Exo Comeback Thoughts, and a bit of rambling.

I may be a little late but the EXO monster dance practice just came out and in the 18 hours it's been out it's already reached substantial views. I'm happy about that, really! And to look at the Monster MV with over 28 million, is amazing. I'm just kind of sad about Lucky One. First off, I think EXO's comeback music videos were a bit dissapointing to me. I feel like they were just shelled out with some great songs. I can get roped into a great song either way, it just takes longer when the music video doesn't reach the potential I feel it has or the attention I feel it deserves. I'm not blaming the group members for that at all especially since they continue to work hard for us and themselves. That's why I feel disappointed with the direction of the music videos. I think that they didnt know how to tie in the powers concept anymore, so they just threw it in there in the Lucky One MV. Aside from the music videos, I really love both the songs. It kind of makes me sad though because I almost feel like Lucky One isn't getting the hype it deserves. It comes in at 13 million views in contrast to it's counterpart and there hasn't been a MV dance version or dance practice released. This is all personal opinion, of course. I just love to see EXO break out from their shell every once in a while and to show their funky side. Dark and y EXO is great too (I can't complain about those smouldering eyes) I just feel like people gravitate towards Monster more and feel a little bad for Lucky One because it's a really great song and from their live performances, has a great and fun dance too!


Personally, I fell into the world of K-pop in a bit of an odd time of my life and used it as a way to stay happy and be postive. That might play into why I love these upbeat songs like Lucky One a lot so when they start to pull them out again it makes me really happy. I just imagine like a big pillow fight and smiles and laughter and dancing around in your underwear with it blasting from a stereo. Or even breaking out into a sloppy, energy spiked dance in the middle of a room with your headphones at full volume. Monster is completely cool. I love these types of songs too but Lucky One makes me want to jam out in my car, going 80 to who cares. So all in all, I love exo's comeback! Great job, once again.


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