoyeon's love for her work, she is also a sincere and thoughtful person. She often practises with other members who may play similar performance roles to her. 


Kim Seoyeon was born and raised in Busan, South Korea. She was generally a quiet and obedient only child who was loved by her parents. She started dancing when she was 7 in ballet, and switched over to hip-hop when she was 10, a decision she pitched to her parents, who readily agreed with her. She knew she wanted a career in dance, so she decided to audition for JYP when she was 15. 



✩ Pineapples 
✩ f(x) 
✩ Chai lattes
✩ Using her Polaroid camera
✩ Meerkats


✩ Her Busan dialect
✩ Horror movies
✩ Butterflies
✩ Sannakji
✩ People cutting her off in a conversation


✩ Biting her nails
✩ Putting her hands in her pocket
✩ Playing with other people's hair
✩ Linking hands with other members
✩ Cries easily, but never lets anyone see it


✩ She is obsessed with nail stickers 
✩ She likes to play basketball
✩ She wants to learn to play the drums one day
✩ She likes pastel colours, but thinks she doesn't look good wearing those colours
✩ She wants to raise a pet bunny one day


✩ She does pilates everyday
✩ She has been a MeU since f(x)'s debut
✩ She brings her Polaroid camera everywhere with her
✩ She lowkeys plays otome games and kept it a secret until a member of Arora found out (you can choose who and when they found out)
✩ Seoyeon knows by instinct if there is a butterfly within a certain radius of her and will get up and move away after noticing a butterfly. She will remain restless until the butterfly is out of sight.


✩ Friend - Im Nayeon (20) / Idol (Member of Twice) /  Bubbly, friendly, sweet / Close friends
Nayeon and Seoyeon first met in a practice room the two has frequented often as trainees. She was much more outgoing compared to Seoyeon, and allowed Seoyeon to open up. The two would always have lipsync and dance battles with each other and would occassionally get into trouble, but they were always together. Many trainees knew of their close friendship, though many still apporached Nayeon rather than Seoyeon. Nayeon is aware of her shyness and encourages her to have courage. When Seoyeon tells her that she'll be transferring to Bighit, she has a mixed reaction as she knows that Seoyeon, skill-wise, will be much better off there, but knows that she will miss her a lot. They've continued to keep contact even after Twice and Arora's debuts.

✩ Friend - Lia Kim (29) / Choreographer (JYP) / Supportive, friendly / Close (teacher-student friendship)
Lia was Seoyeon's dance teacher throughout her last 2 years in JYP. Lia first noticed her dancing skills after Seoyeon was required to freestyle a dance routine. Seoyeon gradually became one of her favourite students due to her never-ending perserverance and her natural ability to freestyle. Lia had a feeling that Seoyeon was always underestimating herself, and always encouraged her to train as an idol rather than just a dancer. Seoyeon would always never agree, since she had been told that she was not suited to be an idol when she first entered JYP.
When Seoyeon had been struggling to think of a dance routine for her next dance evaluation (and consequently was heavily crictised for her lackluster dance routine) Lia realised that her dancing style would perfectly suit Bighit's. She knew that the lackluster dance routine would keep her from being able to partcipate in any large JYP projects for some time, and that much of her talents were being wasted in JYP. This final incident was an indicator to Lia that Seoyeon should be transferred to Bighit, and so Seoyeon was transferred under her referral. 
Seoyeon unfortunately was unable to keep contact with Lia due to the rushed transfer. She eventually is able to meet her again through some of her friends in JYP after her debut and fully expresses her gratefulness to Lia.

✩ Friend - Park Jimin (20) / Idol (Member of BTS) / Shy, hyper, considerate / Close friends
Jimin and Seoyeon first met when she asked him to team up for a dance evaluation they had to do, having been impressed by his dancing. After founding out they were the same age and similar interests, they became friends quickly. Seoyeon likes to as if he was a little brother due to her being slightly older than him. Other trainees would describe their relationship as a confusing combination of older sister/young brother and same-age friends. To counter her teasing, Jimin likes to pair up with Taehyung (V from BTS) to scare her with the things she hates the most, namely, butterflies, horror movies and sannakji. Jimin is the one to subtly encourage Seoyeon to talk to Namjoon as he is aware of her crush on him despite her having never told anyone. They continue to keep contact after BTS and Arora's debut. 

who I'll be




POSITION: Main dancer, sub rapper, sub vocalist (#4)
BACKUP POSITION: Lead rapper, lead dancer (#3)
STAGE PERSONA: Dani exudes passion and charisma on-stage. She can sometimes be so lost in a dance or rap routine that she doesn't notice her surroundings. 
VARIETY PERSONA: Dani is awful at aegyo often avoids it. She lets the other members show off their talents over her own. She can be seen hugging her knees or physically cringing whenever her members do or say something cringeworthy or embarrassing. She is quiet and gives off a "mysterious" vibe. However, she is not afraid to assist her members if she feels there is an awkward atmopshere and someone needs to help out a member.

PRODUCTION TALENT: Dani was a dancer before being anything, so it only makes sense that she helps out with chreographing dance routines for the group. She can also compose and write lyrics, but still struggles a lot with it. 


