Pet Peeve #1

You know what I'm really getting tired of?

Reading about a protagonist who's parents died, or is an orphan, or has one parent dead while the other parent is in the hospital getting extremely expensive treatment, which drives the protagonist to work 3 part time jobs while still attending school and being top of her class.

What the .

Like I get it. It makes the character more desirable to the male idols going after her, but holy . It's a little redundant, isn't it? Am I the only one seriously annoyed by this? Why can't the protagonist have a happy family? Or atleast both parents who aren't drunks or have a gambling problem? Or a sibling that doesn't have some sort of rare tumor? Not going to lie, there are some really well done stories out there that happen to have this stuff I aforementioned, but it's not often that you come across them.

And I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it's hard not to. 

I mean, I'll still read the story and see how it goes, but at that point you already have me hanging on by a thread. I'm ready to close the tab any second.

Not only does this happen, but the girl is seriously stubborn and won't take help from anyone. What? NO ONE in real life would deny money from a hot man that wants your affection. Sure, it might seem scandolous at a point, but if you have your father's gambling debt to pay. your mother's hospitals bills to pay, your brother's school tuition, your own tuition, and all the necessary bills you need to pay in order to stay in your house to eat, shower, and sleep, then I would take the ing money. Who are you trying to fool here? 

With that said, I'm out.

Just wanted to get that off my chest lmao.





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Hayaley #1
I kinda blame it on k-drama. If you think about it, that's a lot of the protagonists in k-drama. However, I do get what KookieKandles said too. Not only the US but in most parts of the world, that is reality for a lot of people. And fiction is sometimes the extension of a person's real life so I guess it's not surprising that it appears in the fics here.
maybe those stories are written by people like me who dont have loving parents
just because you have a happy two parent home doesn't mean that's the norm for everyone
here in the us, most my friends are children of divorce
that is our reality
so why can't we write about it?
I swore off those plots years ago.