laptop vs phone

I discover to my self that i am more comfortable writing my stories on my phone rather than my laptop.


For example. I am writing in my laptop.

*types types types *ding*

i will hear a chat sound or notif. It really easily disturb me and i'll end up forgetting that i'm writing.


When on my phone

*types types types*

no text, no calls

*types types types*

no messages,no notification

*types types types*

My enemy is just my battery.



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the words and ideas seem to flow better when i'm lying in bed about to sleep but i can't do that with my laptop so i use my phone. plus, the laptop kind of makes my neck and back hurt.. ; ; i usually put my phone on plane mode to avoid notifications so like you, the battery is my only enemy. when i first began writing i had a nokia with a qwerty keyboard, so the battery lasted ages and the keyboard was so much easier to use, but now it's dead. but my new phone makes it easier to transfer my writings so i guess that's a plus.
Hayaley #2
No way am I writing on the phone. I read fics on it but never write. Besides, I get more notifications on my phone than on my laptop.
I prefer writing on my laptop. I find it so much easier to type and I find easy to ignore social media notifications as well on my laptop, haha.
I prefer to write with my laptop. I cant write with my phone cause the words somehow stick all together and I dont know why.. Sadly my laptop is sick so i cant or havent been update like for months..
I don't know which one I prefer. With my phone it seems much slower but then again my laptop has a kinda broken keyboard and it's pretty irritating. My phone doesn't didcover typos tho, and that .__. Still I wrote my first fic using only my phone, and I use both for the one I'm currently working on.
And yeah, the goddamn battery XD