Kwon Yuri (SNSD)
1 2 3

Meng Jia (former Miss A member)
1 2 3  



Seoyeon passed JYP auditions and trained only as a dancer for three years. She was told that she was not suited for rapping nor singing, and should focus on her strongest point, dance, only. Many other trainees admired her hardworking attitude, but many also did not approach her as they found her intimidating. As a result, she only had a few friends.
A close friend that Seoyeon made while in JYP realised her potiental to be an idol after hearing her try out rapping and singng, and recommended her to Bighit Entertainment, where she would be able to utilise both her strong dancing and budding rapping skills. 
She transferred to Bighit, where not only was she trained in dancing, rapping and singing, but also in composing and songwriting. She was intimidated and scared, because she had transferred out from JYP, a company of the Big 3, where it her friends were and where she was comfortable in. She had potiental in rapping, but she was nowhere near good enough for kpop standards, let alone Bighit standards. She watched GLAM and BTS debut and cheered them on, knowing some of them personally. With GLAM, she was devastated to hear of their disbandment and attempted to contact them to know what was going on. She congratulated BTS personally over text when they won #1 with I NEED U. She was scared that she would never debut and kept practising and pushing herself until it was confirmed she would be in Arora.


✩ Appeared in 'Painkiller' MV (T-ARA & THE SEE YA & 5DOLLS & SPEED)
She composed the song and helped with some of the lyrics. The production team thanked her by letting her be in the MV.


✩ None

What i am


Please introduce yourself:

✩ Hello viewers, I am Arora's Dani. Thank you for having me here.

Why have you decided to become an idol? Why have you chosen bighit ENTERtainment?

✩ I knew that I was going to be in some sort of dance career, because I knew I loved it that much. Initally, I was thinking of just being a choreographer or a back-up dancer and nothing more, but when I found out that I could also rap, I decided to challenge myself and train to be an idol. 
It wasn't so much a choice, to be honest, because a good friend of mine recommended me to transfer to Bighit. I trusted her words, and I had heard many good things about the company, so I went along with it. 

How do you feel about debuting? Do you think you're ready?

I'm the happiest I could ever be. I actually bawled my eyes out when I heard that I was going to debut in Arora. In fact, I can feel myself tearing up again, sorry. It's a big lift off my shoulders. I now know for certain that I'll be able to showcase my skills, whereas as a trainee I was never certain if I was going to debut or not. I'd like to think, after 6 years, I would be ready, but I still believe I have to improve. 

there are some controversies regarding your debut. People are saying Arora is trying to ride on the success of bts, and that arora is modelled to be bts' female copy. Any thoughts on that?

✩ It's understable that people would think that way. However, Arora does not have any songs out yet, and I think it would be a little too early for people to say stuff like that when there is nothing to compare Arora to. 

is there anything else you plan for your idol career other than arora?

✩ Honestly, I haven't thought much about this. I'd like to continue choreographing not only for my own group, but also maybe for future Bighit groups. 

anything else you'd like to add?

✩ Please keep supporting Arora! And thank you, once again, for having me here.


who i love


LOVE INTEREST: BTS - Rap Monster (Kim Namjoon) 

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: GOT7 - Junior (Park Jinyoung)


✩ Smart and talented, Kim Namjoon, more commonly known as Rap Monster is the leader of BTS. On stage, he is a fierce rapper that exudes charisma as he delivers his lines. Off stage, he is described by the other BTS members as "timid", "careless" and has a habit of breaking things. Despite all this, he is a deep and philosophical thinker, and this is reflected in his straightforward answers and music.


✩ Since Namjoon was a long-time Bighit trainee (being the first member in BTS), Seoyeon became aquainted with him when she was transferred from JYP to Bighit. However, Seoyeon did not become friends with Namjoon until a year before Arora debuted. Seoyeon found him cute, but kept her crush to herself. Later on, during another promotion cycle, they met up again and got each other's phone numbers (this is only if Arora were allowed phones, otherwise she could just have had his phone number when BTS debuted). Being well aware that Namjoon was previously a credible underground rapper, Seoyeon seeked his help whenever her members weren't available and she had trouble with her lyrics. She would message him frequently and ask him for ideas. Sometimes, she would call him up and he would listen to her rant about her members' ridiculous antics. Likewise, he would call up Seoyeon about ideas. Sometimes, albeit rarely, they would even meet up in real life and have coffee together. Over time, their messages to each other started to become flirtatious and they confessed to each other over phone. 

STATUS: Acquaintances --> Friends --> Dating (in secret)



cynthaiz ✩ Cynthia

LAST COMMENT: Please do tell me if I need to expand or change anything. I'm aware some parts may be too brief.


✩ Arora being in the same waiting room with a popular group and chatting with them
(Would prefer it to be BTS, f(x), EXO, Red Velvet or GOT7) 


Fanclub colour - Dark Orchid #9932CC
Song - Red Velvet's Time Slip



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The only thing I ask for now is, can you please add a link to pictures of your face claim. It doesn't have to be a gallery - even a tumblr search is more than enough. Thank you in advance ^_^