★☆CELESTIAL☆★| Audrey Li



Personal Details:

Username: cynthaiz

Nickname: Cynthia


Plotline (Planet/Sun/Moon): Jupiter

Star sign: Sagittarius

Character name: Audrey Li

Character's nicknames & reasons for them:

Audrey's only nickname is “Dre”.
[Enunciate the ‘e’ like you would when you say ‘tree’.]
Her nickname "Dre" came about when a non-celebrity friend of hers couldn’t pronounce the “Au” at the beginning of her name due to speech problems and ended up calling her “Dre”. It has stuck with Audrey, since she herself is fond of the nickname too.

Character's Ethnicity: Australian-Chinese

Character's birthplace & places where she has lived:
Audrey was b
orn in Sydney, Australia, and lived there for 16 years. She currently lives in Seoul, South Korea, and has been living there for 3 years.

Room-mate: [Author’s discretion]


  • Rap
    Audrey likes alternative rock, and much of her music preferences come from her brother’s influence. She slowly found that she always liked the rap segments of the songs, and decided to find more rap-based rock. In addition, she’s always has a poetic streak, and so wanted to try out rapping for herself.
    Audrey ends up using a lot of English in her lyrics, often leading to public crticism. She feels frustrated that she cannot express herself through her lyrics due to the language barrier, and so attempts to use more and more Korean with each song that she writes. She initally does not seek the help of her members, until she is eventually coaxed into it.
    Jolly V - [1] [2] [3]

  • Dance
    Audrey has been dancing ever since she got into Bighit. She finds that memorising choreography comes to her easily. Not many people would be aware that she dances well as most of the focus that comes to her would be on her raps. She, however, cannot do freestyle well.
    GI's OneKet and Tiny-G's Mint, respectively - [1] [2]




Description (refer to 1 photo + details):

Audrey 's birthdate is November 25, 1996. She is 171cm and has the blood type AB. She can speak fluent English, basic Chinese and conversational Korean. She wears glasses and wears an angel-winged shaped ring on her left middle finger at all times.

Clothing Sense:

Audrey likes to wear athleisure-styled clothing, as she finds it comfortable.

Makeup Style:

When her make-up stylists are not around, she prefers no make-up. However, When Audrey's in the mood, she likes to have dramatic eye make-up. Otherwise, if she is required to go out, she wears minimal make-up.



Audrey's family contains her father, mother, her older brother and herself.
Audery's father is Calvin Li. He is 52 years old and works as businessman. He frequents business trips to European countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Germany.
Audrey's mother is Renee Wang. She is 49 years old and works as a businesswoman, under the same company as Calvin. She frequents business trips to the United States.
As a result of both parents being away from home often, they have become distant from their children. It is very rare for the family to have all come back home around the same time.

Audrey's older brother is Jake Li. He is 24 years old and works as an accountant. He keeps in contact with Audrey often through Skype and gives her lots of advice. He has given most of his music collection to Audrey.

Audrey has 2 close non-celebrity friends: Tiffany Cao and Erica Ng. They all contact each other often, most of the time being through Jake. Tiffany is an energetic and postive girl who wants nothing but the best for her friends. Tiffany went with Audrey to try out for SM auditions in 2011 but both failed. Tiffany is currently studying international law and is in her 2nd year. Erica is a patient, motherly girl who tries her best to take care of her friends. She is a producer signed under Sony Music Australia.

Through her brother's influence, Audrey found a love for alternative rock, specifically rap rock. Both her parents were often away all year round, and she only had her brother to accompany her. As a result, she and Jake took care of their house. She often listened to her brother's iTunes library, which contained lots of rock, before she discovered K-pop in 2007, with Epik High being one of the first groups she knew. It wasn't long before she also discovered J-rock and anime. Because Audrey liked writing poems, it didn't long before she also started attempting to make raps. She never showed this, not even to her brother. 
She started to send her online audition tapes to several companies, and got denied from all except BigHit. When she told her family about passing this, her parents were furious but Jake supported her. Audrey told her parents bluntly that if they did not approve of this, she would still be able to sign the contract anyway because Jake, as her legal guardian, would willingly sign it for her. She seldom contacts her parents and vice versa as a result of this incident.



[I feel like most of her personality can be seen in her family background, so apologies for the short paragraphs here]

Audrey is an independent and honest girl. She always finds way to improve herself without the assistance of others, as she feels that she is capable enough to do tasks herself. She takes good care of the younger members and helps out around the dorm often.

However, when Audrey is serious about accomplishing a goal, she can come off as unemotional. 


Family, Friends, Rivals & Love:

She is on bad terms with her parents, but still remains close to her brother Jake.

Jin - BTS
He treats Audrey as a little sister, even spoiling her at times much to the chagrin of the other BTS and Celestial members. They frequent ly cook together whenever they have the time. Jin often corrects Audrey whenever she make a mistake in Korean, and she corrects Jin with his English mistakes.

Danielle Jung - Trainee under BigHit
Danielle and Audrey's relationship comes off as strange to most people. They could talking like best friends with one another, then be not-so-subtly side-eyeing each other at monthly evaluations. Simply, they are frenemies.

Love Interest: None

Backup Love Interest: None

Love Story: None



Comments: None

Scene Requests: None

Suggestions: None


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